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SERMON NOTES  Sunday, June 24, 2018 “NOW I CAN SEE” (John 9) When it comes to God, many people want proof. They want to see it before they will believe it. One of the greatest proofs is a life that is changed by God. We may not be able to explain it. It may not always make sense. But it’s hard to argue with “I was blind but now I can see!” Our ________________ are an _________________ for God’s powerful work (John 9:2-3) 1 Peter 4:12-13 Obedience requires a __________________________ (John 9:6-7) Hebrews 11:6 ________________ can cause us to __________________________ around us (John 9:16) Philippians 2:4 Jesus __________________________ (John 9:25) Galatians 2:20 Spiritual blindness affects ________________________ (John 9:39-41) 1 John 1:8

SERMON NOTES  Sunday, June 24, 2018 “NOW I CAN SEE” (John 9) When it comes to God, many people want proof. They want to see it before they will believe it. One of the greatest proofs is a life that is changed by God. We may not be able to explain it. It may not always make sense. But it’s hard to argue with “I was blind but now I can see!” Our struggles are an opportunity for God’s powerful work (John 9:2-3) 1 Peter 4:12-13 Obedience requires a journey of faith (John 9:6-7) Hebrews 11:6 Selfishness can cause us to miss God’s activity around us (John 9:16) Philippians 2:4 Jesus changes lives (John 9:25) Galatians 2:20 Spiritual blindness affects all of us (John 9:39-41) 1 John 1:8