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“THE MUSICAL WORD” 1 Chronicles 25; Ephesians 4:11-16 November 1, 2015

Worship is so important because God is so worthy ! I. Worthy of Worship A. Creator (Rev 4:10-11) B. Redeemer (Rev 5:9-10) II. Pervasive Praise (Ps 150) [p526] The command to praise brackets the psalm. (1a, 6b) A. Where ? (1) 1. In his sanctuary (corporate worship in the place of worship) 2. In his mighty heavens

B. Why ? (2) 1. His mighty deeds 2. His character

C. How ? (3-5) D. Who ? (6) III. Provision of Leadership A. Set Apart to Lead 1. As ministers (1 Chronicles 16:4-5)

2. Set apart (1 Chronicles 25:1) 3. Prophesied with lyres, harps, and cymbals. 4. As they worshiped, the glory of God filled the temple. (2 Chronicles 5:12-14) B. Jesus provides (Ephesians 4:11-12)

How does this apply to me?


“WAKE UP” Joel

Historical Timeline: Very little is known about the prophet Joel. It is hard to determine the time in which he preached. Scholars have placed Joel’s ministry anywhere from the early southern kingdom of Judah, to post-exilic. The fact that Joel makes no reference to royalty, but does address the elders of the people, causes me to think that he was a post-exilic prophet. In that case, he could have preached during the times of Haggai, Zephaniah, Ezra, Nehemiah, or even Malachi. Yet his message does not address either the rebuilding of the temple or the wall. Instead, Joel issues a warning cry to the people of God to wake up! They must repent of their sin before it is too late. I have included Joel at this point in our chronological study, not because it is certain that he preached between the time of Nehemiah and Malachi, but because his message concerning the day of the Lord and the hope of salvation points towards the coming Messiah. Passage Overview: The focal point of Joel’s prophecy is the coming day of the LORD. (Joel 1:15; 2:1, 11, 31; 314) That day will be a day of judgment upon all who live in rebellion against the Lord. Joel called the people to repentance before that great day arrived. The repentance that God desires goes beyond mourning and regret over past actions. It is seen in a heart which is broken over sin and rebellion. This kind of turning away from sin and towards God Himself would bring salvation. The Lord is prepared not only to forgive, but also to save, bless, and satisfy His people. But a day of decision lies before them. If they do not turn to their God, God himself will decide in judgment against them. As you read the book of Joel this week, ask the Spirit of God to reveal to you any sin that you should confess before Him. Spend time examining your life in light of the holiness of God. Is there any sin that you cherish? Does your heart break over your rebellion? Bring your broken heart and your rebellion before Him in repentance and let Him heal you. Reading for Next Week: The Book of Joel