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DOE Department of the Environment
APPROVAL OF PLANNING PERMISSION Planning (Northern Ireland) Order >991
Application No:
Date of Application:
27th October 2010
Sfte of Proposed Development:
75 Metres North West of 301 ilfeaghan Road Rostrevor
Description of Proposal:
Erection of dwelling and garage (amended description).
Applicant: Address:
Mr Thomas Colgan C/O Agent
Drawing Ref:
Agent: Address:
B and D Property Services Ltd 41-43 Downshire Road Newry BT34 1EE
1 REV 1,2 REV 1, 3 REV 1,
The Department of the Environment in pursuance of its powers under the above-mentioned Order hereby GRANTS PLANNING PERMISSION for the above-mentioned development in accordance with your application subject to compliance with the following conditions which are imposed for the reasons stated:
As required by Article 34 of the Planning {Northern Ireland) Order 1991, the development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of 5 years from the date of this permission. Reason: Time Limit.
Application No. Pfl010/1301/F
DOE Department of the Environment www. doer '.gov.uk
The construction of the dwelling hereby permitted, including the clearing of topsoil, shall not commence until the existing building(s), coloured green on the approved Drawing No 01 Revision 1 which was received on 21st September 2011 is demolished, all rubble and foundations removed and Ihe site restored in accordance with the details on the approved plans. Reason: To preserve the amenity of the area and to prevent an accumulation of dwellings on the site.
Informatives 1.
This decision notice relates to drawing No's 01 Revision 1, 02 Revision 1 and 03 Revision 1, which were received on 21 st September 2011.
This approval does not dispense with the necessity of obtaining the permission of the owners of adjacent dwellings for the removal of or building on the party wall or boundary whether or not defined.
This permission does not alter or extinguish or otherwise effect any existing or valid right of way crossing, impinging or otherwise pertaining to these lands.
This permission authorises only private domestic lise of the proposed garage and does not confer approval on the carrying out of trade or business there from.
This permission does not confer title. It is the responsibility of the developer to ensure that he controls all the lands necessary to cany out the proposed development.
Dated: 16th December 2011
Application No. P/2OIU/I3O1/F
Authorised Officer