Prayer Walk Guide

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Our three-step Prayer Walk Guide will help prompt your perspective and petitions as you walk the streets of your neighborhood.


REMEMBER... We encourage you to carry a simple notepad as you walk to write down house numbers, names and categories that you were prompted to pray for. If God only provides you one opportunity to talk with a neighbor, it’s a Divine appointment. You can still pray for all of the homes you walk by! Your goal is to reflect Jesus’ love first, second is to share about your church home if the opportunity develops!


P R E PA R E . . . “LORD JESUS AS I PREPARE TO WALK AND PRAY OVER MY NEIGHBORHOOD…” Thank You for loving me! You have changed my life. Help me to realize the power of prayer and to see you move in new ways tonight. Thank You for your forgiveness of my sins. I recognize that I need Your grace. Show me now any areas of my life that I need to surrender to You. I want to be an open channel for You as I walk and pray. I ask that I have eyes and ears to see others as You do. Give me sensitivity to their life situations. Provide conversations that will enable me to love and encourage them. Help me remember that I will not have solutions but as I allow You to love and listen to them through me, they will experience YOU. Help me to learn names and building starter relationships that You can grow in the months ahead. May each of them be drawn to seek You and know Your love for them.


P R AY E R WA L K … “FATHER GOD, AS I WALK MY NEIGHBORHOOD THIS EVENING, I PRAY FOR MY NEIGHBORS…” FOR COUPLES pray that You draw them closer to each other- that the enemy is blocked from attacking them. Make them thirst for relationship with YOU. FOR PARENTS pray that they realize that You have entrusted precious children into their care and that You want to bless them as parents. FOR CHILDREN pray they are protected and safe in their homes and that their parents and family surround them with Love and words of encouragement. I pray that the children sense Your love and are drawn to You! Draw the parents to You through their children. FOR SINGLES Give a special sense of purpose in their lives as many are looking for a mate and/or career. Draw them to know You and to seek Your plans for them. Put a hunger in them to make a difference in our world. FOR SENIORS Give peace over any worries and fears they face moving into a new stage of life. Pray that they experience Your love and purpose every day regardless of their age. Pray they find a church that values and loves them. FOR SINGLE PARENTS Bring family and friends into their lives to help support them and their children. Provide for their needs. FOR THOSE GRIEVING THE DEATH OF A LOVED ONE surround them with your compassion and love. Bring friends along side of them and have them lean on You as Comforter. FOR THOSE BATTLING AN ILLNESS give them direction on steps to take and provide your healing touch. Pray that they experience the love and support of family, friends and a church family. FOR THE YOUTH Draw them to hunger to know You as the only source of true happiness. Pray that they find a group of Christian youth who reflect Your love and who engage in activities that help them discover Your desire to bless and prosper them. FOR THOSE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Surround them with family and friends who love and encourage them right where they are. Help others to celebrate the many things that make them special. Pray that they find a church home that welcomes and loves them.