order of service for october 14, 2012

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Fullerton First United Methodist Church August 4, 2013 – 10:00 a.m.

Communion Sunday August 4, 2013 ORDER OF SERVICE *Indicated: Please stand, if you are able.


“How Great Thou Art"

Hyeyeon Kim, Organ



Susan Faber

(If you request a prayer, you are welcome to fill out a prayer request card located in the holder on the back of each pew. Your prayer request will be read during the Pastoral Prayer. Our Acolyte will pick up your prayer request during the second song).

* SHARING OUR CHRISTIAN LOVE (Please stand and greet each other. Don’t forget to extend a hand to our visitors.)


"Crown Him with Many Crowns"

Aldersgate Chorale

arr. Joel Raney

(Please remain standing during our Choral Introit.) * CALL TO WORSHIP Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me. Melt me and mold me. Fill me and use me. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me. Taken from the Hymn “Spirit of the Living God.”


"Every Move I Make"


Jeanette Croghan, Liturgist

TIME WITH THE CHILDREN (Children, please come forward)

Kim Galea and VBS Kids


"Grab Another Hand"


“Sanctuary” arr. Lloyd Larson

Aldersgate Choir

SCRIPTURE LESSON: Exodus 3:1-6 Moses was keeping the flock of his father-in-law Jethro, the priest of Midian; he led his flock beyond the wilderness, and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. There the angel of the LORD appeared to him in a flame of fire out of a bush; he looked, and the bush was blazing, yet it was not consumed. Then Moses said, “I must turn aside and look at this great sight, and see why the bush is not burned up. When the LORD saw that he had turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush, “Moses, Moses!” And he said, “Here I am.” Then he said, “Come no closer! Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground”. He said further, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God.

Liturgist: The word of God, for the people of God. People: Thanks be to God.



"How to Stand on Holy Ground" Higher Ground I

Rev. Phillips Whang

THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION (See Page 15 in the United Methodist Hymnal)

DISTRIBUTION OF THE COMMUNION ELEMENTS (At the invitation of the Ushers, please proceed down the center aisle to the communion stations. After receiving the bread, please dip the bread into the cup and partake of the elements. You are welcome to pray at the Altar rail before returning to your seat. Also, please remember that the time of Communion is a sacred moment. Approach the Communion table in silence and prayerful attitude so your heart and soul will be ready.)



“Jesus loves Me”

Hyeyeon Kim, Organ


* DOXOLOGY (See page 95 in the United Methodist Hymnal)

* HYMN (see insert)

"For Those Tears I Died"

Pastor Phillips, Guitar

* BENEDICTION (Congregation, please join hands.)


“Plein Jeu a la Couperin” - G.Young


Hyeyeon Kim, Organist

ASSISTING WITH WORSHIP Preaching: Rev. Phillips Whang Liturgist: Jeanette Croghan Acolyte: Jillian Lopez Announcements: Susan Faber Children’s Time: Kim Galea Director of Music: Matthew Ringer

Organist: Hyeyeon Kim Sound: Joe Moell PowerPoint: Mike Bankhead Ushers: David Schrandt (Captain), Nancy Gordon, Barbara Winter, Kerry Lewis, Jennifer Schrandt Communion Servers: Pastor Phillips Whang, Jeanette Croghan, Kathy Norris, Susan Faber

Flowers placed on the Altar today are given by Alan & Alta Carter for celebration of their wedding anniversary and also given by Lloyd & Virginia White in celebration of their 61st wedding anniversary on August 3 and also given by The family of Jerry Miller in loving memory of Jerry 5

For those who have lost loved ones recently; For the family and friends of; Jerry Miller, Carol Smith, Eileen Ankrom Smith, mother of Richard Smith); Jennie Northenscold, (Susan Faber’s Aunt); Roy Bordon, a regular visitor to the pancake breakfast. For those who are ill: “Lizzy”, (Jeanette Croghan’s granddaughter; Dale Bartley, recovering at USC Medical Center after back surgery; Lou Croghan, who suffered a stroke is now home; Rani Kuusto, suffering with severe back pain; David Eaton as he receives chemotherapy. Those who are in care facilities or receiving Hospice: June Mackey is at Park Vista; Mert Hill is receiving Hospice Care. Those who are now recuperating at home: Edith Strevey, is recovering from back surgery; Ann Sanford is recovering from hip surgery Those in the military and their families: Garrett Nichols, Zack Zarow, Michael Gilbert (Grandson of Carlene Gilbert Smith), Jordan Hoffner (Grandson of Sandi Hoffner). For Leaders: Pastor Phillips, Lay Leaders, Staff, Community, National and International Leaders. For those battling addictions, facing financial difficulties, looking for a job, and the homeless neighbors in our community.

Please Note: The Prayer Group Ministry will begin meeting this month starting tomorrow, Monday, August 5, We gather at 1:30 in the South Lounge.


ANNOUNCEMENTS IMPORTANT INFORMATION If you have any need to contact Pastor Phillips, please use the below information:

Contact Information for Pastor Phillips Cell Phone: 951-217-9701 Home Phone: 951-776-2396 Email: [email protected] BOARD OF TRUSTEES ANNOUNCEMENT Your Board of Trustees is pleased to announce that agreements have been reached with several outside groups and congregations to rent space in our North Wing. Under the agreed arrangements, The Pathways of Hope Homeless program currently operating in our basement will remain there, but will consolidate into a smaller footprint in the East end of that floor. The basement will be split into two areas with a dividing wall and In the Vine Anglican church will occupy the West end of that space. The Grace Evangelical Free Church of La Mirada will rent the entire first floor of the North wing. The Door and Living Faith churches, who are also current tenants, will occupy most of the second floor. Final arrangements are still in process. Reconstruction of certain walls within the North Wing will commence shortly, with the overall goal being to have all space ready to occupy this fall. If you desire additional information about the arrangements, there is an information sheet available in the church office. Notes from Carol Smith’s daughter . . .

Thank you to my Church

We will also host a remembrance

family for prayers, loving

celebration in honor of my mother’s life

support, and friendship

in a few more weeks, probably in mid-

during this time of

August. I’ll be in touch again soon

remembrances to honor the

with more details. If you would like to

life of Art Johnson.

call Leo or write to him, his contact information is: (714) 525-5807 (best

Kathy Johnson and Family

time to call between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm); address is 1107 Stanford Ave., Fullerton, CA 92831. Much love and gratitude to you for being such an important part of my mother’s life . . . Leo Smith Ellen Antill


Please stop by the South Lounge after Worship and pick up flyers containing further information about the following: 

F4, Food for Fullerton’s Families – For as little at $10 you can provide food for a family in need.

Chapel on Wheels Fundraiser once a month at Polly’s Pies at 136 N.Raymond, Fullerton. – 20% of all proceeds are donated to support Chapel on Wheels.

Pancake Breakfast, open to the hungry in our Community, every 3rd Saturday of the month at 7:30AM in our Parking Lot

– Feeding the hungry. Hot Meals served at 6:00PM every 3rd Wednesday of the month – FFUMC and First Christian Church get together to serve a hot meal to those hungry living in our community.

Worship Attendance and Giving Attendance on Sunday, July 28 - 157 Offering on Sunday, July 28 - $3,474.71

Fullerton First United Methodist Church 114 N. Pomona Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92832 714-871-4115; [email protected]; www.ffumc.net Office Hours: Monday through Thursday: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

CCLI License Number 1743274