morning worship

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MORNING WORSHIP August 26, 2018

Half past Ten O’Clock

Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost When the organ begins, please prepare for worship through silent prayer and meditation. Following the service, greet one another with joy and affection!


Kathryn Pedrotty, Montclaire Elementary Lied


The Lord Is God


Leader: People: Leader: People: Leader: People: All:

Louis Vierne AZMON 2 Corinthians 5:17-19

If anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation. We give thanks for new beginnings. In the beginning, the heavens shone forth a star as Jesus was born. God shines a light unto our path. In the beginning, the heavens opened and Jesus was called, Beloved. In baptism we are claimed as God’s beloved children. We give thanks for new beginnings!


Here I Am, Lord Matthew 8:24-25

A gale arose on the lake, so great that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but Jesus was asleep. They woke Him, saying ‘Lord, save us! We are dying!’ *LITANY OF CONFESSION (Unison)

Walker Burgin (Youth Elder): We will get overwhelmed by tests, homework, and activities, and wonder how we will ever make it through. People: Grant us quiet confidence and calm. Help us to ask for help when we feel stress. Reagan Patterson (Confirmand): Our teachers, parents, and friends will frustrate us. They will be unfair, hurt us and not understand what we are going through. People: Give us peace and rest in the midst of the storms raging around us and within us. Alex Flowers (11th Grade): We will be measured, tested, and judged. We will confuse self-worth with how well we perform or how well we fit in. People: Comfort us in knowing that You have already judged us, and by Your Son, found us to be good, calling us each by name. Connor Simmons (7th Grade): We will see darkness, injustice, mean spiritedness, and bullying. We will be tempted to join in or remain silent. People: Give us the courage to stand firm in Your faith, as we seek to love others and stand up for the oppressed. Sarah Howard (6th Grade): We will want to hold grudges, gripe, and gossip when we are wounded or feel insecure. Forgive us, O Lord. People: By Your grace, empower us to forgive, as we have been forgiven. Amen.


Leader: Leader: People:

Matthew 8:26-27

He answered, ‘Why are you so afraid, you of little faith?’ Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a calm. They were amazed. Friends, Believe the Good News of the Gospel! In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven!


Take My Life


Take my life, and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee. Take my moments and my days; Let them flow in ceaseless praise, Let them flow in ceaseless praise.

PROCLAIMING THE WORD A MESSAGE FOR YOUNG DISCIPLES New Beginnings Immediately following Message for Young Disciples, kindergarteners and first graders are invited to the Chapel. They will return to the Sanctuary during the Doxology.

Kim Lee


Deuteronomy 6:1-9, pew Bible, p. 162


Matthew 22:34-40, pew Bible, p. 900


“Teach Your Children Well”

Lori Raible



Take My Life


Take my hands, and let them move At the impulse of Thy love. Take my feet, and let them be Swift and beautiful for Thee. Swift and beautiful for Thee. PRESENTATION OF EAGLE SCOUT AWARD TO WILL HOSKINS LITANY OF THE PEOPLE

Teacher: People: Student: People: Teacher: People: Student: People: Teacher: People: Student: People: Teacher: People: Student: People:

A Prayer for Schools

Joe Bentley, Scoutmaster Andy Wertz and Ben Muldrew

Holy God… In whom we live and move and have our very being. Thank You… For the gift of Your light in the children among us, for Your promise to know their greatest joys and their deepest sorrow, for Your deep and abiding love. Teach us… Our responsibility towards Your children. Open our hearts and minds to the needs we must meet, to gaps that we must fill, to doors we must open, to wisdom we must impart. Direct us… In paths of righteousness as we make decisions about our schools – about work and worth, salary and program support, the provision of food, transportation and support services. Guide us… To engage, advocate, listen, ask and act. We pray for children whose brains are dancing with hope and curiosity; For children for whom learning is made difficult because of barriers rooted in language, inequity, or challenges of mind, body and medication; For children who arrive fragile, hungry, scared, sad or broken; For children whose legs cannot navigate the stairs of the school bus, playground or the building; For children who are nourished by play, beautiful music and the opportunity to create art; For children for whom school is the only happy and safe place;

Teacher: People: All:

For all teachers, bus drivers, custodians, administrators, nutrition specialists, counselors, psychologists, nurses and volunteers who give all they have, knowing that more is needed. Inspire in us the courage to advocate, the wisdom to insist on what is right and good, and the compassion to work for wholeness for all children and all who serve them. Amen. Take My Life



Take my voice, and let me sing Always, only, for my King. Take my lips, and let them be Filled with messages from Thee, Filled with messages from Thee. INVITATION TO DISCIPLESHIP AND CALL TO OFFERING PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND GIFTS When the Trumpet Sounds


Andre Thomas

*DOXOLOGY (Hymn 592)



Take My Life


Take My Life


Take my silver and my gold, Not a mite would I withhold; Take my intellect, and use Every power as Thou shalt choose, Every power as Thou shalt use. CLOSING HYMN (Verses 5 and 6)

Take my will and make it Thine; It shall be no longer mine. Take my heart, it is Thine own; It shall be Thy royal throne, It shall be Thy royal throne. Take my love; my Lord, I pour At Thy feet its treasure store. Take myself, and I will be Ever, only, all for Thee, Ever, only, all for Thee. *BENEDICTION *CHORAL RESPONSE

Take Up Your Cross, the Savior Said




(*) Those who are able, please stand

Andre Campra +) Ushers will seat worshipers

SELWYN AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WARMLY WELCOMES ALL WHO VISIT Please take a moment to sign the registry of friendship as it is passed along your pew so that you may be greeted and greet others by name. If you are actively searching for a new church home, we invite you to fill out the card in the pew rack and place it in the offering plate, or bring it after worship to one of the ministers. Membership is by one of three paths: 1) profession of faith in Jesus Christ (for those who have never been part of a Christian church); 2) reaffirmation of faith (for those who formerly were part of a congregation but have not been involved in recent times - for example, you were baptized and/or confirmed but moved away for military service, education, or work, and never engaged with a new congregation); or 3) transfer of membership from another congregation (you have recently moved to this area and your membership is still elsewhere, or you simply seek to become part of Selwyn Avenue Presbyterian Church in your faith journey). New members and prospective members are invited to participate in Orientation Conversations, which are scheduled several times a year, and are a wonderful way to meet others and learn together about all the opportunities here. We always stand ready to be in communication with you about your particular situation. The contact information for all staff members is in the bulletin each week.

SAPC SESSION Class of 2019 David Caldwell, Rebecca Cooper, David Harris, Ellen Harris, Todd Muldrew, Christy Parbst, Steve Randall, Jim Williams, Jamie Yearwood, Youth Elder – Walker Burgin

Class of 2020 Ashley Armistead, Matt Baskerville, Pam Brownlee, Meg Dewey, Andrew McLellan, Jay Pfeifer, Kris Phillips, Olen Smith, Laura Stark

Class of 2021 Emily Battle, Lee Bobbitt, Kim Claxton, DiAnne Cordell, Andy Johnston, Hunter Miller, Erin Mills, Daniel Smith, Heather Smith