Parent Cue

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PERSEVERANCE refusing to give up when life gets hard.

MEMORY VERSE “But those who trust in the Lord will receive new strength. They will fly as high as eagles. They will run and not get tired. They will walk and not grow weak.” Isaiah 40:31, NIrV WEEK 1:


Rise Up Matthew 28:20, Acts 1 - 2

Pain Then Gain Hebrews 12:2-3

BOTTOM LINE: When life gets hard, remember God is with you.

BOTTOM LINE: When life gets hard, remember what Jesus did for you.



The Tough Kept Going Hebrews 12:1

Keep Calm and Persevere Hebrews 12:12-15

BOTTOM LINE: When life gets hard, remember how others persevered.

BOTTOM LINE: When life gets hard, remember you can help others persevere.

©2016 The reThink Group, Inc. All rights reserved. •


Divide up this month’s memory verse so a different person has each sentence. Come up with a motion for each sentence. Practice saying each sentence of the verse in order, while doing the motion, so you can remember to persevere.

Ask a kid: What is the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do? How did you get through it?


Watch this month’s music video on or the Parent Cue app. What can you imagine that seems impossible? DRIVE TIME


Ask a parent: When has someone helped you persevere?

Read Acts 1-2. Ask God to remind you of His presence and help you overcome the tough situations that you’re facing. BED TIME

When math homework gets hard, some kids push through and other kids give up. When the new soccer move is tricky, some kids keep practicing and others want to quit. What is it that keeps one kid trying when another declares it too hard? Perseverance. It’s this refusal to give up that helps kids push through when life gets hard. Often kids need encouragement from other trusted adults to persevere. Maybe a math tutor or a neighbor can help figure out the math homework. A soccer coach or family friend who used to play may have a new approach to learning that new move. When life gets hard for your son or daughter, consider if a trusted adult might be able to help them persevere.

For more tools to help you teach perseverance at home, visit: A community of parents striving to make the most of the time we have with your kids. Parent Cue App: Centered on a monthly topic, this app sends weekly Cues that remind us to connect with our kids whether at home or on the go A family website that helps us make the most of everyday moments at home to build a spiritual legacy in our family

©2016 The reThink Group, Inc. All rights reserved. •