No Longer Slaves New Life

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No Longer Slaves New Life Life Group Discussion Guide for February 10, 2019

1. Are you a rule follower or a rule-breaker?

2. Read Ephesians 5:21-33. What stands out to you most from this passage? Why?

3. How does contrasting this passage with the Greco-Roman Household Codes of the time help shape our understanding of this text? Do you read it differently with this information? Why or why not?

4. What is mutual submission? What is mutual submission NOT? a. What might mutual submission and self-sacrifice look like in your marriage or other relationships? b. What might it look like as a church?

5. Spend time together in prayer, asking God to give us hearts like Christ, who willingly submitted his will to yours, even when it meant suffering and death. Give us minds like Christ, who used his power and authority to serve and life up those around him, especially the marginalized. Pray that we would seek out opportunities to practice submission and sacrifice this week, and always.