Pastor Puls' Reflection...RECYCLING

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January, 2016 I Monthly Newsletter of Hope Lutheran Church I Wake Forest, NC

Pastor Puls’ Reflection...RECYCLING Recently, Colleen and I enjoyed a visit from our New York grandchildren. One day, two year-old Oliver was helping me take some items out to the recycling bin. "Is that the garbage can?" he asked. I then tried to explain, for several minutes, the difference between garbage and recycling. That's a pretty complicated topic for a two year-old, it turns out. We grownups may grasp the concept of recycling newspapers, bottles, and cardboard. But do you understand how God wants to recycle you? When we get to heaven, and share a sin-free, perfect life with God, all things will be made new for us (see Revelation 21:5). God is starting that process of renewal and re-creation already, though! When the we put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, God grants us forgiveness, pardon, and -- literally -- a new spiritual birth. We start over, completely, in our relationship with God. Sins are absolved. Condemnation is removed. Past failures are forgotten. A page is turned, and a new chapter begins. The old becomes new. Here's the good news. God doesn't expect you to do the recycling work. He does it all! By the power of his Holy

Spirit at work in your heart, the Lord God will take the old, sinful you ... and make something new and beautiful out of you. God has the power to take what is weak and foolish, and make it strong and wise. Did you ever think of the church as a giant recycling bin? When you think about it, we're all in a recycling process, aren't we? God is reshaping all of our hearts, renewing all of our minds, and building up in each of us the character of Christ himself. What a blessing it is to realize that God is never going to discard us, or reject us, when we make mistakes. Instead, because of the grace of Christ, our God offers us renewal and re-creation. May 2016 be a year of recycling in your life! A blessed New Year to you and yours, In Christ,

Pastor Wayne Puls [email protected] 919-554-8109



CONTACT INFORMATION Hope Lutheran Church & Preschool 3525 Rogers Road Wake Forest, NC 27587 919-554-8109, phone 919-554-0412, fax

Preschool 919-453-0388, phone 919-453-0319, fax

WEEKEND WORSHIP SERVICES Saturday at 5:30PM Sunday at 8:30AM & 11:00AM Nursery and Children’s Church provided at all services

SUNDAY CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Sunday School for ages 3 – grade 4 Youth Bible Classes for grades 5 – 12 Adult Bible Studies Nursery and beginning Sunday School provided for ages 2 and under.


Altar Care “Un-Decorating” Sunday, January 3 following the 11:00AM worship service It’s the chore no one likes to do, but the beautiful Christmas decorations, wreaths and Christmas trees must come down. Altar Care Team Members and Men of Hope Members invite you join them. If you can volunteer, it will be appreciated!  The Altar Care team is responsible for the preparation for worship services. Contact Jennifer Price at [email protected] to learn more or join the team!  The Men of Hope meet once a month for breakfast and a meeting. The group is responsible for providing Wednesday Night Alive dinners and contribute to many projects around the church. To join, contact David Van Hook at [email protected].

Congregational Assembly January 31, 2014; from 3:30-5:00PM Your invited to attend Hope’s Congregational Assembly on Sunday, January 31. The agenda will include a “State of the Church” report featuring God’s blessings in 2015, membership growth, financial reports, and more! Please plan to attend as the congregation embraces the challenges and opportunities of 2016!

A Note From Pastor Wagner It’s been a privilege to assist Pastor Puls and Pastor Upchurch in areas of member care and men’s ministry these past two years on a part-time basis. I will be moving back into a more “retired” mode beginning in January, providing only occasional assistance with preaching, teaching and support to the pastoral staff. I will no longer maintain an office at church but look forward to seeing you in worship and fellowship at Hope. May we, as the people of Hope, continue to boldly “proclaim and live the Word and love of Christ!”

Re-gifting Update Thanks to generous donations, Hope House Homework and Mentoring children were able to provide gifts for their parents. The children enjoyed fellowship, dinner, the Christmas Story, selected their gifts and wrapped them. The few remaining gifts were donated to Hope House’s Angel Tree.

January 6, 2016 5:30 – 6:15: Dinner 5:30 – 6:30: Youth Praise Team 5:30 – 6:00: Beginner Handbells 5:50-6:25: Children’s Choir 6:00 – 6:30: Youth Handbells 6:30-7:45: Adult Handbell Choir 6:30 – 7:30: Children, Youth, and Adult Education 7:45 – 9:00: Senior Choir

people of Hope Lutheran Church proclaim and live the Word and love of Christ. 2 The

Mission Statement


Live nativity Thank You!

All members and friends of Hope Lutheran Church are invited to participate in a Service of Commissioning for Krista and Joel Young as missionaries in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, on Sunday, January 17, at the 11:00 AM service. A farewell reception will be held immediately after the service. Light refreshments will be served.

A big thank you to all the volunteers who lead a successful Live Nativity this year! From the set designers and painters, to the organizers, actors, and everyone who brought cookies to enjoy! The weather was perfect to enjoy the story of Christ’s birth together, as a church family.


Moved? Change Emails?

Saturday, January 30, 2016 Looking for an evening of laughter, fun, and fellowship? Willing to stretch your brain a little bit? Mark your calendars for Hope's next Team Trivia Nite on Saturday, January 30. Cool prizes, silent auction, free snacks and beverages, and more. A great time promised for all!

Have you moved? Changed your email? Please contact Amy Elder at [email protected] or 919-554-8109 with any changes to your family’s contact information.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT ALIVE Begins!! WNA is Hope’s midweek ministry opportunity for all ages to gather for dinner, Bible study, Confirmation, fellowship, and fun. Homemade, high-quality dinners are served from 5:30-6:15PM with themed activities for the kids. Sign up in the Narthex, online, or by calling the Church office at 919-554-8109. Cost is $6/adults & youth 11 and older, $3/children ages 5-10, children under 5 free ($22 family max). Dinner Menu:  January 6: Hot Dogs & hamburgers, baked beans, potato and macaroni salad, and ice cream sandwiches for dessert.  January 13: Parmesan crusted chicken, corn, mashed potatoes, carrots, bread and butter, and cookies for dessert.  January 20: Tacos, Mexican corn, and sheet cake.  January 27: Chicken fingers, mac and cheese, corn, carrots, bread and butter, and cookies for dessert.  February 3: Baked spaghetti, salad, bread and butter, with Italian ice for dessert.

Music Ministry

Children’s Ministry

5:30pm-6:00pm; Beginner Handbells 5:30pm-6:00pm; Youth Praise Team 5:50pm-6:25pm; Children’s Choir 6:00pm-6:30pm; Youth Handbells 6:30pm-7:30pm; Adult Handbells 7:45pm-9:15pm; Senior Choir

6:30-7:30PM Nursery (0-2 yrs) in the Nursery Kids Connect (3 yrs-K) in the Nursery Kingdom Kids (Grades 1&2 ) in the Preschool FLASH (Grades 3&4) in the Children’s Center

Youth Ministry Adult Studies 6:30-7:30PM; Bible Stories…Revisited (January 6-20) Today’s Headlines and Your Faith (Jan. 27– Feb. 3)

6:30-7:30PM Confirmation Group on the Adult Ed. Floor Middle School Youth (Grades 7&8) in the Youth Cntr. High School Youth (Grades 9-12) meet Sunday Nights



MUSICIAN NEEDED Hope is seeking a keyboard player to work with the Praise Team that leads the worship music at Hope’s weekly Saturday evening worship service. If you have experience with contemporary Christian music, or are willing to learn, please contact Praise Team leader Joe Walters at [email protected] or Pastor Puls at [email protected].

Small group ministry PRIMETIMER dinner & meeting Saturday, January 16 at 7:00PM Join the PrimeTimers group in the Fellowship Hall for dinner and a business meeting. Please bring a covered dish to share as well as a small present for the white elephant gift exchange. Questions? Contact Andy Hoh at [email protected].

CARDS AT HOPE BRIDGE GROUP January 11 & January 25, both at 1:00PM. If you plan to come, please notify Betty McAlear at [email protected] or call 919-554-9081. New Players are always welcome! PINOCHLE GROUP - January 4 & January 18 at 1:00PM at Hope Contact Darlene McKenney at 919-389-5422 or [email protected] or Peggy Koehler if you plan to play. All skill levels welcome!

Night To Shine 2016 Save the Date: February 12, 2016 from 6:30-9:00PM Night to Shine, sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation, is a wonderful Prom event that celebrates God’s love for people with special needs. Last year 44 churches in 26 states and 3 countries participated. Hope was the only Lutheran church on the list. Worldwide, there were 15,000 volunteers and 7,000 honored guests joining together to celebrate. WOW! Hope Lutheran will be a host sight again, and plans have already begun! If you would like to be a part of the planning team, please contact the church office at 919-554-8109. Please mark your calendar to volunteer during the event. Volunteers are needed to host guests, work a station, set/clean up. Registration is open, visit Questions about volunteering can be directed to Bonnie Petersilge at [email protected] or Paula Reeves at [email protected].

NEW THIS YEAR!!! Shop to Shine Saturday, January 23 from 1-3PM This year we will add a shopping day for female guests to try on donated dresses. Bring prom type dresses to Hope anytime after January 11… all sizes and styles are needed. Volunteers are needed to help our guests feel welcome, find the right dress, and try new hairstyles. Please contact Shannon Janosko at [email protected] if you’d like to volunteer during the event.


OUTREACH & MISSION MINISTRIES Brown Bag Ministry The Brown Bag Ministry Team meets year round to provide nutritious lunches and smiles to people in Wake Forest. Also included in each lunch is a Bible verse for spiritual health. Join us January 16 outside the kitchen. We will make sandwiches and assemble lunch bags starting about 11:00AM. After praying over the lunches, we head out to two locations in Wake Forest about 11:45AM. Volunteers are welcome for either (or both) activities. During the month of January we are collecting brown lunch bags and plastic sandwich bags. All donations may be placed in the Brown Bag bin in the cafe area. Thanks again for all your support. Please contact Nancy Repak at [email protected] or 919 279 3801 with questions.

HopeChest The first HopeChest event for 2016 will be on Saturday, January 30 from 9:00AM-Noon. Clothing collection for the event will be Saturday, January 23 and Sunday, January 24 . Please bring your used clothing and housewares to Hope before and after services that weekend. Sorting volunteers are needed Thursday, January 28 starting at 5:00PM and Saturday during the event. Questions? Contact Shannon Janosko at [email protected].

Habitat For Humanity Projects Building Independence Project The Men of Hope will be serving lunch for all volunteers on Saturday, January 9, 2016. Hope volunteers are still needed to help with construction. Sign up today at or Hope’s website at The address of the site is 2610 Lake Wheeler Rd., Raleigh 27603. For questions please contact Lynroy Thomas at [email protected].

MLK Neighborhood Revitalization Project You are invited to participate in an exciting neighborhood revitalization project that is happening in Wake Forest starting on MLK Day, January 18 and continuing every Friday and Saturday for 4 weekends. Residents and partner organizations have come together to form the Hope Coalition to provide resident empowerment programs for the neighborhood. Hope House located at 334 N. Allen is a key place where these services are provided. The programming of Hope House has outgrown its current facilities and the Coalition has asked for assistance to develop an outdoor pavilion on its property as an additional space for residents to meet and support one another. You are invited to help the Hope Coalition to build this pavilion. We need 20 volunteers each work day. Please use the following Volunteer Hub link designated for this project to register: Contact Shannon Janosko, [email protected] with questions.

Habitat Update As a member of the Northern Wake Faith Coalition, watch for a work date on another new home build in Wake Forest. Habitat of Wake County and the Coalition will begin construction on March 5, 2016 at 322 Spring Street in Wake Forest. The homebuyer has been identified and we have the honor to work with D'Nodrick Hicks and his 7 year old son D'Shaun as they build their own home!



ADULT EDUCATION Sunday Mornings, 9:45-10:45am; Visitors welcome! Daniel; January 3-31 (5 Weeks) Leader: Mike Kaess; Location: Adult Education Floor, room 300 Daniel was a great leader of God’s people who devoted himself to God’s Word amid the disappointments and temptations of exile. The message of his prophecy revealed the truth that even though world powers may have their day, God will have the last word. His rule, and only his is lasting and his people will share in his final victory over all enemies. The message of Daniel was a comforting message for the people of God to hear and it still is! The Journey from Unbelief to Faith; January 3-31 (5 Weeks) Leader: Jeff Bruck; Location: Adult Education Floor, room 302 Regardless of our troubled pasts, entrenched beliefs, willful antagonisms, or pre-conceived notions, God can cut through our callous exteriors and the self-deluding facades we erect to keep him out. In this video based study, follow the lives of four individuals who traveled from the outer edge of unbelief and apathy to the Christ-centered faith they now devotedly embrace.

Wednesday Evenings from 6:30-7:30PM Wednesday evening adult education will begin in January 6, 2016. Bible Stories…Revisited; January 6-20 (3 Weeks) Leader: Pastor Lew; Location: Adult Education Floor, room 300 If you attended Sunday school class or read from a Bible story book as a child, do you remember those wonderful stories of how God dealt with his people? Maybe you remember the story of creation or the flood or the crossing of the Red Sea. But these aren’t fictional accounts based on wild imagination; they are true stories based on the Word of God. Whether you remember or not, you are invited to revisit a few of these stories as we read them straight from the Bible and discuss their meaning in our Christian lives today. Today’s Headlines and Your Faith; January 27-February 3 (2 Weeks) Leaders: Pastor Lew & Pastor Puls; Location: Adult Education Floor, room 300 As followers of Jesus Christ, we can try to see the events of the world around us with theological eyes. When we read the newspaper, scan the news websites, watch TV news, or when we listen to the radio talk shows, we can make an effort to allow our faith and what we do know of God impact our own reactions, interpretations, and responses. Join the discussion based on current headlines and our faith.


Thank you from the entire Hope staff for the wonderful cards, gifts, and home baked goodies received in December. Also, thank you for the congregation’s monetary Christmas gift. It is such a privilege to serve with the people of Hope and we are blessed by your continued support and kindness. Have a wonderful 2016!

AIMING TO STRENGTHEN HOPE’S MINISTRY 2016 OFFERING ENVELOPES Instead of asking you to pick up the familiar annual box of offering envelopes, your envelopes for 2016 will be mailed to you on a monthly basis. Electronic giving options are available at Hope, as well. Please contact the church office if we can help you in any way.

2016 FLOWER CHART is located on the wall in the church office hallway. You may sign up to donate flowers in memory or in honor of loved ones or to observe special occasions. Flowers are $40.00 with checks payable to Hope, earmarked “flowers.”

DONATE WITH AMAZON SMILE When you shop at, you'll find the exact same low prices and selection as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to Hope Lutheran Church. To enroll, visit, selecting Donate under the “About Us” section or scan the QR code.

Celebrating Gifts & Givers Weekly Services December 2, 2015 December 5-6, 2015 December 9, 2015 December 12-13, 2015 December 16, 2015 December 19-20, 2015 December 24, 2015 December 26-27, 2016



Special Gifts


Building Fund:


686 (119, 242, 352)


Brown Bag Ministry:




Thrivent Choice:


962 (185, 314, 463)


Alms Fund:



Advent (rec’d after 12/16):



290 735 (117, 275, 343)


1,994 (466, 440, 507, 284, 297)


458 (83, 172, 203)




Youth Ministry Youth ministry at Hope Lutheran focuses on friendships, faith, and service for youth in grades 5-12.

5-6 Grades

7-8 Grades There is no need to register for these events, just come and join the fun! Friends are always welcome. Parents, sign up to receive text updates by texting @473074 to 919 -229-8255. Middle schoolers, text @hope7-8ym to 919-229-8255. Don’t forget to include the @ sign.

January is filled with lots of activities from Confirmation kick-off to studying James in Sunday School, to roller skating. There is no need to register for these events, just come and join the fun! Friends are always welcome.

YOUTH WEDNESDAY NIGHTS Starts January 6 from 6:30-7:30PM January 6, 13, 20, 27— meet at Hope for food, games, devotions, & discussion.

Sign up to receive text updates by texting @473074 to 919-229-8255. Don’t forget to include the @ sign.

CHRIST CAFÉ - SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:45AM The topics for January include:  1/3: New Year, New Start  1/10: Basics About The Church,  1/17: The Church As The Body,  1/24: What’s Communion All About?  1/31: What’s Baptism All About?

LET’S ROLL - SKATING @ JELLY BEANS January 10 from 2-5PM Spend the afternoon skating and hanging out with friends at Jellybeans in Wakefield. $5 admission, $2 regular skate rental, or $3 roller blades. Bring extra $$ for snacks/ January is filled with lots of activities from Bowling at video games. There’s no need to register, just come and Brooks Street to studying exploring new topics in Sunday have fun! Friends welcome! School to having fun on Sunday Nights. There is no need to register for these events, just come and join the fun! CONFIRMATION starts January 6! Friends are always welcome. Wednesday Nights from 6:30-7:30PM This month all classes are studying the first 4 of the Parents, sign up to receive text updates by texting famous 10 Commandments. See the signs at church, or @c1b3a to 919-229-8255. Youth, text @e4c74 to 919-229check Hope’s website, for specific meeting locations. 8255. Don’t forget to include the @ sign. Did you know...that all of the Confirmation calendar BOWLING @ BROOKS STREET information is located on the website? Visit January 24 from 6-8PM and select “Get Involved - 5-6 & It’s not how you bowl. It’s how Confirmation” today. you Brooks Street (downtown Wake Forest). Join TELL IT LIKE IT IS...A STUDY OF JAMES Hope friends for bowling, food, Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:45AM and fun. $6 for 2 games, $3 for James offers practical wisdom, helping us deal with shoes. Food is extra. Friends welcome! critical questions & important situations. Through Bible study & discussions, youth will gain a better grasp on HS YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL how to navigate their culture and faith journey. SUNDAY NIGHT YOUTH January 3, 10, 17, 31 meet at Hope for food, games, devotions, & discussion (6:30-8:30PM). January 24 meet at Brooks Street for bowling (6:00-8:00PM).

9-12 Grades


Children’s ministry events & news Snow party!!


January 24 from 2:00-4:00PM

In 2016 enjoy some of our brand new themes including: Super Hero Academy, Food Fusion, and Inventor’s Workshop. All campers enjoy daily bible devotions, crafts, organized group games and activities, nature walks and much, much, more!! As always, we offer many different discount options such as our church member, sibling, refer-a-friend and consecutive week discounts. To learn more or register, visit

Join us for SNOW much FUN as we have a snow party for all children and their family from 3 years-4th grade. We will have crafts, games, a snow ball fight and a ton of fun.

Spring pageant!! We had such a good time with our Christmas Pageant, we are doing it again this spring with “In the BIG Inning.” Auditions will be on January 10 at Noon. Most practices will be on Sundays and there will also be two Wednesday practices.

Don’t Forget...Wednesday Night Alive begins on January 6! See page 3 for details.

Hope Lutheran Preschool News Happy New Year!! All classes will resume on Monday, January 4.

Mark your Calendar for Fall 2016-2017 Registration It’s that time again! If you are a church member interested in your child attending the Fall 2016 program please contact the preschool office at 919-453-0388.

Open Community Registration will be held on Friday, January 22 at 8:00AM on a first come, first served basis. Class placement will be done at the time of registration. If no spots are available in your first or second choice, you may choose to be placed on a waiting list at that time. A letter will be mailed to you on Tuesday, January 26 confirming your child’s class or their place on the waiting list. Check out our website at for class options and tuition rates.

Hope Lutheran Church Members will have first priority and must turn in their completed registration forms on Tuesday, January 19. Registration forms received after January 19 will no longer receive priority or be guaranteed a spot at the Preschool. Registration packets may be picked up beginning Monday, January 11.

Enrichment Afternoons We will continue to offer early care from 7:00AM to 9:00AM and extended afternoons from 12:00PM to 5:00PM, Monday through Friday. You can choose 1 to 5 days and rates are monthly. Check our website for more information.

Currently Enrolled Students and their Siblings will register on Wednesday, January 20 and Thursday, January 21.

Thank you for all of your support of Hope Lutheran Preschool!



Happy Birthday! Lisa Dotson, 1/1 Shirley Jaeger, 1/1 Joseline Kirkendoll, 1/1 Mike Ponsolle, 1/1 Nathan Ebberts, 1/2 Emma Harris, 1/2 Connor Weltzin, 1/2 Alexis Wood, 1/2 Camden Ames, 1/3 Jack Ames, 1/3 Simon Law, 1/3 Hannah Rose Morrow, 1/3 Connor Mrazek, 1/3 Tanner Mrazek, 1/3 Dillon Swenson, 1/3 Becca Wilczynski, 1/3 Ann Bower, 1/4 Will Duignan, 1/4 Maddie Ellis, 1/4 Ron Gelfo, 1/4 Macy Parmelee, 1/4 Wyatt Pickens, 1/4 Kaitlynne Baker, 1/5 Stephen Brevig, 1/5 Katherine Cesar, 1/5 Bill Jay, 1/5 Miranda Bailey, 1/6 Patrick Bloomer, 1/6

Melissa Irgens, 1/6 Bryan Law, 1/6 Lucas Raynor, 1/6 David Siderio, 1/7 Sophia Hayes, 1/8 Sharon Leary, 1/8 Bob Rutter, 1/8 Darby Ellwanger, 1/9 Denean Garrity, 1/9 Brenda Kris, 1/9 Rebecca Martin, 1/9 Ashley Stroot, 1/9 Jamie Matala, 1/10 Sharon Sandstrom, 1/10 Corey Wood, 1/10 Michael Carlyle, 1/11 Dan Hitchcock, 1/11 Henri Kelliher, 1/11 Tyler Lane, 1/11 Imogen Braddock, 1/12 Pat DiMonda, 1/12 Clara Owens, 1/12 Lily Wrenn, 1/12 Peggy Koehler, 1/13 Kara Marker, 1/13 Chloe Barker, 1/14 Lyle Berglund, 1/14 Amber Edwards, 1/14 Andy Garrity, 1/15 Jamie Pless, 1/15 Jake Smith, 1/16

Happy Anniversary! Arturo & Rebecca Lumpkin, 1/1 Patrick & Heleen Bloomer, 1/5 Glen & Jean Kile, 1/7 John & Elaine Willers, 1/7 Preston & Lana Wagner, 1/15 John & Pam Morrow, 1/16 Guy & Nancy Hays, 1/17 Eric & Ashley Allred, 1/18 Chris & Nancy Bender, 1/23 Rob & Jill Ellison, 1/29 James & Debbie Irgens, 1/31


Michele Buddo, 1/17 Becky Horsley, 1/17 Max Upchurch, 1/17 Brian Faris, 1/18 Brooke Foil, 1/18 Emily Minor, 1/18 Beth Theiss, 1/18 Olivia Pierre, 1/19 Helen Turner, 1/19 Michael Webb, 1/19 Hannah Lynn Weidner, 1/19 Zachary Morris, 1/20 Renee Pfendler, 1/20 Heather Phillips, 1/20 Sandra Schwarz, 1/20 Kate Smith, 1/20 Rob Watt, 1/20 Darryl Barbella, 1/21 Shelley Hitt, 1/21 Sarabeth Hogshire, 1/21 Abby Nugent, 1/21 Billie Kay Roland, 1/21 Rob Hughes III, 1/22 Gus Ismay, 1/22 Melanie Loeffler, 1/22 Tia Marr, 1/22 Zach Reeves, 1/22 Katherine Edwards, 1/23 Lori Hugelmaier, 1/23 Makayla Meyer, 1/23 Tracie White, 1/23

Ann Jasper, 1/24 Rachel Raynor, 1/24 Crystal Dickens, 1/25 Chandler Harrell III, 1/25 Jeff Lasater, 1/25 Ron Miksa, 1/25 Jamie Ayers, 1/26 Megan Cerniauskas, 1/26 Carolyn Rathje, 1/26 Mike Featham, 1/27 Tom Hemma, 1/27 Jane Vukovich, 1/27 Brinley Allred, 1/28 Jordan Fritz, 1/28 Jennifer Murphy, 1/28 Matthew Isaacson, 1/29 Diane Ryals, 1/29 Sophie Eisenhardt, 1/30 Jonathan Habers, 1/30 Tom Haske, 1/30 Evan Moran, 1/30 Wyatt Murphy, 1/30 Celeste Nugent, 1/30 Natalie Valchar, 1/30 Kristina Cook, 1/31 Hunter DeCilles, 1/31 Virginia Fulbright, 1/31 Phyllis Harrison, 1/31 Noah Isaacson, 1/31

Prayer Requests from December 5-6 Praise and Thanksgiving for…good biopsy results for Coleman; the gift of motherhood; Comfort for…Brad Boney’s friend, Caryn Bobbick and her daughters, recovering from a car accident and grieving the loss of her husband and his parents; Dave Williams, brother-in-law to Barry Bowling, at the loss of his mother; Strength and Healing for…a marriage in trouble; Sheila Bishop’s mother, Jeannette Trudell, recovering at home after heart surgery; Wayne Catlin, family of Beverly Catlin, hospitalized with severe infection and facing surgery; Nathan Johanson, nephew of Bob & Susan Johanson, hospitalized with pneumonia & pulmonary embolism; Linda Rathgeber, recovering from surgery; Jeanelle Richardson, sister-in-law of Marilyn Featham, as she continues her struggle with cancer; Bob Hughes, recovering from surgery; Faye Briggs, Shannon Janosko’s mother, recovering from a fall; Nancy O'Dwyer, Kathy & Norm Bell's niece recovering from critical abdominal surgery; Anne Hall who is having hip replacement surgery on December 9; Guidance, Protection, and Safety for…Donna traveling home; the Van Hook and Shuttleworth families; Kaitlynne’s grandmother traveling home.

Prayer Requests from December 12-13 Praise and Thanksgiving for…successful surgery for Diana Keane’s friend, Rose Pressley; the birth of a girl to Leif & Stephanie Blomquist, friends of Diana Keane; Comfort for…the Flower family, grieving the loss of their father to ALS; a family mourning the loss of a child to suicide; the family of Liz Dronzek, friends of Julie Bowling, grieving her death; Strength and Healing for… Kate & Avery Williams’ friend, Brenda, suffering from Diabetes; the mother of Dillon Weidner’s friend, recovering from surgery; a wife’s recovery after surgery; Hannah Elder’s teacher having surgery; Elysa; all those suffering with PTSD; Holly Shivers, friend of the Obiedzenski’s, recovering from surgery; Emily Hitt’s friend, Bella, hospitalized for testing; Shana Broder’s friend, Matt Register and his family, as Matt recovers from brain surgery; Melanie Barker and her continued healing after surgery; Sandi Ollivier’s husband, Charles, having a cancer check-up; Soon Cole, a friend recently diagnosed with a tumor on her spine; the mother of Gabi VanSickle’s friend, recovering from a stroke; Chuck Boney, family of Brad Boney, recovering from surgery; Linda, recovering from surgery; Ruth Lassiter’s friend, Connie Nance, just diagnosed with advanced lung cancer; Guidance, Protection, and Safety for…all those suffering this holiday season; all those employed and underemployed; Erin

Coleman’s father to get a job before the holidays; the Johnson family on their way home from Texas.

Prayer Requests from DECEMBER 19-20 Praise and Thanksgiving for…thanksgiving for our choir director Rob Varner, soloists Norine Carter and Joe Walters, guest organist Lorraine, and the dedication of the senior and children's choirs; Comfort for…the Bryan family, dealing with a tragic loss of a mother and child; the Breest family, mourning the loss of their child, Aiden, to suicide; Heather Monica and family, at the loss of her 8 year old daughter; Strength and Healing for…Nancy O'Dwyer, Norm & Kathy Bell’s niece, due to complications following her recent surgery; Janet Casterline, Norm & Kathy Bell’s neighbor, now in ICU due to pneumonia & complications; Tom Readling, recovering from surgery; Cindy Hudson, recovering from surgery; Susan Hooper’s friend, Selena, and her remission test results; Kayla Clark’s friend, Will Evans, hospitalized for epilepsy treatments; Nan & James Mason, friends of Shelley Hitt, both fighting cancer; Bella Dickenson, 8th grader hospitalized and awaiting a diagnosis; Nancy Curley as she adjusts to living in assisted living; Michele, recovering from a brain aneurysm; Mr. Bowers, husband of the vice principal of N. Forest Pines, who fell off a ladder hanging lights; Hugh McAlear, recovering from surgery; Guidance, Protection, and Safety for…a family in need that the Christmas light will shine upon them from people they don’t know; all of the college students taking exams and traveling home; Ms. Krista who is moving to Africa to spread the Word.

Prayer Requests from December 26-27 Praise and Thanksgiving for…the 60th anniversary of Richard & Elaine Kruger; the VanHook’s new granddaughter, Clara; Comfort for…Sharon Strom, grieving the loss of her father; Sandra Lee, friends of the Watt Family, at the death of her step mom; Strength and Healing for…Lauren Zick, having surgery on January 7; Janet Casterline, friend of Norm & Kathy Bell, having surgery to remove a lung infection; Wayne Catlin, family of Beverly Catlin, hospitalized with an infection; Rick Hall’s mother, Joan, for her health to stabilize; Olivia Gentry, that she will remain fever-free and be able to come home; Guidance, Protection, and Safety for…all those in Texas affected by the tornado; Jordan’s grandparents; Eric, Marie, Bill, & Linda all in need of God’s mercy and guidance. Friends of Donna Neubaum.



Ministry Leadership Team: Rodger Fulbright (Chair), Joe Hummel (Vice Chair), Mike Siderio (Secretary), Beth Theiss, Rob Petersilge, Jeff Vukovich, Susan Hooper, Tracie White, Marilyn Bremer, David Morgan, Peter Mueller, and Beatrice Siaw.

3525 Rogers Road Wake Forest, NC 27587 Phone: 919.554.8109 Fax: 919.554.0412 Web:

Saturday Celebration Service 5:30PM Sunday Worship 8:30AM & 11:00AM Sunday Christian Education Hour 9:45AM

Ministry Staff: Rev. Wayne Puls…………….………………..………….……….……Senior Pastor Rev. Lew Upchurch…..………………………….……….………Associate Pastor Rev. Larry R. Lineberger……………….…………..…Assistant to the Pastor Rev. Preston Wagner……………………………………………..Pastor Emeritus Beth Agner…….….Director of Christian Ed. & Children’s Ministry Shannon Janosko…………........………………………..Parish Administrator Amy Elder………………………….….………Communications Coordinator Jan McCluskey…………….……….………………………..…………….Bookkeeper Carlin O’Brien………………………………...……...Receptionist/Office Asst. Steve Ebberts…………………………………………………...Facilities Manager Paul Hieter…..………………………….Evening Receptionist/Office Asst. Rob Varner…………………….……….………..Organist and Choir Director Kathy Vockeroth……………..………….……….…Hand Bell Choir Director Joe Walters, Michael Case, Tim Stroupe, Ray Sharpstene..Praise Team Regina Fisher………….………………….…………………….Preschool Director Angela Baker…………...………...…Preschool Administrative Assistant Sara Cutler, Tara Cook, Susan Kennedy, Jamie Pless, Fran Sowisdral, Deborah Burns, Lisa Dotson, Amanda DeCilles, Stephanie Fowler, Christine Murphy, Amber Perry, Stefanie Saba, Crystal Bright, Jannelle Pizzola, Denise Christopoulos, Jen Swearingen, & Jill Dillow……………………………………………………………...…...…Teachers Billie Kay Roland..………………………………… Xplore Program Director Bonnie Petersilge, Kelly Friend, Melissa Replogle, Natasha Hoyle, Cassandra Davis & Joshua Clink……...………………………..…..Xplore Staff Erin Ames, Lauren Hugelmaier, Julie Gundry, Cynthia Leonard, Heleen Bloomer, Carly Turman, Angie Meyer, Melissa Replogle, & Kathy Dipillo ………………….…………………..………Nursery Attendants Erin Ames…...……………………..…….……….…...Little Blessings Director Lindsay Mitchell, Angie Meyer, Melissa Replogle, and Kate Cerullo ………………….………….…………………………………......Little Blessings Staff

Hope Lutheran Church & Preschool 3525 Rogers Road Wake Forest, NC 27587 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED