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new medical director of VCA Laboratories, Newark, N . J.


NEWS-MAKERS Johnson of Brookhaven Laboratory Named Director of AEC Research Thomas H . Johnson, chairman of the physics department of t h e Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, has been nanitnl director of the research division of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. The position lias been vacant since June, when Kenneth S. Pitzer resigned to return to T. H . Johnson his post as dean of the college of chemistry at the University of California. Dr. Johnson .has been with the Brookhaven Laboratory since 1947 and during World War I I was associate director at Aberdeen, Md., Proving Ground. He has been associated with cosmic ray research and with his associates at Brookhaven has designed a new high pressure cloud chamber.

EDUCATION Rodney E . Black appointed associate professor of physical chemistry at University of Kentucky. From Morningside College. Elmon L. Cataline, from University of Michigan College of Pharmacy as associate professor of pharmacy, to University of New Mexico College of Pharmacy at Albuquerque as dean of the college. George K. Estok now assistant professor of chemistry a t Texas Technological College, Lubbock, Tex. Henry Gabriel now assistant professor of chemistry at Fisk University, Nashville. From University of Santa Clara. T o work in inorganic division and continue research in silicon compounds. Charles C. Hobbs, Jr., University of Oklahoma graduate student, reappointed to receive Pan American Refining fellowship in chemistry for 1951—52. Charles D . H u r d , Morrison professor of chemistry at Northwestern, named Clare Hamilton Hall research professor in organic chemistry. Professorship established by Pittsburgh Plate Glass. Harry S. Keelan now with the research staff of t h e Boston University optical research laboratories. From t h e Department of Agriculture as chief of t h e colloid chemistry unit in Mexico City. Roger E . K o e p p e f r o m University of Illinois, n a m e d research associate, division


of chemistry, University Medical Units.



Sherman Leonard, food technology graduate of University of California, and Elly H. Hinreiner, organic chemist from UCLA, to h e a d n e w phases of food research on Davis campus. D o n a l d S. Leslie, first v p a n d general manager of Hammermill Paper Co., elected to b o a r d of trustees, Institute of Paper Chemistry. F l o y d R. N e w m a n , Cleveland petroleum industrialist and director of Ashland Oil & Refining Co., elected to the board of trustees, Cornell University. Succeeds the late Franklin W . Olin. Ann Palm appointed to staff of physical chemistry section, Textile Research Institute, Princeton, N. J. Comes from Hillside Hospital, where she was a research associate. Calvin H e i t and L u b a Ross also appointed to junior staff. E . G. Pierce has returned, after retirement from the public school system of Cleveland, to teaching as assistant professor of chemistry at Westminster College, N e w Wilmington, Pa. r


E d w a r d


Schwarz, head of textile division, M I T , awarded Harold DeWitt Smith Memorial Medal at fall meeting of ASTM Committee D-13 on Textile Materials recently. Awarded for outstanding achievement in field of textile fiber science and utilization. Albert Segaloff, director of endocrine research at Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation, N e w Orleans, selected as 1951 recipient of the Ciba Award for outstanding work in clinical endocrinology b y the Association for the Study of Internal Secretions. Elected to board of directors at Stanford Research Institute: M. E. Spaght, president of Shell Development Co.; and F r e d B. O r t m a n , president of Gladding, McBean & Co.

INDUSTRY Vick Chemical Co. managers appointed presidents of their respective units: Edw a r d P. Anderson, international; George C. Eichhorn, manufacturing; and Kirby P e a k e , Vick products. Maurice L. Moore now vice president. Stefan Ansbacher, scientific consultant,


Hugh F . Armstrong appointed technical manager of Monsanto-Kasei Kogyo, K.K., of Tokyo, J a p a n . Has b e e n manufacturing superintendent of Vuepak, Monsanto packaging plastic. J. L. Armstrong, London, treasurer, appointed a director of C a n a d i a n Industries, Ltd. Succeeds E . J. Barnsley. Charles B . Basinger o n staff of Pennsalt's personnel a n d employee relations department. F o r m e r l y assistant study director, survey research center, University of Michigan. Recent additions t o technical staff, Whiting Research Laboratories, Standard Oil Co. ( I n d . ) : Jarvis B. Beverly, Shell Oil; Cecil G . Brannen, Iowa State College; Robert L . Chilenskas, Monsanto; Donald R. C o u g h a n o w r , University of Pennsylvania; L o w e l l T . C r e w s , Toni Co.; Robert H. Crowther, Kansas State; Kenneth L. Dudek, Northwestern University; E d w a r d B. Eriksen, University of Michigan; John B. Malloy, MIT; Basil P. M a n n , Illinois Institute of Technology; L a w r e n c e C. Mohr, Hills-McCanna Co.; Jack Oita, University of Nebraska; W i l l i a m F. Pansing, University of Cincinnati; E u g e n e E . Richardson, Kansas State College; Alvin W. Ries and Betty Ell-en Hies, Cornell; Paul N. Rylander, H a r v a r d ; J o h n Sanik, Jr., Kansas State; W a l t e r E>. Schmidt, Armour Research Foundation; Robert D . Sieron, Notre D a m e ; Dean R . Smith, Jr., and John P . Soderberg, University of Michigan; E. A. Swakon, Carnegie Tech.; Robert H. Wise, University of Missouri; and Samuel Young, Jr., Cities S e n d e e Oil Co. Norman Borkan, recent g r a d u a t e of Oklahoma A&M, now w i t h sales department of City Chemicals Corp., N e w York. Recent additions to D o w Chemical, Midland, M i c h . : William C. Brasie, Cornell; James J. O'Donnell, M I T ; Robert E. Naegele, St. Louis University; E d m u n d C. Burke, Yale; Gordon M a c B e t h , University of Pennsylvania; Myron P . Marander, State University of N e w York; Richard A. M o c k , University of Michigan; Charles E . Villars, University of Nebraska; Robert E , T o r r a n c e , Radio Corp. of America; Brewster Conant, Colorado School of Mines; H e n r y M . Tobey, University of Oregon; T h e o d o r J. deVries, University of Michigan; O w e n L . Stafford, Stanford; Richard B. Drubel, North Dakota S t a t e ; Robert Colby, Texas A&M; Thomas L . Joseph, J r . , University of Minnesota; D e L o r e s A. H o m e , University of Oklahoma; Robert E . Grames, Purdue; Stuart L. Bender, Purdue; Etcyl H. Blair, Kansas State; D e W i t t S. Stillman, Jr., Fred L. Brooke Co.; P a u l G . Stroebel, Hilton Davis Chemical Co.; P a u l B . B u d d e , Xavier; J o h n J. Clemens, Cargille Co.; Billy B. H i b b a r d , Indiana University; Duane L . Kenaga, Southern Research Institute; Jack T>. K e r r , University of Missouri; a n d Russell J. Hesch, R. J. Hesch Bituminous Coal & Stripping C o .




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T h e Whizzer-equipped I m p Mill c o m b i n e s pulverizing, classifying a n d conveying of materials i n a c o n t i n u o u s , a u t o m a t i c process which saves re-handling. In a great n u m b e r of cases, Flash Drying accessories m a y b e added to t h e e q u i p m e n t for s i m u l t a n e o u s l y removing moisture while pulverizing. One s i m p l e a d j u s t m e n t of the Whizzer pro­ vides a wide range of fineness control t o 99.9% or better passing 325 m e s h . Requir­ ing a m i n i m u m of supervision, this u n i t will, with a given s e t t i n g , deliver a consistently

uniform fineness product. Where t h e s e m i l l s are used for m o i s t u r e removal, they have t h e ability to h o l d final m o i s t u r e c o n t e n t w i t h i n narrow l i m i t s . T h e R a y m o n d Whizzer I m p Mill is a proven low-cost producer of p i g m e n t s , special clays and fiUers, p h o s p h a t e materials a n d a great variety of o t h e r c h e m i c a l s . In m a n y i n ­ s t a n c e s , it will s h o w i m p o r t a n t savings in t h e production o f these a n d similar materials. Write for Catalog

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in Principal Cities 4769

NEWS-MAKERS M. C. B r o c k m a n n from Seagram & Sons a d d e d to research staff of Kingan & Co., Indianapolis, as senior scientist Carlos Mills, former h e a d of food technology d e ­ p a r t m e n t at t h e University of Georgia, to work on new products d e v e l o p m e n t and quality control at Kingan.

T. P . D e F a r k a s a p p o i n t e d general m a n ­ ager of the export division of Commercial Solvents. F o r m e r l y m a n a g e r of direct sales of t h e overseas division, E . R. S q u i b b & Sons. William D . Ticknor, Jr., C S C ' s ex­ port division, designated assistant general m a n a g e r of t h e division.

Albert L. B r o w n and Benjamin E. Sanders joined the research division, Sharp & D o h m e , as research associates. Dr. Brown w a s formerly c o n n e c t e d w i t h the bacteriology d e p a r t m e n t , Cornell Univer­ sity, and Dr. Sanders was formerly re­ search biochemist, Kenry F o r d Hospital, Detroit.

D o n a l d D e l a n e y p r o m o t e d to sales man­ ager, coating resins, a n d Victor W . Ginsler to assistant sales m a n a g e r for those prod­ ucts, Plaskon division, L i b b e y - O w e n s - F o r d Glass Co.

George L a n d o n Browning, Jr., n o w field technical representative for S y n t h r o n , Inc., to h e a d q u a r t e r in Winston-Salem, N . C . F. E. C a d d y , formerly s u p e r i n t e n d e n t of Shell Chemical's Houston plant, nanxed manager of t h e firm's p l a n t in Martinez, Calif. Succeeds O. M. Williams, w h o lias been m a d e assistant to the vice president in charge of manufacturing in N e w Yoxk. Roderick J. Cowles at Arthur D . Little, Cambridge. Comes from Keasbey and Mattison Co. Earl Davis appointed h e a d of t h e glass development section, chemical research laboratory, Bausch & L o m b O p t i c a l Co. Formerly in charge of a glass p l a n t con­ trol laboratory of t h e firm.

L a w r e n c e W . D e v a n e y a p p o i n t e d as­ sistant personnel administrator for t h e T o n a w a n d a laboratory, L i n d e Air Prod­ ucts G o . F o r m e r l y professor of chemistry, Baylor University. J a c k H . D o l l i n g e r appointed sales m a n ­ ager, Glyco P r o d u c t s Co., Inc., Brooklyn, Ν. Υ. H a d b e e n acting as assistant sales m a n a g e r a n d technical assistant t o the executive vice president. D a l e J. F i s h e r , I n d i a n a University, now with Union C a r b i d e and Carbon at Oak Ridge. H e n r y D . F r a z i e r from research depart­ ment of F l u o r C o r p . to development de­ p a r t m e n t of Infilco, Inc., Tucson, Ariz., as d e v e l o p m e n t engineer. Recently joined staif of Shell Develop­ m e n t Co., Emeryville, Calif.: chemical en-

gineers L l o y d F. JFrceohtle, Richard W . K u n s t m a n , a n d Haxry AL. W i s t r i c h , Jr. J a m e s A. Gilruthk appointed manager of advertising a n d sales promotion division, Atlas P o w d e r Co. N e w appointments, Oolnrnbia-Southern Chemical Coup, sales, P i t t s b u r g h : H. W . Gleichert, assistant vp; E . W . Haley, trans­ ferred from New York to Pittsburgh as director of sales; Av. W. Reynolds, admin­ istrative assistant t o vp-sales. R. N. Gonzalez t.o research d e p a r t m e n t , plastics division, Monsanto, Springfield, Mass. C o m e s from Page Cbemicals, I n c . M a x w e l l Gordon. now a research associ­ ate in isotope laboratory of Squibb. Re­ cently completed postdoctoral work in Zurich, Berkeley, a n d LrOndon. J o h n T . Gossett, president of Central Scientific elected -chairman of t h e board of directors of Cemco d o r p , a n d Central Scientific, succeeding late E . Perry Holder. W i l l i a m B . Hayes a p p o i n t e d head ot production researoh irt research depart­ ment of Stauffer Chemical Co. Miroslav Pistek assigned to ^prodiiction research sec­ tion at N i a g a r a Falls, O t h e r research staff additions: W i l l i a m Urbowicz from Na­ tional L e a d Co., a n d J o s e p h L i n e t t from Marcus-Ruth-Jerome Co. t o process de­ velopment section at Chauncey, Ν. Υ. Alexander P o r i a n d n fro>-rn N a t i o n a l Adhe­ sive and Starch n o w at chemical research section i n Chauncey. R e c e n t additions to staff of B e n g e r lab, technical division o f O n Pont's rayon de­ p a r t m e n t at Waynesboro, V a . : H u n t i n g t o n Jackson, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; and L. A . Sherbecîk, MoGill University.

Real Action W i t h These Specialties O R A T O L L-48(g>

A sulpbonated amide; powerful detergent; good foaming emulsifying and wetting powers; very stable; disperses lime soap deposits



Condensation product of a sulphonated naphthalene; ex­ cellent dispersing agent for pigments, dyestuffs, also re­ t a r d i n g agent


Sodium of dodecyl benzene sulphonate; 8 5 % active m a t t e r ; s p r a y dried, free-flowing white powder; high wetting a n d detergent powers


Amylolytlc and proteolytic enzyme; also contains catalase r e n n e t , lipase, invertase and other enzymes; stable at high temperatures 50thrAn*iiversary


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Los Angeles, Calif.


Adger S. Johnson has b e e n appointed president of National Carbon Co., N-evv York. H e has been vice president umd g e n e r a l manager of the company since 1950. He joined the company in 1928, in 1933 was assigned to the E v e r e a d y Battery ;plant in Shanghai, and in 1939 was made superintendent of the Shanghai plant:. S a m u e l K a h n n o w o n technical staff of Witco Chemical Co.'s xesearch laboratory in Chicago as group leader. Comes from Godfrey L. CabotH o m e r Kieweg appointed m a n a g e r of central division o f production a n d engineering d e p a r t m e n t , Commercial Solvents. J. E c k a r d W h e e l e r manager of Dixie division a n d R. B . Cro»Avcll xnanager of western division. D o n a l d A. King now in sales, Pennsalt industrial chemicals d e p a r t m e n t , Detroit. J a m e s P. Kople-y ncrw d e v e l o p m e n t en-







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