Pastor Steve - Calvary United Methodist Church

Sep 4, 2016 - ...

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A Word from Pastor Steve Some years ago when I was living in Baltimore, I had a friend who was originally from the Netherlands. I learned that my friend has a strong dislike for mice. It turns out that this is a rather a common dislike among people who have lived in Holland. In Holland, much of the land is located well below sea level. The only thing holding back the Atlantic Ocean from washing away homes and entire towns are the large earthen dikes and levees built to prevent flooding. The dikes have been in place for centuries and yet the sea is always there, threatening to come in. Tremendous pressures from the tides and waves are constantly pushing against the dikes. Should they fail, certain disaster would follow. The water would rush in through the break and homes and buildings would be engulfed. What took place in New Orleans with Hurricane Katrina could take place for most of the entire country of the Netherlands.

INSIDE…. Pastors Pages Centennial Memorial Worship Schedule Ministry Updates Family Life VIM Report UMM/UMW Music and Arts Calvary Youth Weekday School Thanks/Lay Servant Calvary Raises the Steaks Calendar Worship Helpers

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Dikes, levees and damns very seldom experience a total collapse or sudden catastrophic failure. They are constructed to resist great forces. However, should a hole or crack or weakness develop somewhere in the structure—even a very small one – the whole structure is threatened. What starts out as a tiny drip can grow into a trickle, then a leak, then a gusher and the whole structure can collapse. The enormous pressure exerted on the dike becomes concentrated on the one place of weakness. In due time, a small spot can become a major rupture. Here’s where the fear of mice comes in. Mice love to dig holes in the earth. The dike is made up of earth piled up high. If mice do their “mousey thing” in an earthen dike…. well, let’s just say that it’s best not to have any mice around when you live next to a dike. Mice and the lowlands of Holland have something to teach us as people of faith. When we begin to pray …even a little prayer of faith… guess what? We can have a big effect. Like mice digging tiny holes, we can find that our prayers and our acts of courage and faith can end up have a much larger outcome than we might ever have guessed. Jesus said that if people had faith even the size of a tiny mustard seed, they could move mountains. Ever seen a mustard seed? We had some in the cabinet at home above the sink. They are pretty small. Mountains are pretty big and yet the way Jesus does the math, the faith is what makes the difference. When we pray in our homes, when we gather for worship, when pass on our concerns to others on the prayer chain, we are doing our “disciple thing” and something begins to happen.

IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER September 11 We will resume our regular worship schedule Charge Conference October 4th at 7 p.m.

See you in church.

Pastor Steve 1|Page

From Pastor Linton Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Peace and grace. I hope that your summer has brought an opportunity to find renewal and to be refreshed. I have watched each of my colleagues come and go this summer to various destinations. I admit to feeling pangs of envy as I love my summer getaway to the beach. My summer has been the opposite of going on vacation, but rather active with transition I completed an eight-year appointment at Araby UMC, physically moved in May from Walkersville to Frederick and surrendered my position at Brook Lane as the Associate Chaplain. I entered into a new season July 1 as I walked into 8 West Second St. and began uncovering what it means to be affiliated with Centennial Memorial UMC. As well, I began a time of discovery, “where mercy and mission intersect “, Calvary UMC of Frederick. This summer has been . . . A time to plant, rather than reap; to throw away stones and to gather new stones together; a time to embrace, to seek, to sew, to keep silence and to speak. A time to love and a time for peace. (excerpt from Ecclesiastes 3). My time for the beach will come. Instead of walking in the sand and listening to the waves I have been discovering and listening. I am learning about the current church family and the great band of witnesses who have gone before creating the history and current shores of Centennial Memorial. Among my discoveries there have been many remarkable saints who have presented themselves. Without these folks churches do not continue to function as they have their own vital ministries in the background. Their work is often performed away from the public eye. Efforts are sometimes overlooked as they are devoted and humble, not needing the praise as they truly are working within and for Christ. One such person stands out for me as she has made my transition at Centennial less rocky. She has smoothed the sand and removed the pebbles. Let me introduce to you a strong warrior for Christ, Janet Norris. In her own words Janet has been “overseeing Centennial for half a century.”. That’s a wonder of its own. Born one of 17 children Janet understands the need for cooperation and each person pulling her own weight. Janet and her husband Jim came to Centennial Memorial 59 years ago. They had three children, a daughter and two sons. Janet’s leadership has spanned a variety of positions including, superintendent of Sunday School for 13 years. Mrs. Norris has been faithful to the choir and continues to bless us each Sunday with her gift of music. A member of the Centennial Bells, altar guild, mission team to Puerto Rico in 1989, overseeing the hanging of the greens annually, flowers at Christmas and Easter for the altar, Janet is never far from having her hand in something that needs to be done. As a longtime member of the UMW Janet has taken her role to include the regular visitation of shut ins. She attends both Saturday and Sunday worship services as a bridge bringing news from Saturday into Sunday worship. Lighting the candles on the altar, attention to lights, the thermostat, locking the doors, keeping us current with flowers donated for the altar, assuring all is well . . . . she is a true saint. I end this tribute with a final word on Miss Janet’s work with the homeless and less fortunate. I believe she does this work for Christ and does not want me to dwell on how she provides the endless rides to doctors appointments, grocery stores, picking up prescriptions, providing both for physical and spiritual needs of the least the lost and the forgotten. She is a blessing and the true definition of a servant for Christ. Thank you. In sincere appreciation Your devoted sister in Christ

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Centennial Memorial News Worship Schedule: Saturday


11:00 a.m. AA Revelations 4:00 p.m. Community Fellowship Meal 5:15 pm. Contemporary Worship & Children’s Ministry 10:00 a.m. Sacred Grounds 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship

Centennial United Methodist Women September Meeting Centennial United Methodist Women’s Unit will hold its next meeting on September 11, following morning worship at 12 Noon. We will serve a light luncheon for all who attend, and all women are invited. The program will be given by Mrs. Kris Clark, Frederick’s District U.M.W. Secretary, as a report on the “Mission U” Conference held in July 2016 Bob Diatz Jen Diatz Ali Gros(pastor Deb's daughter) Kimberly James Dianna Lee Roub Cherry Witmore Judy Wiles Ron Huntzberry Anna Snyder David Gros (Pastor Deb's son)

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Second Street and Hope Many thanks to all the volunteers who keep this vital ministry alive. We would like to extend special thanks to The Verizon Wireless Managers who blessed us the first week of August in assisting in reorganization of our food pantry and moving many objects to recreate a more usable space. On the same day we were visited by 40 youth from Damascus Road Community Church who were on the last day of their mission experience in Pennsylvania. Like a swarm of worker bees they took to anything and everything that needed to be done. The clothing closet was totally reorganized and over 50 hygiene kits were put together. We currently have the following dates open for volunteering at Second Street and Hope. Sept. 7, (Wed.), Sept. 24 (Sat. )Sept 28 (Wed.) and Oct 19 (Wed.) Oct. 26 (Wed). Wednesdays require 3-4 volunteers and serve pizza to our community. Hours are from 5-7p.m. Saturdays require 4-5 volunteers and includes providing and serving a meal for 75 people. This is perfect for churches, scouts, youth groups, families, Bible study groups and other groups of folks who feel a passion for serving God's children who are less fortunate. Serve once a year, serve once a month. For more information, please contact Doris Branch at 240-367-7546. 3|Page

Calvary SEPTEMBER Sermon Series: A Joyful Letter to Believers (4 Sundays) Paul wrote the Letter to the Philippians near the end of his life while in prison in Rome. It is a letter filled with joy and hope as he encourages the believers to keep the faith with joy and perseverance. September 4

A Life Worth Living

Philippians 1:3-14

Paul encourages believers to open their eyes and hearts to what God has in mind. Through the community of faith, we find the living Christ and a life worth living. We will celebrate Holy Communion this Sunday. There is no Sunday School today. September 11*

Just Like Jesus

Philippians 2:1-11

(15-year anniversary of 9/11 attacks) Jesus willingly entered into our human condition as a servant and slave and suffered death on the cross. And God highly exalted him. This is not just a story from the past, but an invitation to live now in a radically new way. This invitation becomes particularly significant as we recognize the challenges and fears that surround us. We will have the September 18

A Magnificent Obsession

Philippians 3:7-14

What is the one thing that we put above everything else? What is the one thing we need and want above all else? And are we living in such a way that what we say is most important lines up with the actual decisions we make day to day and year to year? It’s never too late to stop and make some changes. September 25

Joy for the Journey

Philippians 4:1-9

When there are so many distractions and worries to pull us down, where can we go to find lasting joy in life? Paul points us to Jesus Christ as the source of genuine contentment. We will celebrate September birthdays with a blessing today. *we return to a TWO SERVICE schedule today. September 10, meet in the Parish Hall at 5:30 p.m. and we'll eat at 6:00 p.m.. Meat and beverages will be supplied. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. Bruce and Helen Sheppard will present a program on the 2016 VIM trip to Vieques, Puerto Rico RSVP to Judy and Larry Johnson at 301-371-6467 or to Larry's email [email protected].

Lay Leadership Lay Leadership is seeking individuals that would like to serve Calvary. Church Council, Lay Leadership, SPRC, Evangelism, Education are some of the areas that will need new members beginning January 2017. Please see a member of Lay Leadership with any questions. Members are: Billie Stokes, Pat Herber, Ray McKinnon, Frank Strakonsky, Fred Shumacher, Allison MacDonald, Dan Long, Norie Shipley, and Angela Mayer. 4|Page

Ministry Updates Finance Ministry The first six months of the year have been filled with lots of activity for those serving on the Finance Ministry as we go about doing the work God has entrusted us to do. Members of our Ministry include Jan Cline, Bert Edmonston, Bob Jacobs, Larry Johnson, Charlie Jones, Ed Kinsey, Rev. Dr. Steve Larsen, Abbie Mueller, Helen Sheppard, Ken Switzer, and Jeff Zalatoris. A number of objectives were established for our ministry for the year and include enhancing our financial reporting to the Church Council, staff and ministries; offering support to the Staff Parish Relations Committee in the transition to our new pastor; overseeing the development of our Stewardship Campaign for 2017; and enhancing our budgeting process for the upcoming year. Over the next few weeks, budget information will be forwarded to the staff members and Chairs of Calvary’s ministries and committees. Our process this year includes asking our Chairs to meet with the members of their ministry to discuss their budget needs and to use the documents being distributed to provide information that will assist in planning for the effective use of Calvary’s financial resources. We encourage you to contact Bob Jacobs ([email protected]) for any assistance you may need in completing your forms this year. It is requested that all budgets be completed and forwarded to Bob Jacobs on or before Friday, October 28th in order for the Finance Committee to review the information and develop a draft budget for 2017. The Finance Committee will then submit the draft budget to the Church Council for discussion and approval at its November 22nd meeting. There are many exciting things happening at Calvary and through our prayers and continued commitment to doing His work, we can all participate in seeing Calvary grow in ministry, in membership and in the faithful stewardship of our gifts to Him. In His Service, Faye Cannon Chair, Finance Ministry

CHURCH BAZAAR Believe it or not, it's time to start thinking about Calvary's 2016 Holiday Extravaganza (Bazaar). Crafting has begun. Our weekly crafting begins in September, when we meet each Tuesday at 1:00 pm and each Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm. Please prayerfully consider lending us a hand. Many hands make the job much easier. The bazaar is a great way to get involved, meet new members and use your gifts and service for the church. Hope to see you soon. Becky Isaacs ( chairperson) [email protected] 301-304-0439 (home) 301-639-5377 (cell)

Prayer Shawl Ministry Resumes! If you are someone who enjoys knitting and/or crocheting, this is a ministry for you. We welcome all newcomers and will be happy to assist if you are a novice or are a “smidge” rusty. Our lovely prayer shawls are freely distributed to anyone who might be comforted by receiving one. In fact, if you know of someone who would appreciate having a prayer shawl, please let us know. Our first meeting will be on Saturday, September 10 at 10:00 a.m. in the parlor at church. This is a group of fun, warm and prayerful women who would welcome YOU! Men, know that we’d like to include you, too. If you have any questions, contact Ginger Ward (301-644-4282) or Alice Zalatoris (301-6828828).


Stewardship Corner How familiar is the Parable of the Good Samaritan? (Luke 10:25-37) This should be said not with a question mark – but with an exclamation. Jesus told this story about Christian values to an expert of the law to show him and us, that God’s kingdom goes beyond law, ritual and social limits. Jesus was teaching them and us the A, B, C’s of kingdom of heaven. A man fell into the hard hands of robbers and had his possessions taken. He was beaten severely and left to die. Two other travelers pass, seeing the man in need do nothing. Their actions restricted by the law as they understood it and by social norms that would not allow them to become involved. A third man, different from the robbed man in almost all ways, was different from the priest and the Levite in greater ways. The Samaritan had a different Attitude about his fellow man and about God’s kingdom. He worshiped God in a place that was not in Jerusalem – it was in the hills as said by the woman at the well. The true place the Samaritan worshiped God was in his heart, showing his Affection for his fellow man (neighbor) that dazzled with grace and mercy as shown in his Actions. The Samaritan “took pity” and bandaged his wounds, used oil and wine to cleanse those deep wounds and carried the poor man upon his own donkey to a place of safety and care. He gave from his own purse. The Samaritan looked Beyond himself. His eyes are clear to truth and light. His ears were open to God’s call, to the call from Christ that he heard and understood in his heart. Brotherly love was demonstrated in his actions. His Belief in the God of all made him a righteous man in Jesus’ story. The Blessings that God Bestowed upon the Samaritan; wealth, material possessions, and compassion of heart were freely given to a man in need without consideration of personal gain. I imagine the Samaritan reflected those values to others as well. God blesses us as He did the Samaritan. God promises to provide for our need – but He blesses the Samaritan and ourselves in abundance. The Samaritan used his blessings wisely in God’s kingdom in response to God’s will. God Calls us to show Compassion toward our neighbor. Our acts of Care for the physical and spiritual condition is reflective if God’s compassion, mercy, grace and love showered upon all who are in need. We, and they, do not need to merit such mercy and grace. There are no qualifications demonstrated nor criteria to be met to be blessed with God’s love. If we have Christ within us, we will be able to practice the A, B, C’s.

Children’s Movie Nights Join us for a movie, a valuable life lesson, a snack, games and crafts Second Friday of each month from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Activities Room of the Education Building. All children pre-school 4’s thru 5th grade are invited. Three and under welcome when accompanied by an adult. September 9th “Sheerluck Holmes and the Golden Ruler” October 14th “Larry Boy and the Bad Apple” November 11th “Madame Blueberry” 6|Page

Education Pastor’s Bible Study Led by Pastor Steve on Tuesdays from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. First session will meet on Tuesday, September 6th in the Library. We will be studying 2 Corinthians. Joyce Dixon’s Tuesday Morning Bible Study The Study for Tuesday mornings 2016-2017 We will meet on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Tuesdays beginning September 20th in the Friendly Circle Room. Our study this year will be Highlights of the New Testament, written by William L. Lane. The author writes, “Mark wrote his gospel during a time of great persecution in order to strengthen Christians in their faithfulness to Jesus. Paul wrote to the church at Thessalonica in defense of his mission and to encourage new Christians faced with opposition from Jewish leaders. James wrote to a church that was still meeting in the synagogue, worshipping side by side with fellow Jews who did not recognize Jesus as the promised Messiah.” This study will help us gain a fresh perspective on the total message of the New Testament. We invite anyone who is interested to join our study! Joyce Dixon, 301-663-4809 Disciple Bible Study II Led by Pastor Steve on Wednesdays from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Beginning on September 14 and ending on May 10 (With the exception of December 28, March 1, April 12 and possible snow days) Please let the office know if you are interested in signing up for this class or visit our webpage EVENTS page to register. Bible Basics A three week, hands-on introduction to the Bible. Note: No previous knowledge of the Bible is required for this course. Learn how to get the most out of the Bible. 3 sessions, Sundays, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. September 25, October 2 and October 9 Growing in Christ: Led by Pastor Steve. Growing in Christ is a set of short courses developed by Rev. Larsen during his doctoral work at Wesley Theological Seminary. The components include “Bible Basics”, “Essential Beliefs”, and “Holy Habits” which will be offered at various times throughout the year. Each component stands on its own, but the three parts lift up different ways to grow in Christian Discipleship. New this fall! Kids for Christ will be held on Sunday evenings (beginning on September 11th) from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the Activities Room of the Education Building. Kids for Christ is for children in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade. Children will enjoy fellowship, games, short video lessons, and other fun activities as they learn more about the AMAZING love of Jesus. In order to be Safe Sanctuaries compliant, a second adult will need to be present during the hour. Please sign up at if you are willing to volunteer as the second adult. For more information, please contact Jen Pond ([email protected])


COVENANT BIBLE STUDY Join us for Calvary's first Covenant Bible Study. Covenant is an in-depth group Bible Study in which participants read and discuss the Bible and learn how to love God - and each other - better. It includes daily email readings or a mobile app, in addition to the traditional study guide. Spiritual formation meets Bible Study with a modern twist. Separated into 3, 8-week segments, each class is 90-minutes long. Classes will begin Wednesday, September 7. The first 8-week session will run through October 26 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Learn what the Bible says and how it applies to your life and relationships TODAY. For more information visit their website at To register . For more information, contact the church office.

Church and Society Prayer for an End to Gun Violence God of ancient, present, and future days, You have called us to be a people of peace and mercy. Yet our world today is filled with turmoil and violence. You call us to turn our weapons into plowshares. But, instead, we use our weapons to plow through those whom we fear. God Almighty, help us to break the cycles of violence which are rampant in our world today. Give us the courage to address issues of race, class, gender, and power which contribute to violence. Guard our very lives as we take risks to stop hate and to sow love, even in those with whom we disagree. Especially in those with whom we disagree. Ever faithful God, guide our leaders as they discern laws and regulations designed to keep citizens safe. Guide our military, our police, and those who are called to protect us to do so with the least amount of force necessary. Protect those who are in harm’s way. And comfort those who mourn as a result of violence that has already occurred. We pray all these things in the name of the one who redeems, comforts, and makes all things new. Amen.

On September 25th people all across the US will participate in a Concert Across America to Prevent Gun Violence. In Frederick, the concert will be on the steps of ERUCC (15 West Church Street) at 2 pm. All are invited. Join Deacon Julie and the Baltimore Washington Board of Church and Society for a day at the United Methodist Building on Capitol Hill in DC to learn about our Social Principles and how we can apply them to our daily lives. The training is free, but we ask that you register first: Those interested in carpooling should speak with Deacon Julie. 8|Page

Family Life Ponderings With all the sad news in the world these days, shootings, rioting, acts of terror, missing children, and more, I found myself asking, (again), why does God let this happen? I think to myself, “He could stop it if He wanted to…He knew this was going to happen, after all…why let it?”. I started researching a little bit, and found, if not complete solace, an understanding. After reading a lot of articles, and a lot of scripture, I came to understand this: God created us and gave us paradise (Adam and Eve, if you’ve forgotten). When those two turned away from God, which they could only do because he had given them free will, paradise was lost. If someone tells you they love you, it is freely given. If it were forced, it wouldn’t mean anything…there would not be a true love. God does not force us to love Him. He is, however, our Father, and He has given us rules. As a parent, I know that even when my children do bad things, I still love them, and I will always “be there” for them. God is always there for us, even when things are bad. God never promised us a pain-free, easy life. In John 16:33, it says, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Remember that the children of Israel lived in slavery for 400 years, and cried out to God for help. Was God missing then? I think not. He proceeded to roll back the Red Sea, send plagues, and perform miracles. His thoughts are not ours. His time is not ours. Who knows what He is planning to show us in our time? Read Luke13: 2-5. Jesus asks if the people killed were any worse sinners than any others, and He answers himself with a “no”. He does, however, warn us to prepare ourselves to be ready before our time of death comes. The cost of sin is death. God did not create the world with death as a part of it. Man made that so when he sinned. Thanks Adam and Eve. So, the difference that we have to remember about suffering is that we have hope. Hope is what God gave us to help us get through the pain and misery of a world of sin. Jesus overcame death by rising again, and that was God’s promise to us, that even though we suffer here, He has overcome death, and we will have everlasting life through Him. Faith doesn’t make things easy, but it does make them possible. Have faith, and peace. -Angela

Family Life Family Life will be manning the Calvary Tent during the In The Streets event with the Evangelism Committee on Saturday, September 10, 2016. In October we are looking forward to Trunk or Treat on Saturday, October 30, 2016 from 5:00 to 8:00 PM. We need people to decorate their trunks or mini vans with a Halloween theme for the kids. We will have our Annual Cook-off as well so get your cookbooks out and find some good ideas for the party. Mark your calendar for the following events: Saturday, November 26th – Greening of the Church Saturday, December 10th – Bake-A-Batch Cookies Sunday, December 18th – Decorating Cookies for the Birthday Party for Jesus Saturday, December 24th – Birthday Party for Jesus

Women’s Retreat The women’s retreat registration is open! It is sure to be a wonderful weekend of fun and renewal at the “Sweet Life Café” The retreat is scheduled for September 16th – 18th at Skycroft in Hagerstown! Sign up on our website! 9|Page

Planes, Vans and Ferries


I have to admit, for several months I worried about our VIM trip. There were countless emails for planning, travel arrangements, and assembling project material. This year, we had 36 VIM team members from 4 different churches traveling to Vieques, Puerto Rico on our annual mission trip. Upon our arrival in Puerto Rico, we were met by Bishop Ortiz who expressed his gratitude to all of us for coming and helping their churches. After group photos, we loaded everyone in vans, our luggage was packed into pickups trucks, then off we went to Fajardo to catch the afternoon ferry to Vieques. After our arrival at the port of Vieques, we were met by a large group of volunteers from the Methodist church in Esperanza who loaded our luggage on their trucks and drove us to the church (by the way, there is a lot of luggage for 36 people, tools and supplies) After we unpacked and settled in, we were treated to dinner prepared by the church members. Our dinner meals throughout the week were prepared by the same church members and were outstanding! After dinner, we met our host Pastor Alex and reviewed projects. On Friday morning, Pastors Julie and Heath, along with Helen Sheppard and I were invited to join Pastor Carmen for a live broadcast on the local radio station in Vieques. We talked about the Baltimore-Washington Conference partnership with the Puerto Rico Methodist Church. We talked about working within the communities and all the help we received from our home churches to get our group here. Afterwards, team leaders visited all worksites to get a better understanding of the jobs. Later in the morning, we circled back to our host church. Teams were formed, assignments given out and we were off to work! Our two main projects were major floor tiling at Esperanza Church, and construction of a large interior wall in the sanctuary at the Isabel Church. The tiling project involved laying down hundreds of 12 x12 ceramic tiles. For the tile work, we had a lot of team members work as cutters, floor preparers and tile layers. The wall involved construction of a 35 foot long, by 11 foot high interior wall. The wall included two large windows and a double door. The framing had to be precise to fit within the sanctuary. Pastor Alex also asked us to help with some of the parishioners homes that were in need of repairs. We installed a new sink and cabinet in one home, repaired roofs and painted several homes. The roofing project was brutal. On top of the homes in the hot sun, team members spent time repairing and filling cracks. Painting and replacement of the sink was also challenging. This work lasted for several days. Some of the younger VIM members spent time cleaning debris off the beach. As the work week continued, the interaction between teams and the sense of community that everyone felt melded us together into one group, and we shared the faith that the needs of others would be met as we worked together. The best way to see all of our work is to view the pictures on Facebook. You’ll see a lot of eager people doing a lot of work! The generous people we met while working on homes and churches gave us fresh picked fruits, water and baked goods as a way of saying "thanks for coming and helping". Our typical workday started around 8:30 am and ended around 4:00 pm. After clean-up, most everyone was off to the beach down the street to escape the heat and relax after a hard day of work. Dinner started promptly at 6 pm, followed by daily devotions from 7-8 pm. Our wonderful devotions were written by Pastor Helen Smith. At one point, we thought we would spit our large group so there would be smaller groups for discussion, reflection and sharing. But, as we were united together by God’s call as a team of one, so we remained as one group. As it turned out, the devotions lead by Pastors Julie and Heath were incredible and profound for everyone and all enjoyed this special time. As the week went on, you could sense everyone was feeling good about why they came. Everyone was enjoying the opportunity and the challenge to get as much work done as possible before it was time to leave. Doing God's work with new friends in unfamiliar places is recipe for great lasting memories.

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On Sunday morning we attended church services. Most of the team spent their time at the Esperanza Church to listen to Pastors Heath and Alex. Their service was very emotional and everyone enjoyed the message. Others attended the church service with Deacon Julie and Pastor Carmen on the beach at Parque de la Ceiba (English: Ceiba Tree Park). This is the location of the 500 year old Ceiba tree. Pastor Carmen’s church celebrates once year with a service / picnic at this location. The service provided emotional testaments from many individuals. Sunday afternoon, everyone went their own separate ways to explore the beautiful island. Our teams visited White Sand beach, some went kayaking, others hiking to Black Sand beach. Later Sunday afternoon, all of us together visited Mosquito Bay which is the brightest bioluminescent bay in the word. The natural glow from the millions of tiny dinofagellates when stirred at night makes an amazing beautiful glow! Our work week ended on Thursday afternoon. On this evening, all of us gathered at the beach for communion. For lack of better words, Pastors Julie and Heath hit a home-run! 36 people who were brought together by Christ listened deeply to the message from the Pastors and felt God’s presence. It was truly emotional for all. (It doesn’t get any better than this!) The hospitality, along with the warmth and kindness we received from everyone we met while we worked in Vieques, will not be forgotten. Everyone on the team experienced generosity from our hosts. For this journey, there are many people to thank. The support and prayers from the churches of Middletown, Tom’s Creek, and Calvary / Centennial. To individuals who gave of themselves, individuals donors, volunteers who helped us in our travel arrangements and transportation, those behind the scenes in food preparation, people who kept our bathrooms and kitchen areas clean, Roberto Santana (Choy) who was our driver and interpreter throughout the week, the Leadership Team (Deacon Julie, Helen and Bruce Sheppard, Maryann Gearinger) and Andrew Wilde and Paul McMahon who oversaw the major projects. MANY THANKS! The Bible tells us “Don’t worry about anything, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done” Philippians 4:6. I stopped worrying when we arrived in Puerto Rico and turned it over to God. As it turned out, our VIM trip was amazing! Our love of Christ compels us to follow him, and go to share the good news with others. In doing so, 4 different Churches from Frederick County joined together on one mission trip to the small island of Vieques to shake the world for Jesus Christ! Ray McKinnon, VIM Chair

Ministry Opportunity - Acolyte Coordinator Each Sunday morning at Calvary our altar lights are light by young members. These same members are important helpers during times when communion is served and at other special worship services throughout the year. They are our acolytes. But they also need someone to teach them and help their parents with scheduling them to serve on particular Sundays. That is the job of the acolyte coordinator. Stephanie Slovikosky has been serving in this capacity for some time now but is stepping down THIS MONTH. We need someone who is willing to help our youth with this important part of worship. Are you the one? If so, please speak with Stephanie Slovikosky, Rita Sharpe, or Deacon Julie as soon as possible. 11 | P a g e

United Methodist Men The Summer of 2016 Men’s BBQ was a great success this year. Many thanks to those who helped in preparing and making it the success that it was. Bob Jacobs, Brett Cheney, Rob Pond and Mark Mayer were all instrumental in executing the event. I’m not sure how many we served, but, the Parish hall was full of BBQ eating, fun loving folks. Take a look for yourself, at the photos posted on the Church website! Next up: Calvary Raises the Steaks, AGAIN! - This year, it’s going to be even better than the last 3 times. Look forward to some salmon steaks! This event will be held on September 24th in the Parish Hall. Please RSVP so we can plan for the proper amount of food! UMM will have their first meeting of the season on Saturday, September 10th at 7:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall.

United Methodist Women I’m sure many of you have experienced the radio in your car becoming either filled with static or just silent as you have traveled through the mountains and valleys here in Maryland. Those hills and valleys interfere with our radios’ ability to stay connected to the radio tower. If you are wondering what that has to do with United Methodist Women…well, the hills and valleys in our day-to-day lives can interfere with our ability to stay connected to God if we let them. It’s staying connected that keeps us focused, in tune to the needs and bonded in friendship and love. As United Methodist Women, we are a stronger force because we are connected and United. As we planned for the 2016-2017 calendar year much thought was put into ways we could provide our sisters here at Calvary with opportunities to learn about the needs in our community. Ways in which we could bond in our faith journey and grow stronger as sisters in Christ. I invite you to connect with us in one of these ways; attend one of the Unit Gatherings, attend a circle meeting or volunteer with us on one of our many community events. The more we stay connected to what God has in mind for us to do, the stronger we are as his representatives in the community. If you have any questions about UMW please contact me or one of the Executive team members. Respectfully, Andrea Willetts-920-850-0958 September Opportunities: September 20th


11:30 in the Parlor.

Guest Speaker – Brian Scott, Executive Director of the Frederick County Religious Coalition Bring a bag lunch. Drinks provided by UMW.

Circle Meetings: Miriam Circle- September 28th- 7:00 p.m. Mary Martha- September 8th-1:00 Hostess Pat Staggs- 10246 Royal St. Andrews Place, Ijamsville Program- “Meet Pastor Steve” Get to meet our new pastor in an more personal setting Wesleyan Circle: September 27th- 12:00 at Betty Brewer’s home to celebrate 75 years of gathering. A covered dish lunch. Staying Connected: This past spring a group of ladies met to sew pillowcase dresses and pull-on shorts for the VIM team to take with them to Vieques Puerto Rico- Here ia a photo journey of the way in which we were able to connect to a village from Frederick Maryalnd. Helen shared the delivery photos from the trip. See the photos on the next page. 12 | P a g e

Helen Sheppard & Betsy Bryant select from available fabric

Alice Linton creating a precious dress for a girl

Alice Zalatoris busily cutting out the pattern

Mary Crum cutting out a pair of shorts

Finished Products

Joyfully Accepted

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MUSIC AND ARTS The Music and Arts Committee has released their 2016-17 concert schedule. It is quite a line up! Check it out on the website. They look forward to providing another excellent season of Community Concerts at Calvary. Look for the schedule on the website.

Coming in October: October 2, 2016

Maestro Raffaele Trevisani, flutist with Paola Girardi, pianist

Raffaele Trevisani's virtuosic technique and brilliant musical personality are consistently praised by the public and critics. He studied with Sir James Galway who regards him as “one the best flutists of the day for his beautiful singing tone, perfect technique and dedication to the art of music.” An international performer, Maesto Trevisani has extensive orchestra and solo appearances, as well as numerous recordings. He is a professor of flute in Milan, Italy, and serves as a juror in many international flute competitions. The concert will include traditional repertoire from the romantic and classical periods. Paola Girardi is also an international performer, giving concerts in Europe, Japan, and the USA. She has won numerous piano competitions, and has studied with such chamber music groups as Tchaikowsky Trio and Quartetto Academica. Ms. Girardi teaches piano at the International Academy of Music of the Foundation of the Civic School of Milan. Read more about these musicians at

October 23, 2016 The Borowsky Trio Hailed by the international press as “American Virtuosi,” siblings Frances (cello), Emmanuel (violin), and Elizabeth Borowsky (piano) have won their way into the hearts and minds of audiences throughout North America, Central America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. The trio has delighted audiences with their commanding interpretations of standard repertoire as well as their dazzling original compositions. Each began music at the age of 4, and in 2004, debuted as a trio at Carnegie Hall after winning the Erick Friedman Prize for Outstanding Young Musicians. The siblings grew up in Baltimore, Maryland, and York Springs, Pennsylvania. Read more about these musicians at More details about these concerts and the entire 2016-17 season can be found at

2016 School Supply Drive

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Thank you for your generous contributions to the 2016 Religious Coalition’s School Supply Drive!! Our donations included:  25 Backpacks  77 Spiral Notebooks  11 Computer Memory  5 Composition Books (USB) Drives  11 packs of Loose Leaf Paper  22 3-ring Binders  5 packs of Graphing Paper  17 packs of Crayons  Hundreds of pencils and pens  7 packs of Markers  2 Compasses 5 packs of Colored Pencils  2 Protractors 18 Glue Sticks  3 Rulers 12 bottles of Glue  $150 to purchase additional supplies 64 2-pocket Folders  And many more items

These supplies and the donated supplies from many communities of worship in Frederick enable scores of children in our community to start the school year prepared. Along with these gifts of donations go our prayers for a productive and safe school year for these children and all the children entering or returning to school this month.

1,398 students were served on this special day! Several members of the staff had the opportunity to work at the school drive this year. Pastor Larsen, Pastor Linton, Bob Jacobs and Amy volunteered their time to help out. What a rewarding experience!

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Calvary Youth Wow, can you believe summer is coming to an end? Vacations are over and the kids are in school. New clothes, new friends, new beginnings are all around us. Youth is starting, and that’s exciting. We will be starting at 5:30 p.m., right after Voices of Praise. This is a new time, so mark your calendars. We will end at 7:30 p.m..

KICK OFF! Youth will have its kick off on Sunday September 11. We will start at 5:30 p.m.. Bring a friend and come join us for a bit of fun. We will have dinner in the Parish Hall and head over to Baker Park to play! We’ll finish up back in the Parish Hall for a closing. We will be having some icebreaker games, and bring a ball for more fun! Dress for play. I can’t wait to see you guys.

Confirmation Class is forming. Anyone in 7th grade through 12th grade is welcome to participate. Last day to register is September 9th. Please contact Katy Mossburg for details. [email protected] 301-662-1464

Youth Dinners are an important part of the fellowship we are fostering in youth group. It is a great way to participate in our ministry. If you would like to prepare a meal one Sunday, please sign up at the url below, or contact Katy Mossburg: [email protected]

September 11 September 11 September 18 September 25 Sept 30-Oct 2

Youth Council 3:30 Youth Kick off (Bring a Friend)5:30 Youth 5:30 Youth 5:30 Youth/Confirmation retreat 6:00

Activities Room Parish Hall/Baker Park Parish Hall/Ed building Parish Hall/Ed building Manadokin

Calvary Weekday School Greetings from the Weekday School. Greetings! We are set to begin a brand new year with our preschoolers through kindergarten. Over the summer we were happy to hear that we earned a level 5 (highest) in the EXCELS program, a Maryland Department of Education ranking, that looks for excellence in a school’s overall program. The hard work and dedication of staff and the wonderful support of families makes this all possible. Again this year, we will be offering a rich curriculum, enhanced by the fine arts, a library, and Spanish lessons. We are also introducing what we call an Honors Program: where each month we, as a school community, honor people, places, and events together. In September we will be joining other’s from around the world to celebrate the International Day of Peace, with the children singing a special song “Light a Candle for Peace”. We are also fortunate to have Ms. Angela Mayer, Director of Education & Family Life at Calvary, as our monthly “storyteller” for each class, as well as the kindly support of Reverend Cole as liaison with our school and the Calvary congregation. We also would like to welcome Reverend Larsen and look forward to working together. *We have a few openings in our fully accredited Kindergarten program and appreciate your referrals. With thanks and appreciation, Louise Walmsley, Director 15 | P a g e


From the Engel Family-----

As many of you may have heard, we have been preparing for an important transition in our lives—we are moving away from Frederick. It is a bittersweet time, leaving long-time friends and neighbors, our brothers and sisters in Christ, relatives, and business associates. Many of you have been with us in spirit and during real-time help while we transitioned the difficult as well as the joyous times. We have much for which to be thankful, and Christ provides us His many blessings every day. We will not be far from Frederick, residing in Lititz, PA, allowing us to be closer to grandchildren in Allentown, PA. We are delighted to learn of the upcoming birth of our third grandchild around the first of next year. Laura and her daughter will remain here in Frederick so we will be mid-way between the two families. We will pray for a prosperous future for Calvary as this church means more to us than words can express. Hopefully, we will continue to see many of you in the future on our trips back to Frederick and welcoming many of you to visit us in our new home. In Christian Love, Cathy and Lee Engel Thank you for the many cards and blessings sent to me while I was in rehab at Homewood. Nancy Webber.

Lay Servant Classes now forming Register online at or mail the registration form to the Western Region Office, 12 S. Walnut Street, Suite 101, Hagerstown, Maryland 21740, Attn: Tonia Bennett.

STUDY 101 — LAY SERVANT MINISTIRES BASIC COURSE Required Text: Basic Lay Servant Ministries Participant Book DR552 ISBN# 9780881776263 Leetown UMC, 11133 Leetown Road, Kearneysville, WV 25430 Instructor: Pastor Lisa Franzen Date: September 28—October 26 (5 Wednesdays) Time: 6:30—8:30 PM Cost: $35 online: $40 paper registration , (Registration Deadline: September 14, 2016) UNITED METHODIST BELIEFS (REFRESHER COURSE) Required Text: Living Our United Methodist Beliefs ISBN# 9780881775716 Mt. Wesley UMC, 4622 Scrabble Road, Shepherdstown, WV 25443 Instructor: Rev. Dr. G. Edward Grove Date: September 17 and October 15 Time: Each Saturday—9 AM—3 PM allowing an hour for lunch. (Students should bring a bag lunch and drink) Cost: $35 online: $40 paper registration , (Registration Deadline: September 2, 2016) LIFE TOGETHER IN THE UNITED METHODIST CONNECTION (REFRESHER COURSE) Required Text: Polity, Practice and the Mission of the United Methodist Church ISBN: #9780687335312 Camp Manidokan, 1600 Harpers Ferry Road, Knoxville, MD 21768 Instructor: CLS David Gross Date: November 4—5 Check in time: 6 PM Friday Time: 7 PM—10 PM Friday; 8 AM to 4 PM Saturday Cost: $85 online; $90 paper registration , (Registration Deadline: October 28, 2016)

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RSVP in the church office or the Calvary website

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Calvary Worship Helpers September Greeters

8:30 a.m./10:00 a.m

11:00 a.m.

September 4 September 11 September 18 September 25

Paul Nelson Tom and Linda Mullineaux Beth and Frank Strakonsky Kathy Karl

Helen and Stuart Austin Scott and Linda English Betty Brewer

Molly Rhoades Riley MacDonald Owen Duthoy Isabella Anderson

Alxyandra Hoover OPEN OPEN

Nancy Dobbs Beth Strakonsky Ed Kinsey Brett Chaney

Zan Fleming OPEN Elaine Childs

Acolytes September 4 September 11 September 18 September 25

Lay Readers September 4 September 11 September 18 September 25

Coffee Hosts September 4 September 11 September 18 September 25

David and Gail Colby Beth and Frank Strakonsky Tom and Janet Shoemaker Barbara Piper and Lois Pacheco

September Birthday 1 Katie Dragan, Andrew Radcliffe, Bret Slovikosky, Madelynn Sewell, Douglas Martin 3 Emily Yeager 4 Harry Hodgdon, Bill Waskey, Scott Blaney 5 Susan Hazlett, Stephen Miller, Grace Dobson, Bill Pasquerette, Andrew Howard, Robert Baltzell 6 Kathryn Schumacher,Kelly Stull, Korey Gannon, Tyler Schroyer, Janet Wiles, Kelly Gardiner, Erin George, Terri Schmidt, Ian Rotberg 7 Tammi Barber, Kathy Shiflett, Nathan Routzahn, Natalie Gipson 8 Madeline Harman, James Dennis, Isabella Anderson, John Shade, Fannie Johnson, Michelle Joy 9 Collin Mood, Douglas Selby, Fon Smith, Abigail McConnell 10 Anna Lee Brown, Payson Silvio, Lorraine Scheib, Gregory Rotberg 12 Paul Metcalf, Bobbie Jarvis 13 Jessica Selby, R.Lynn Clevenger 13 Carole Law, Donald Rollins 14 Anna Mills, Joyce Dixon 15 Luke Vega, Jennifer Cline 16 Declan Rotberg, Eleanor Pickard, Melissa J. Shipley, Alison Fox, Joe Staggs 17 Kevin Simpson, David Calabrese 18 Alexandra DeArmon, Laurelle Maubert 19 Julie Biglari, Rory Wilson, Ryan Fox, Amanda Calabrese 20 Basil Eavey, Steve LeRoux, Rachel Cline 21 Matthew Staley, Karen Dobbs, Rubie Meyers, Cheryl Radcliffe 22 Miranda Tunder 23 Lindsey Howard, Cleon Stull, Helen Sheppard, Autumn Bordner, Michael Kelly, Jeannette Marshall 24 Cara Keys, Graham Baker, Richard Phillips, Mary Ruth Elseroad, Amy Farner 25 Renee Vega, Anne Rollins, Colin Lyon 26 Billie Stokes, Jeanne Baumgarten, Ryan Giller, Anna Snyder 27 Gina Weedon, Beth Strakonsky, Edith Eversz, Dylan Winebrenner, David Eigenbrode, Tamara Shoemaker, E. Jacqueline Grimes 28 John Patterson, Scott English, C. Raymond Crum 29 Thomas Dixon, Jane Tritt, Bertram Edmonston IV, Natalie Jenkins, Mitch Reading, Brad Davy, Bea Kitel 30 Gregory Selby September Anniversaries Roy and Julie Schwarzenberg Bill and Charlotte Pasquerette David and Gail Colby Robert and Doris Keeney Dave and Cindy Mills William and MariBeth Schmersahl Bob and Faye Cannon

23 yrs Sept. 4 53 yrs Sept. 7 28 yrs Sept. 16 49 yrs Sept. 16 38 yrs Sept. 16 28 yrs. Sept. 24 31 yrs. Sept. 28

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Calvary-Centennial Cooperative Parish 131 W. Second Street Frederick, MD 21701



Calvary United Methodist Church seeks and invites all to become disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of our community and our world.

Calvary Music and Arts presents

Maestro Raffaele Trevisani, flutist with Paola Girardi, pianist October 2 in the Sanctuary Concerts begin at 3:00 p.m. Doors open at 2:30

All concerts are free and open to the public. Read more about these musicians at

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