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S E P T E M B E R 2 , 2 0 1 8

10:15 AM


Relax. We’re glad to have you, just as you are. We believe Jesus Christ teaches us that, so we really mean it. You’re a child of God and you’re safe here, no matter what. Each one of us is in a different place on this life journey. The person next to you may be here for the first time, or they may have been born into a family in our church for generations. We’re all continually learning, growing, and evolving as we connect in the Spirit with the rest of the world. Children in church make squirmy joyful noises to the Lord! Babies cry! Relax about all that, too. Safe childcare is available for children ages 4 and younger. Your greeter will be happy to show you the way. Please stick around after church for a few minutes if you have the time. We have refreshments and fellowship time in the side room. It’s a great way to get acquainted! Here’s how it all works. Stand in body or spirit where you see an asterisk*, everything in bold we say in unison, and we sing where you see italics. We are worshiping God and not performing, though feel free to clap hands as a response of praise to God in appreciation of something that moves you. We’re all different, together, and God isn’t finished with us. Come and see!

Scott Foster, Pastor

Visit PCMADISON.ORG for more information


Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time He said to them, “Isaiah prophesied rightly about you hypocrites, as it is written, ‘This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching human precepts as doctrines.’ You abandon the commandment of God and hold to human tradition.” -- Mark 7:6-8 (NRSV)

THE GATHERING Praise Music (A time of centering and preparation for worship.

Please silence all electronic devices.)

Prelude Welcome “Let us prepare our hearts to worship God...” * Hosanna (Praise Is Rising) Baloche/Brown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioL62cqH3iM VERSE 1: Praise is rising Eyes are turning to You We turn to You Hope is stirring Hearts are yearning for You We long for You PRE-CHORUS: ‘Cause when we see You We find strength to face the day In Your presence All our fears are washed away (Washed away)

CHORUS 1: Hosanna hosanna You are the God who saves us Worthy of all our praises Hosanna hosanna Come have Your way among us We welcome You here Lord Jesus VERSE 2: Hear the sound of Hearts returning to You We turn to You In Your Kingdom Broken lives are made new You make us new PRE-CHORUS: ‘Cause when we see You We find strength to face the day In Your presence All our fears are washed away (Washed away) CHORUS 1: Hosanna hosanna You are the God who saves us Worthy of all our praises Hosanna hosanna Come have Your way among us We welcome You here Lord Jesus * O Worship the King, All Glorious Above! (v. 1, 2, 4, and 5)

(The tune for the hymn is at the back of this booklet.)

VERSE 1: O worship the King, all glorious above! O gratefully sing

God’s power and God’s love: our shield and defender, the Ancient of Days, pavilioned in splendor and girded with praise. VERSE 2: O tell of God’s might; O sing of God’s grace, whose robe is the light, whose canopy space, whose chariots of wrath the deep thunderclouds form; and bright is God’s path on the wings of the storm. VERSE 4: Your bountiful care what tongue can recite? It breathes in the air; it shines in the light; it streams from the hills; it descends to the plain, and sweetly distills in the dew and the rain. VERSE 5: Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail, in you do we trust, nor find you to fail; your mercies, how tender, how firm to the end, our Maker, Defender, Redeemer, and Friend.

* Unbroken Praise Myrin/Redman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXRv9l1SFe4 VERSE 1: Praise unbroken Praise unending Be Yours be Yours forevermore Praise untainted Praise unfading Be Yours be Yours forevermore Be Yours be Yours forevermore CHORUS 1: Unbroken praise be Yours God forever All my praise be Yours God forever Lord take this life let it become Your throne Unbroken praise be Yours VERSE 2: My surrender My devotion Be Yours be Yours forevermore Be Yours be Yours forevermore CHORUS 1: Unbroken praise be Yours God forever All my praise be Yours God forever Lord take this life let it become Your throne Unbroken praise be Yours BRIDGE: So let my deeds outrun my words And let my life outweigh my songs (REPEAT) CHORUS 1: Unbroken praise be Yours God forever All my praise be Yours God forever Lord take this life let it become Your throne Unbroken praise be Yours

PROCLAIMING THE WORD Prayer/Prayer for Illumination Lord, open our hearts and minds in the power of your Holy Spirit. Let your scriptures and your word touch our souls. Amen. Young People’s Message Scripture Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 (N.T. pg. 39) 1Now when the Pharisees and some of the scribes who had come from Jerusalem gathered around him, 2they noticed that some of his disciples were eating with defiled hands, that is, without washing them. 3(For the Pharisees, and all the Jews, do not eat unless they thoroughly wash their hands, thus observing the tradition of the elders; 4and they do not eat anything from the market unless they wash it; and there are also many other traditions that they observe, the washing of cups, pots, and bronze kettles.) 5So the Pharisees and the scribes asked him, “Why do your disciples not live according to the tradition of the elders, but eat with defiled hands?” 6He said to them, “Isaiah prophesied rightly about you hypocrites, as it is written, ‘This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; 7in vain do they worship me, teaching human precepts as doctrines.’ 8You abandon the commandment of God and hold to human tradition.” 14Then he called the crowd again and said to them, “Listen to me, all of you, and understand: 15there is nothing outside a person that by going in can defile, but the things that come out are what defile.” 21“For it is from within, from the human heart, that evil intentions come: fornication, theft, murder, 22adultery, avarice, wickedness, deceit, licentiousness, envy, slander, pride, folly. 23All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.” One: The word of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God! Homily

“Time to Reboot!”

* We Fall Down

(The tune for the hymn is at the back of this booklet.)

VERSE 1: We fall down; we lay our crowns at the feet of Jesus: the greatness of mercy and love, at the feet of Jesus. CHORUS: And we cry holy, holy, And we cry holy, holy, And we cry holy, holy, is the Lamb. VERSE 1: We fall down; we lay our crowns at the feet of Jesus: the greatness of mercy and love, at the feet of Jesus. CHORUS: And we cry holy, holy, And we cry holy, holy, And we cry holy, holy, is the Lamb.

holy. holy. holy

holy. holy. holy

Call to Confession Let us draw near to God with sincere hearts and full assurance of faith, our guilty hearts sprinkled clean, our bodies washed with pure water. Let us confess our sins before God and one another…

Prayer of Confession Almighty God, forgive us our sins in thoughts, words, and deeds. We don’t want to be  accountable. Have mercy on us, O Lord. This is a huge burden! Surround us in your steadfast loving-kindness. Help us do the hard work of course correction. Shape us, guide us, and mold us in your image. O Lord, hear our prayers… Response You Alone Can Rescue VERSE 1: Who O Lord could save themselves Their own soul could heal Our shame was deeper than the sea Your grace is deeper still


(Silence is kept for our personal prayers of confession.)

One: Amen. Assurance of Pardon Hear the good news! This is sure and worthy of full acceptance. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, that we might be dead to sin and alive to all that is good. I declare to you in the name of Christ, you are forgiven!  All: In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven, renewed and restored! Response You Alone Can Rescue Redman/Myrin CHORUS: You alone can rescue You alone can save You alone can lift us from the grave You came down to find us led us out of death To You alone belongs the highest praise

Prayers of the People/The Lord’s Prayer Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Announcements Invitation to Discipleship Offering Offertory * Doxology

(The tune for the Doxology is at the back of this booklet.)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Christ all people here below; Alleluia, Alleluia! Praise Holy Spirit evermore; Praise Triune God whom we adore. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Amen! * Prayer of Dedication Amazing God of all, bless our time, talent, and resources to see lives transformed, families strengthened, and our community renewed through intentional relationship with Jesus Christ. Amen.

GOING FORTH TO LOVE AND SERVE THE LORD * Hosanna (Praise Is Rising) (Reprise) VERSE 1:


Praise is rising Eyes are turning to You We turn to You Hope is stirring Hearts are yearning for You We long for You PRE-CHORUS: ‘Cause when we see You We find strength to face the day In Your presence All our fears are washed away (Washed away) CHORUS 1: Hosanna hosanna You are the God who saves us Worthy of all our praises Hosanna hosanna Come have Your way among us We welcome You here Lord Jesus * Benediction (Please join hands.) * Passing the Peace Into the World Praise Music

WORSHIP NOTES Thanks to our Worship Team: Patrick Allred, Michael Callahan, and Andy McMains. What gifts do you bring? Share with us! Joyful worship comes from the soul of our collective Spirit. Come find your voice or vision here! If you have a gift of the arts such as music, drama, dance, poetry, prose, painting, or sculpting for example, please give some thought to sharing it in worship. What a great blessing! About Today’s Worship Welcome to Webb Chapel for the summer! We’re trying out some new worship things. We’ve been experimenting all summer long with the order of worship and what’s included. Some elements of worship come and go, but the most noticeable thing is that everything is much more casual. You’ll hear more contemporary music, yet we’ll be singing hymns, too. We’re hoping and praying for some courageous kids to join us and share prelude music on their instruments of choice. We may have a little poetry. Drama, anyone? No matter what, relax. This will be very chill and we hope it touches you. About Today’s Reading We print the scripture readings in the bulletin, so you can follow along more easily. We also include the page numbers if you want to read from your pew Bible. Except where noted, all of our readings are usually from the New Revised Standard Version translation. About Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 We follow the three-year Revised Common Lectionary cycle which covers the major Bible stories in both the Old and New Testaments. The three synoptic Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke rotate equally over the three years with healthy doses of John thrown in across all three years. After a 5-week stretch of John Chapter 6, we return to Mark today. Jesus challenges the Pharisees (and us) about traditions and faith practices. The bigger question may be,

“What is religion?” About the Prayer of Confession Since we are using a casual and truncated Presbyterian worship order this summer, we don’t do a confession every week as we do the rest of the year. Some weeks in summer worship this is an affirmation of faith and other weeks we have the Lord’s Supper. In the reformed tradition of Presbyterian worship, we typically confess our sins together as a community. There is never confession of sin without assurance of pardon. That is, in Jesus Christ your sins are forgiven! Questions To Go How am I walking the walk? Is that what makes me a “Christian”? What is “right religion”?

ANNOUNCEMENTS Save The Dates Cross-Campus Peace March – Sept 20th Confirmation Class begins – Sept 23rd after church Families Serve @ Food Bank – Sept 23rd 1:00pm 5 o’clock Worship resumes – Sept 23rd in Webb Bottle Hill Day – Oct 6th Homeless Solutions, Sept. 5th Help! Join us to serve the evening meal at the family shelter in Morristown Wednesday, September 5th. PCM supports Homeless Solutions of Morris Township with “A hand up – not a hand out.” HS provides shelter and transition assistance for families displaced by job loss or other shortterm income challenges. We serve dinner on the first Wednesdays of the odd months. Meet at the church at 3:45 p.m. and return at 7:00 p.m. Contact Louise Kacerek or Cathy in the church office at 973.377.1600. Maria Eugenia Returns, Sept. 9th Maria Eugenia Delgadillo: Feminist, Womanist, Founder of the AXAYACATL Women’s Collective in Masaya, Nicaragua including the women’s shelter and program which supports survivors of domestic violence and provides attention to girls and adolescents of sexual violence. Maria Eugenia returns to PCM to share with us in worship and conversation on Sunday September 9th. She is always moving, passionate, and compassionate for world-wide women’s rights. She’ll be available for conversation and Q&A before church around 9ish in the Parlor. Qur’an/Bible Group, Sept. 11th Join us at 6pm, September 11th here at PCM for our next Bible/Qur’an discussion group. What better day to get together? Most of you know we’ve been hosting a group of Ahmadiyya Muslims here in our church for Friday prayer services at 1pm upstairs in our Sunday School spaces. We thought it would be cool to get together once a month

and discuss The Bible and the Qur’an using relevant life applications and topics. The Qur’an and The Bible—our holiest documents. Come hear how each of them speaks to us in real-life ways. You’ll be surprised how much we have in common. For Christians, this is Qur’an study. For Muslims, this is Bible study. Call Cathy to RSVP @ 973.377.1600. Rally Day Picnic, Sept. 16th How fast can we pivot? If you already marked your calendar, change it! Rally Day has moved to September 16th at 10:15am. Pack up the kids, and let’s go back to church full time. There’s a school holiday on September 10th so it makes sense to push back a week. Come to church dressed for a picnic and all the usual Rally Day stuff: pizza and subs, ice cream truck (yum), the bounce house for the kids and more! Plus, closer to Fall it might be cooler in the Sanctuary! Bonus! Community Garden Rain means lots of weeding needed! There’s always something to do on our plot in the Madison Community Garden, off Ridgedale behind the high school (enter through the parking lot of the recreation complex). Weeding, watering, harvesting. You can help! Thanks to Louise Kacerek, Becky Moody, Beth Henriques, Colleen Tadeo, and Corinne Bowen for the sign-up! If you like to garden, this is a nice “one and done” family project! Look for the sign-up link in the eNews. Oorah! Semper Fi! We’re collecting stuff from the homeland and channeling through a local Marine from Florham Park. Let’s put together a huge care package for this Marine unit serving overseas. We’re collecting a number of items from cash/ checks so they can reload their calling cards to good ol’ candy from USA, and small personal hygiene items. Bring your stuff to church on Sundays for the next few weeks. We’ll be collecting them in Webb Chapel! Here’s the full list: Toilet paper Paper towels

Microwavable Macaroni & Cheese Boxed cereal - variety pack Snacks - any variety Nesquick Ice Tea Mix Gatorade Water Beef jerky Boxed snacks Tooth paste Mouth wash Razors Shaving gel Gift cards - Visa/MasterCard - any denomination Monetary donations Serve in Worship All are welcome, all who come in the name of the Lord! If you’d like to serve on our worship team on Sunday as a reader, communion server, singer, musician, bell-ringer, or greeter please do! Contact the church office for more information and we’ll plug you in—973.377.1600. 2018 Per Capita Each year congregations in our Presbytery pay a per member fee that provides support for Newton Presbytery (Morris, Sussex, Warren and portions of Hunterdon and Passaic counties), the Synod of the Northeast (New Jersey, New York and all of New England), and the General Assembly. We ask all those who are able to consider covering your 2018 per capita fee of $35 per member. This includes youth who have been confirmed. For example, for a couple the per capita amount is $70. For a family with one youth who is also a member, the per capita is $105. Paying your per capita allows us to allocate all of your pledges and offerings to the operations and missions of this

church. When paying your fee please note “per capita” on your check or envelope. Worship Bulletins Online Be sure to check out each week’s worship bulletin! We’ve been publishing them online for a while at the church’s website. Watch for us to start putting links online so you can go see YouTube versions of the songs we sing! PCM Social Media We’re making more and more use of social media communication in our church. Follow the links in the eNews to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter! Interfaith Food Pantry PCM supports the IFP year-round with hundreds of pounds of food to serve eligible Morris County residents. Aging people on fixed incomes, low-income working families—the need is great! Doris’s Care Wagon will be inside the back door of the parish house. Named for long-time member and IFP advocate Doris Weber, the wagon has served our food collection for years! The food of the month for September is Side Dishes. Rice and pasta mixes like Rice-A-Roni and Pasta-Roni are most needed, as are “add protein” products like Hamburger Helper and Tuna Helper. Pick up a package or two the next time you do your grocery shopping, and leave them in Doris’s Care Wagon outside the church office. The IFP clients thank you. RAMP PCM Mission is now partnering with Refugee Assistance Morris Partners (RAMP). RAMP provides transitional assistance, housing, and other needs for vetted Middle Eastern and other refugee families to transition to productive lives of dignity, safety and hope in the Morris County area of New Jersey. RAMP has long been a part of the Madison Area #BelovedCommunity conversations and our church joins other inter-faith communities and civic groups as full partners in this effort! The PCM 2018

“Quarters” mission campaign will directly benefit RAMP. For more information, and ways to get more involved, visit the RAMP website at www.rampnj.org.



VISION To see lives transformed, families strengthened, and our community renewed through intentional relationship with Jesus Christ.

OUR VALUES Renewed Lives

Community Positive

Joyful Service

Intergenerational Family

Presbyterian Roots

Staff Scott Foster Pastor [email protected]

Cathy Baillie Church Administrator [email protected]

Patrick Allred Director of Family Ministries [email protected]

Mike Callahan Student Ministries & Outreach [email protected]

Worship 10:15am Sunday Service Webb Chapel

The Presbyterian Church of Madison is part of the PC(USA) Denomination pcusa.org


[email protected]


(973) 377-1600