Objectives & Targets 2015-16

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Equality & Diversity 2015-16 Objectives & Targets Aim Barriers to learning are removed to enable all students to achieve their potential and excel.

Objective 2015-2018 Annual Target 2015/2016 Retention and achievement gaps between specific groups of learners, including those with protected characteristics will be closed.

The following student cohorts will attend, be retained and achieve in line with the college rates;

Appropriate and timely support will address barriers to learning and ensure students succeed.

95% of students will disclose whether or not they have a learning difficulty or disability February 2015. Additional learning support will be in place within 10 working days of an assessment of need. Students that have disclosed a learning difficulty or disability and do not require support will be retained and achieve in line with students that do not have a learning difficulty or disability.

Staff will plan and deliver differentiated sessions that enable all learners to realise their full potential.

95% of planning documents (lesson plans and schemes of work) demonstrate a consideration of needs for all learners.

Resources and teaching strategies reflect and value the diversity for the learners experience as well as those communities beyond their immediate experience.

85% of lesson observations and learning walks demonstrate effective consideration and promotion of equality and diversity. Apprenticeship reviews to cover wider personal development, behaviour and welfare aspects from the tutorial curriculum. 85% of Apprenticeship reviews to demonstrate effective consideration and development of Personal Development Behaviour and Welfare.

Value 7 Strat Obj. 1 Strat Obj. 5

To ensure equality of student opportunities and experience.

White British Males White/Black Caribbean students Ÿ Students with an Emotional & Behavioural disability Ÿ Students with Aspergers. Ÿ Ÿ

Strat Obj. 1

Aim To improve equality of staff opportunities and experiences.

Objective 2015-2018 Annual Target 2015/2016 Staff awareness of their duties and responsibilities under the Equality Act will be increased.

100% of new staff will complete the online E&D training within the first six weeks of employment. Staff completing this survey will have a satisfaction rate of 90%. 100% attendance at training for new teaching staff on the embedding of equality and diversity within the first twelve weeks of employment with a satisfaction rating of 90% for this training. Data will be collected and to evaluate the impact of equality training on staff performance.

To ensure that the staff profile improves as measured by equality and diversity requirements of: Ÿ eliminating discrimination, harassment and victimization Ÿ advancing equality of opportunity Ÿ fostering good relations.

Staff profile data will be reviewed to ensure that the college is advancing equality of opportunity. Proposed actions will be published to address any areas of concern and champion their implementation. Staff recruitment data will be analysed and proposed actions will be published to address any areas of concern and champion their implementation.

The college will promote a culture in which staff and students value diversity and celebrate individual difference.

95% of students state that equality and diversity is actively promoted within the college. 95% of students state that their teachers treat them fairly and equally. 90% of students state that their views are listened to and acted upon. A cultural & diversity calendar of events is created and promoted to celebrate key events and celebrations throughout the year. The college will participate in the Investors in Diversity Top 100% Organisations assessment. The Equality & Diversity Committee structure and meeting format will be reviewed and refined to ensure that common values are promoted across the college.

Value 6 Value 7 Strat Obj. 6

The College will recruit and maintain a staff population which is reflective of the local and wider community. Value 6 Value 7 Strat Obj. 6

Staff and students share common values which are respected and promoted across the college. Value 6 Value 7 Strat Obj.5