one conversation

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ONE CONVERSATION Use the following thoughts and questions to have one spiritual conversation. You can pick and choose, use them all or just allow the statement to be your guide. The emphasis shouldn’t be about having all the answers, but simply having a conversation. Scripture Genesis 1:26-2:25

1. Opening Statement Begin your conversation by asking about this main point: God created humanity in His image. This main point is the biblical truth the student’s study was built around. Each week there will be one statement that ties the whole study together. These would be great statements to remember together. The hope is that thoughts and ideas will stem from these statements. You can also begin by sharing a thought of your own that you learned during your study of the same session. Ask what thoughts were surprising as the study was taught.

2. Thought From the Study To bear God’s image means to have a relationship with Him. Our image-bearing started when God created us. The account in Genesis shows how powerful a scene this was—when God’s face was toward us, when He breathed into the first man the breath of life. Just as a mirror best reflects an image when the mirror is directly in front of the object, we reflect God’s image best when we are in close relationship with Him. Y

In what ways can your life demonstrate the priority of your relationship with God? What are some signs that your relationship with God is not your priority?

3. Quote for Discussion Discuss this quote together. How does this change your understanding of a relationship with Jesus? “Work, whether it involves plumbing a sink or plumbing the depths of the cosmos, in the hands of a Christian is ministry.” —Ben Witherington

4. Conversation Questions Use these questions to begin thinking through and applying the lessons to your family life: 1. Why is it important for our family to understand that God created everything in His image? 2. How might knowing that you were created in God’s image help you better understand Him? 3. Why is it important that we reflect God in the way we work? 4. In what ways can our family do better at reflecting the image of God to others?