Open Your Eyes

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Open Your Eyes Discussion Guide December 30, 2018 John 4:27-42

Questions for Study ** Before you begin, please read John 4:27-42 as a group. 1. Would you call yourself a “nearsighted Christian”? Why or why not? 2. Read John 4:34. Is doing the will of the Father more satisfying than food? Should it be? Why? 3. Do you get distracted by the lost like Jesus? 4. Proverbs 16:9. What does it mean that the LORD establishes your step? 5. Do you believe that God is divinely intersecting your life with people that need Him? If so, how does this become an action? 6. How will you open your eyes to where people are? 7. In your experience, what is the best way to love someone that needs Jesus?

8. How does realness and vulnerability in the Church translate to realness and vulnerability in the world? 9. What do people who don’t know Jesus need? 10. Why is truth without grace mean? 11. Why is grace without truth meaningless? 12. Read John 4:39-42. What was the result of the woman telling people she thinks she found the Messiah? 13. How can you be like the woman?