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Send a text or leave a note in your child’s room saying, “God wants us to work together to do more. What can we do together as a family to help each other? Think about it and let’s talk at dinner!”
NOV 4th
NOV 11th
EXODUS 25:8-9; 28:1,3; 31:1-11; 35:21,25,34; 39:42-43 Building the Tabernacle
EXODUS 17:8-13 Joshua Wins the Battle Over Amalekites
ASK THIS: Why would God want us to work together?
ASK THIS: Who could you work with to help someone succeed?
NOV 18th
NOV 25th
LUKE 5:17-26 Jesus Heals the Paralytic / Four Friends
1 CORINTHIANS 12:12-27 One Body but Many Parts
ASK THIS: Who do you know who needs help?
ASK THIS: What part do you think you can play?
REMEMBER THIS “Two people are better than one. They can help each other in everything they do.” Ecclesiastes 4:9, NIrV
COOPERATION—Working together to do more than you can do alone
© 2018 The reThink Group, Inc. All rights reserved. www.ParentCue.org
DRIVE TIME Ask these questions to your preteen while driving this month. “Has anyone ever worked together to help YOU succeed?” and “What is something you want to do to help someone you know succeed?”
MEAL TIME Q & A for kids: If you could be a part of a famous sports team, TV show cast, or band, which would you pick? Q & A for parents: Be honest: when it came to group projects at school, were you the group member who did most of the work, or who let someone else carry the load?
BED TIME Read Luke 5:17-26. Share about the needs you see in your family, school, neighborhood, or even something you’ve heard about on the other side of the world. Is there one thing that makes you sad and moves you to want to do something? Talk about things your family could do together to meet that need. Pray for that situation and then choose a time for your family to work together to help meet that person’s need.