NT Lesson 24

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Family Worship Guide Week of July 5th, 2015 One of the ways SC Kids partners with parents to make disciples of Jesus is to provide resources that promote discipleship in the home. This Family Worship Guide is intended to give parents content from this week’s lesson to discuss with their children throughout the week.

REVIEW This Sunday’s lesson was called “The Transfiguration” and comes from Mark 9:2-13. For a children’s bible version you can refer to Story 102 of the Gospel Story Bible.

GOSPEL Here, in a moment of time, three of the disciples had the opportunity to glimpse the holiness, glory, and power of Jesus as God. They knew Jesus, the man, but they didn’t know Jesus the Son in glory. If Jesus was not both fully God and fully man, he could not have taken our punishment on the cross and then risen from the dead. Here on the Mount of Transfiguration, Jesus revealed his glorious splendor as the Son of God. Yet once again, Jesus “made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross” (Philippians 2:7–8). Jesus was resolute. He would take the penalty for our sins upon himself and die a cursed death on the cross. After the transfiguration, Jesus gave his disciples strict orders not to tell anyone what they had seen until he had risen from the dead. They could not understand all that had been revealed by his transfiguration. They didn’t understand what Jesus meant by being raised from the dead. Later they would come to understand more fully that God the Son, Jesus, had come down to earth to take on human flesh that he might die for the sins of man and be raised on the third day to new life in victory over sin and death.

What did the cloud from heaven say? “This is my beloved Son; listen to him.” In what ways can we listen to Jesus? Caring for the poor and needy. Obeying parents. Forgiving others. Etc. What did Jesus say would happen to him? That he would suffer and die and then be resurrected from the dead.

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES For additional family devotionals you can purchase “Old Story New: Ten Minute Devotions to Draw Your Family to God” at amazon.com or from the Sacred City Bookstore on Sunday.

SING Singing is a great way for kids to experience and memorize God’s Word. Here are a few family favorites: Preschool age - “Cedarmont Kids - Bible Songs” and for Preschool and Elementary age children we recommend the Morning Star Catechism CD (available at the SC bookstore) as well as Seeds Family Worship.

PRAY Thank Jesus for being the exact imprint of God’s glorious nature and showing us what God is like. Ask the Spirit to help you listen to Jesus.

Preschool & Lower Elementary 6Q: Are there more Gods than one? 
 6A: There is only one God.


Deuteronomy 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. 

DISCUSS Who appears with Jesus on the mountain? Elijah and Moses. What does it mean that Jesus was transfigured? Jesus’ appearance changed and radiated the brightness of God’s glory. www.sacredcitychurch.com/sc-kids-blog

click here for the full catechism