Parent Grandparent Interview

[PDF]Parent Grandparent

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#NAME: __________________________

#DATE: __________________________


How this works: Interview one of your parents or grandparents in person or over the phone. Learn about them and about their friends and mentors.


What word best describes you?

If you could have any superpower, which one would you choose?

If you could have a song that would play every time you entered a room, what would it be?

If you could have lunch anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you eat?

What is one your greatest accomplishments and why?

What was your favorite band in high school? What is your favorite genre of music? Are you more like your mom or your dad?


Football or Baseball? Mustard or Mayo? Fiction or Non-Fiction? Beef or Chicken? Coffee or Tea? Flip Flops or Shoes? Pickles or Cucumbers? Gold or Silver? Books or Movies? Salty or Sweet? Cars or Trucks? Red or Blue? Introvert or Extrovert? Coke or Pepsi? Winter or Summer? Wal-Mart or Target? Donuts or Bagels? Beach or Mountains? Breakfast or Dinner? Silly or Serious? College Sports or Professional Sports? Cats or Dogs? Either or Or? Febreeze It or Wash It? Swimming or Hiking? Chocolate or Sugary Candy? Talking or Listening? Hotel or Camping?


Who was your best friend in elementary school? High school? Where they a good influence? Bad? Both? How?

What are some of your favorite memories with that person?

What about that friendship made them your best friend?

Who is the worst friend you’ve had? What made them the worst?

Who has been the most influential person in your life who was not a peer but more of a mentor?

What was most impactful about their influence on your life?