OUR PURPOSE “Finding the Purpose of Our Lives”

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OUR PURPOSE “Finding the Purpose of Our Lives” Matthew 6:10b May1, 2016 Our Privilege Our Passion Our Pursuit Our Purpose

Our Father Hallowed be Thy Name Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven

The Exchange We Must Make  Exclude (Reject) His Will  Evade His Will  Embrace His Will – Exchange Our Will For His Will The Example We Must Follow John 5:30; 6:38; John 8:29; Mark 14:36; Matthew 26:39

The Effect of Our Praying

The Evidence We Must Trust - Entrust Our Lives to Jesus

 The Sovereignty of God

Jeremiah 29:11-13; Romans 8:28

 Our Summons to Pray The Expedition We Must Embark On The Expression of Our Prayers

We Must Focus on the Lord to Find His Will For Our Lives

That Everyone & Everything Would Everywhere, Every time

Romans 11:33-36 & 12:1-2

follow the Will of God

How Do We Find It?  Through the Word of God

The Essentials We Must Understand  Satan’s Will Is Opposed to God’s Will Isaiah 14:12-14

 Through the Spirit of God John 14:25-26; 16:13-15

 God Has Spoken Clearly About His General Will Psalm 33:11

 Through a Walk with God Jeremiah 29:11-13

 God Never Hides His Will From Us Jeremiah 29:12-13; James 1:5  God’s Will or Plan Is Particular, Personal, and Perfect for Each Person

2 Timothy 2:15; 3:16

Proverbs 16:9

 We Must Know His Will If We Are to Do His Will

 Through the People of God (His church)  Through the Ways of God Romans 8:28