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Coastside Community Church Sermon Questions

“Prayer” Matthew 6:9-13

1. How would you describe your prayer life? In what ways do you struggle with prayer?

2. The phrase, “Our Father in Heaven” implies privileged access to the God who has ultimate rule and reign over everything. How does that impact your attitude towards prayer?

3. What most reminds you that God is Hallowed or Holy?

4. What does it look like to have God reign and rule in your heart (“Your Kingdom come”)?

5. What does it mean by a reciprocal relationship between forgiving others and being forgiven (v.12)? (See vv.14-15) How have you experienced this in your life?

6. Looking over the Lord’s Prayer, what stands out to you as the most difficult for you to pray? What stands out to you as the most comforting to pray?