preschool 2018 - 2019

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PRESCHOOL Classroom Teacher Training Manual

2018 - 2019


Table of Contents



Page Numbers

Contact Information What does Preschool Require of Me? Courtesy Text Reminder Substitute Procedure Classroom Teachers: Things to Know Classroom Management Tips Sunday Schedule 9:00 a.m. Sunday Schedule 10:45 a.m. Saturday Schedule 6:00 p.m.

Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Pages 7 - 9 Pages 10 - 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20

Contact Information: Preschool Coordinator: July 2018 – Decmeber 2018: Kim Brenneman [email protected] January 2019 – : Dayna Kronenberger [email protected]

724-243-8552 724-747-3528

Children’s Ministry Directors: Ashley Adams

[email protected]


Curriculum: Debbie Higgs

[email protected]


Special Needs Contact: Jaclyn Royall

[email protected]



What Does Preschool Require of Me? Commitment: Each volunteer is expected to serve the entire 2018-2019 service year. All volunteers will be placed on the A or B service team. Team A teaches the first two weeks of each month; Team B teaches the last two weeks. A service schedule for the entire 2018-2019 service year will be provided at training and placed on the back of every attendance binder. When there are five weekends within a month, please check the service schedule to see which team is responsible for the fifth week. Responsibility will alternate between teams. Volunteers serving only one week per month are EQUALLY responsible for service when their team is assigned week 5 coverage. The first week (Sept. 8-9 all classroom teachers are expected to serve together. Please use that time to get to know the leaders who will be serving with you in your classroom on the opposite weeks. They should be your first call when you need a sub. Please also discuss plans for classroom management so that there is consistency from week to week in how the class is run. Timeliness: Every volunteer’s shift begins 15 minutes before their assigned service begins (5:45 p.m. on Saturday, 8:45 a.m. on Sunday for the first service, and 10:30am for the second service). It is extremely important that you arrive on time! Involvement: Each team member is encouraged to interact personally and build relationships with each child. This is a worthy investment that will yield great returns! Take ownership of your role in the Preschool. Review the activities ahead of time and be prepared to complete them with your class. When in Large Group, help support the presenter and keep the children on task. Please sit on the floor with the children, worship with the children, and be engaged in the lesson. Do the song motions! Team Building: During your service term, you may be asked to attend a Preschool meeting or additional training to help keep you up to date on relevant issues related to the ministry. Let's work together! Back one another up, be willing to substitute when others are seeking replacements. Responsibility: If at any time you are unable to meet the requirements mentioned above, YOU will need to find someone to serve for you and fulfill your commitment. Teen helpers share this responsibility and are also required to secure a substitute if they will be absent. Please see the provided Substitute Procedures (page 5) for further information. In case of an emergency or late arrival, please contact the Preschool Coordinator directly via email, text, or phone call. Please do not leave a message on the church voicemail. Note: We get very excited about the birth of future preschoolers; however, Preschool does not have an automatic maternity leave and a sub will need to be secured. Share the Blessing: It is a privilege and an honor to serve our Lord and His children. If you know anyone who may enjoy using their gift in our ministry, please recruit them to serve. You are our best recruiter and we can always use more volunteers.


Courtesy Reminder Text On the Thursday preceding a Sunday that you serve, you will receive a courtesy reminder text. Please reply with one of the following:


YES – A simple yes will confirm your intention of fulfilling your commitment for the weekend.

No, my sub is ________ - If you are not able to fulfil your commitment, please respond with the name of the person we should expect in your stead. (Substitutes should be obtained following the procedure below.

Substitute Procedure If you cannot fulfill your duties in Preschool for any reason, YOU will need to find a substitute to take your place. A contact list has been provided to you, and will be periodically updated, for this purpose. To make sure that this process runs as smoothly as possible, please follow this plan of action: 1. Try to schedule a switch with a volunteer who serves on the opposite team at your same service hour. 2. If that person is not available, please try to switch with a volunteer who serves in your slot at another service. Note: The goal is to try and get someone in your class who is already familiar with your kids. 3. If you are still in need of a substitute, please try any other Preschool volunteer or contact on the sub list. Note: You are more likely to get a response if you send personal emails to individuals rather than mass emails to a group. 4. You may ask a parent to sub as a “helper” in the classroom if you have tried everything else without success. 5. When all else fails, please contact the Preschool Coordinator. Note: Please do not wait until the last minute to notify the Coordinator that you need help. Most issues can be handled, if adequate warning is provided. Special notes: Husband/wife and family teams: When securing subs for your class, please note that two volunteers are necessary to adequately staff the classroom. Once you have found your sub, please email the Preschool Coordinator to inform her of the change. It is essential that we know who will be on site in case of an emergency. Please also: 1. Make your substitute familiar with the schedule. You can find a copy of the schedule in your Preschool training folder. It is also posted in each classroom. 2. Talk your sub through your duties. Let him/her know the procedures that you usually follow. Children work best when their routine is consistent. It is critical that your sub knows how you usually run the class. 3. Please make sure that your sub has the classroom activity ahead of time so that he/she can be prepared. 4. Advise your sub of any special issues in your class- food allergies, kids who should be asked several times if they need to use the bathroom, kids who like to wander, etc.


Classroom Teachers: Things to Know 1. The classroom/small group activity cards will be posted to Realm before you serve. Each age group and service will have its own unique activity, but the activity cards for an entire service weekend will be posted to Realm so be sure to look at your specific service and class. Please review the posting carefully for your specific class and service time and review the activities before you serve. You must have an active Realm account or email address to receive the lessons, so any changes need to be promptly communicated to the Preschool Coordinator. 2. All volunteers should check in at Room 425 on the iPad and pick-up your nametag before serving. If the information on your printed nametag is incorrect, please advise the Preschool Coordinator. 3. Each classroom will have one attendance binder that will be shared by both services on Sunday. There will a single attendance sheet for both services within that binder. Saturday night service has its own binder covering all age groups. You must take attendance. To indicate attendance, please put a check mark or “X” by the child’s name in the “In” column. If a child is not listed, please add their name in one of the blank spaces at the bottom of the attendance sheet. When a child leaves the classroom, put a “X” in the out column. The attendance sheet is not for record keeping purposes, but for your use in knowing which children are in your care at any given time. 4. Each attendance binder will include the following: fire safety cards and evacuation maps; attendance sheets; birthday lists and bookmarks; a room exit checklist; allergy stickers; and a copy of the yearly service schedule. These items are to stay in the binders at all times! 5. The birthday lists will be placed in your binders sometime during the month of September. On the weeks that you serve, please check the lists to see if anyone has an upcoming birthday. If so, please take a birthday bookmark and give it to the child. Please remember to cross the child’s name off the list and write “done” so that the other leaders know that a bookmark has been given. Note: Preschool classes are divided by birthday month, so you may have a span of several months with no birthdays in your room. 6. Each classroom and service, including Saturday night service, has its own labeled bin. Your bin will be ready for you with all the materials that you will need to complete the classroom activities. Your bin will also have a copy of the small group activity card; this is available for your preview on Realm. We estimate the number of supplies needed, especially at the start of the service year. If you find that you do not have enough supplies, please advise the Preschool Coordinator. Please do not take printed items from another bin. We will adjust our numbers as we go. Certain items do belong in each box; although, they may be used across services.. Please make sure you return the following items to the correct boxes. 9AM Box The Beginners Bible Hanging Clothespin


10:45AM Box Crayons

7. The Session Starter activity is done BEFORE large group as an introduction. The Activity is done AFTER large group as reinforcement. You are expected to complete both activities with your class. 8. A schedule for each service is on the wall in your room. Large group time starts at 9:20 for the 9am service and 11:05 for the 10:45am service. Please have your class in the large group room and seated on their assigned carpet circle by that time. In large group, please do your best to keep your kids on task and quiet. They should be seated upright and facing forward. Do not allow children to bring any personal items or toys into the large group room. Remember to sit on the floor with them and among them so that you can quickly address any issues. Please do NOT let children sit on your lap. 9. Always take your attendance binders with you when you leave the room. Please keep your kids orderly and quiet in the hallway so as not to disturb others. Please do not let the kids run ahead of you. Utilized a ‘sandwich’ when escorting the children with one volunteer in the front and one volunteer in the back. 10. Late Drop Off: Some parents arrive late, especially at the 10:45am service, and attempt to drop off their children while teachers are walking their kids to the large group room. Please do not accept any kids in transit. Kindly ask parents to walk their children down to the large group room, where you can then assume responsibility for them. Please make sure to add the child’s name in your attendance binder at that time. 11. Each week, you will have take-home items to distribute to the parents at pick-up. These items will be listed on the activity card so you know exactly what to send home. All take-home items will be located in your bin or provided to you during your service hour. Please DO NOT place the take home items on the floor outside of the classrooms. There are hanging clothespins available in the 9AM service box. Group each child’s papers together with their name easily visible and hang the paper clipped papers on the coat racks outside the room. Please collect all the clothespins from the coat racks and return to the 9AM box after the 10:45AM service. 12. The 5 year old (Pre-K) class will be given an opportunity, at various times throughout the year, to complete “challenges” and earn rewards. These challenges will include memorizing scripture, reciting the names of the books of the bible, etc. When these challenges take place, a special sheet will be placed in your attendance binder for you to record the names of the kids who have completed the challenge. Please note that these challenges will only be successful if the classroom teachers regularly encourage participation. 13. Classroom teachers are kindly asked NOT to bring coffee into the classrooms to allow for interaction with the children and a safe environment. 14. Realm: All Preschool classroom teachers will be invited to join the “Preschool- Classroom Teachers” group on Realm. This will be a forum which will allow us to share ideas on issues relevant to the preschool classrooms and build relationships with others involved in Preschool. All classroom small group activities will be posted here. You may also request subs via this group and get access to the activities.


15. Preschool will be participating in various mission projects throughout the year. Last year, we participated in Operation Heal Our Patriots, an organization which helps injured U.S. military service members and their spouses, and Operation Christmas Child. 16. Please note that, during the last few weeks of the 2018-2019 service year, the rising kindergarteners will go to Elementary for large group in order to get them ready for their promotion. 17. Some of our classrooms are used during the week by Tender Shepherd Preschool. The teachers in those rooms work very hard to maintain their classrooms, and we need to assist in that effort. Please do not let children write or draw directly on the tables. Please also do not let children play with, touch, or move any of the wall decorations. All classrooms have a room exit checklist in each attendance binder. Please make every effort to complete the items on the list before completing your service. 18. Our classroom teachers have a unique opportunity to get to know the families of our preschool children. In all of your interactions with parents, please represent our ministry and our Lord, Jesus Christ, well. If a parent asks how their child has behaved, please give them an honest answer that also clearly expresses to that parent how much we value their child. Remember to focus on the positive, while also communicating what needs to be addressed so the child can succeed in the classroom. No parent should ever feel like their child is not welcome in your class. If there is an issue that the volunteer would like to discuss with the parent, be sure to have communicated with the Preschool Coordinator prior to addressing the issue. If a parent has an issue for any reason, please refer them to the Preschool Coordinator. If you become aware of a need in a family (sickness, death of a family member, etc.), please also communicate that so we can offer assistance and support. We have a care ministry that will work with us to minister to those families. 19. Our teachers are often asked how promotion works in the Preschool. Unlike the nursery, children do not switch to a different classroom on their birthday. Children will stay in their assigned classroom for the entire year and will not move up until the next round of promotions the following September. As children enter your classroom, please check their tags to make sure they are in the right classroom. If they are not in the correct room, please direct the parents to the proper class. If a parent advises you that the child’s tag is incorrect, please write down the child’s name, date of birth, and parents contact information, and advise the Preschool Coordinator. 21. Communication is key across services and can be very helpful in preventing issues. The 9:00am classroom teachers are responsible for communicating any relevant information to the teachers who are relieving them for the 10:45am service. Examples of information to share: food allergies, first time visitor, behavior and bathroom issues, etc.


Classroom Management Tips:


Take ownership of the classroom. Keep it neat and orderly, with a good mix of fun!

Set out activities on the classroom tables at the start of each service. Coloring, puzzles, and play-doh are preschool favorites! Use these activities to draw in kids who may have a hard time separating from their parents.

If a parent is having a hard time getting their child into the classroom, ask the parent if they would like you to take the child. Some parents may not be comfortable asking this but would gratefully accept your offer. Physically, bring the child into the classroom reminding them that mommy and daddy always come back and engage them in an activity at the table.

Greet all children! Bend to their level and welcome them in by name. Be warm and friendly! This is also the best way to communicate with a child that may have difficulty following general directions.

Be attentive to the children and interact with them. Be interested in what they say and give them your full attention. They will know if you are not fully listening. Remember, this is your opportunity to share Jesus with these kids!

We have a lot of transitions in the preschool, and preschoolers have difficulty with transitions. Please take the time to prepare the children for each transition by letting them know what’s coming.

Have the children help you clean up at the end of the service. Give specific directions to individual children about what they should clean up.

The classrooms all have books. Gather the children and read to them! This is an excellent way to keep the children entertained while waiting for parent pick-up.

Pray for the children on a consistent basis.

Discipline: 

Try to prevent discipline issues by maintaining order in your class.

Always try to resolve the behavior within the classroom first. Be soft-spoken, but firm!

In Preschool, the two rules all the kids will know are: Be Kind and Be Safe. If a child is doing something within the classroom that is not kind or safe, please use that terminology to address it.

Bend to the child’s eye level. Explain to the child why the behavior was unacceptable and restate behavior expectations and rules. Facilitate an apology.

If a child is too difficult to handle within the classroom, the Preschool Coordinator or team leader on site may assist or remove the child from the classroom. Ask for help if you need it!

If behavior issues present on a consistent basis, or a serious issue arises, please notify the Preschool Coordinator.

Child Protection Policy: Nametags:


Children should arrive at the classroom with a nametag. If a child does not have a nametag, please direct the child and parent/s back down to the South Lobby kiosks. All children must be registered before you can accept them into the classroom.

Please do your best to keep track of the children’s nametags. Ask the children not to remove them.

At pick-up, you must compare the three digit alpha-numeric code on the parent tag with the number on the child’s tag. If the code does not match, please DO NOT release the child. You may seek assistance from the Preschool Coordinator, ministry leader on site, or security.

If the parent has lost the parent badge, they must recite the phone number on the child’s tag by memory and show identification.

If you suspect child abuse, please bring it to the attention of the Preschool Coordinator immediately. As a volunteer, you are a mandated reporter and required by law to do so.

The Two Deep Rule:

There should always be two adults (or and adult and a teen) present with a child or class. This policy protects both our children and our volunteers.

If you need to step out to use the restroom or contact a parent, please do not leave your class until another adult has come to relieve you. You may use the Preschool Coordinator, security, team leader, or the ministry leader as temporary help at these times.

Count your kids!


Whenever you leave the room with the children, be sure to take the attendance binder with you.

ALWAYS know the number of kids in your care and count them often. Count them before you leave to go to large group, and once again when you get there. If children arrive late and join your class at large group, adjust your numbers. Count them again before you leave large group and immediately after you return to the classroom. This is a simple and easy way to keep your class safe.

When traveling to large group, one teacher should be at the front of the line and the other at the back. This is another easy way to ensure that you don’t lose anyone. Have the kids walk single file or with a partner and do your best to avoid merging your class with another one. Almost all of our issues with missing children occur during travel to and from large group.

If you find that a child is missing, don’t panic. Re-count your kids and thoroughly search your classroom to ensure that the child is not hiding. If the child is not there, search the other preschool classrooms, as the child may have wandered into the wrong class. If you still have not found the child at that point, please alert security and the Preschool Coordinator.



Children in the preschool should no longer be wearing diapers. If a child has a diaper, please advise the Preschool Coordinator. Pull-ups are fine, but please advise parents that it will not be changed, and that they will be contacted if a change is needed.

Encourage the children to use the classroom restroom before leaving the room for large group time. If you fail to do this, you will witness first hand a preschool version of the Exodus at large group. If a child asks to use the restroom during large group, tell the child that this is the most important time of our class, because we are going to be learning about Jesus and ask the child if they think they can wait until after large group is over.

One child in the classroom restroom at a time.

A volunteer should not be in the classroom restroom with the child. If you need to help a child in any way, please leave the door open.

If it is necessary to use an adult restroom, please check to ensure that no adults are present in the restroom before sending the child in. If adults are present, please have the child wait. You may allow the child to go in the stall alone. Please hold the outside bathroom door open while waiting for the child.

If the restroom is in use by a child and an adult tries to enter, please kindly ask them to wait until the child is finished.

Please encourage the children to wash their hands after using the restroom.

If a child has an accident, a parent must be contacted. If additional clothes are needed, the nursery has some we may use.



At snack time, please have the children wash their hands before eating. You may also distribute hand sanitizer.

Please give each child a napkin, snack, and cup of water. Feel free to ask the children to help you hand out these materials.

Snack bins are located in each preschool room and should contain the supplies that you need. If supplies are low, please advise the Preschool Coordinator.

If a child has a food allergy, please give a cup of water but do not serve a snack without parent permission to do so. Encourage the parents of children with allergies to bring snacks for their child.

There is no guarantee that food allergies will noted on the child’s nametag. Allergy labels are in your attendance binders and should be placed on the tag of a child with a food allergy.

If a child with a food allergy is staying for second service, the 9:00am classroom teacher should alert the 10:45am classroom teacher before leaving the classroom.

Epi-pens should be stored in a secure location in the classroom and returned to the parent at pick-up.

NOTE: If you have a large class, consider sending one of the teachers back to the classroom to set up snack while the children are in large group.

The children should be encouraged to clean up their own snack area.

TIP: The best time to complete the activity is often right after snack. In our 5 year old (Pre-K) class, the review questions should be done while the children are eating.

Medical: 

Band-aids are located in your classroom. If you use the last one, please alert the Preschool Coordinator.

For minor injuries/illness, please go to the nursery on the 1st floor and nursery will page medical.

For major or life threatening injuries, DO NOT move the child. Call 911 and then go, or send someone, to the nursery to contact medical and the parents.

Do not administer medications. If you are able, please wait for medical to administer an Epipen.

If medical is called to assist a child, multiple personnel will arrive. This can be scary for the injured child, as well as the other children in the classroom. Please be aware of this, and act accordingly. If it is possible to take the child into the hallway to be evaluated by medical, please do.

Health Policy: 

We are unable to accept children who exhibit the following symptoms (even if on medication): Any colored discharge from the nose Excessive coughing/sneezing Any discharge from the eyes

We are unable to accept children who, within the past 24 hours, have had: Fever Vomiting Diarrhea

We are unable to accept children who have taken medication

that could mask symptoms (Dimetapp, cough suppressants, etc.).

We are also unable to accept children who have started taking antibiotics within the past 48 hours (and symptoms still exist).


Paging Parents: 

Page parents for a bathroom issue, or for a sick, injured, or inconsolable child.

Go to the nursery counter to report the need and cell phone number of the parent (as listed on the child’s nametag). Please DO NOT call the parent from your cell phone.

The nursery team leader will call the parent for you. Once this is completed, please return to the classroom to await the parent.

Evacuation:  Be sure to carry your attendance binder and evacuation cards with you any time that your class leaves the room. This is crucial in the event of an emergency.


A copy of the exit route maps are in your attendance binders. There will be a map indicating a primary and secondary exit route for your classroom, and a map with primary and secondary route information for evacuation from the large group presentation room. The primary route is to be used unless it is not available or safe.

Once you have reached the rally point, please count your class. Hold up your green fire card if all of your children are accounted for and the red card if a child is missing.

Physically handicapped or disabled children. The classroom teacher should escort immobile children to the SAFE area located next to each stairwell upstairs. A ministry leader will wait with the child, while the teacher continues outside with the rest of the class.

Special Needs:  You may have special needs children in your classroom. They may or may not have an aide with them, depending on the child and the number of volunteers present that day.  A few things to remember with special needs children:  Some special needs children do not like to be touched. It will not comfort them. 

Be careful about turning off the lights without warning, as it may upset them.

 Just because they are not sitting or looking at you does not mean they aren’t listening. Sometimes, giving a child something to fidget with (a small toy) helps them to be able to pay attention to what you are saying.  Offer choices if at all possible. Example: Do you want to sit at the red or green table?  Make statements. Don’t pose a demand as a question. If you are getting ready to line up, don’t say, “Do you want to line up?” Say, “Jon it is time to line up.” If you give them an option and they say “no” then you have put yourself in a tough position.  Give short instructions- one or two steps at a time. It will help them process what you are saying and make it easier for them to follow your direction. 

Give them a few seconds to process what you are asking them to do.

Be flexible!

 Treat them the same way you treat the other children in the classroom. They also want your love and respect.


You can always try and learn more about a special needs child in your care. Please consult the Special Needs ministry for further assistance.

Some children are not technically special needs, but still require additional hands. The Special Needs ministry can assist us there as well. Please keep the Preschool Coordinator informed so that we can give you the assistance that you need.

If a new child with special needs is dropped off in your classroom, please advise the Preschool Coordinator. The Special Needs ministry will be informed and, if needed, additional help will be sent to your room.

Preschool Sunday 9 a.m. Schedule 8:45 a.m. 8:45-9:05 a.m.

Preschool classroom teachers report to classrooms. Display activity centers on the classroom tables. Children arrive. Oversee activity centers - encourage interaction among children, interact with children, etc. Take attendance in the attendance binder.

Clean up. Gather children and conduct Session Starter.  Clean up the toys and activity centers. Make sure the children assist in this effort. 9:05-9:15 a.m.  Gather the children at the tables, or on the carpet, and conduct the Session Starter activity. The activity will be located on the card in your bin, along with any materials you will need.  Leaders may assign jobs (line leader, line sweeper, door holder, thank you person, etc.). Have the children use the bathroom and then line up at the door. Go QUIETLY to 9:15 a.m. Room 432-426 for the large group presentation. Sit on your assigned carpet circle. Worship and Large Group Presentation.  Worship with your group. Do the motions! 9:20-9:45 a.m.  Listen to the large group lesson. Please make sure that your children are listening and not disturbing others. Snack and Small Group Activity  For snack, please clean hands and give each child a napkin, snack, and 9:50-10:15 a.m. cup of water. Snack bins are located in each preschool room.

The activity will be located on the card in your bin, along with any materials that you will need. Parent Pick-up  Greet parents and find the corresponding child. Be diligent about matching the number on the child’s nametag with the parent’s tag. 10:15-10:30 a.m.  Give take-home items.  Straighten up for the next class using the room exit checklist.  Leaders may leave when replaced with the second service teachers. Please say goodbye to your remaining kids before you leave.


Preschool Sunday 10:45 a.m. Schedule Preschool classroom teachers report to classrooms. Display activity centers on the classroom tables. Greet already present children. 10:30-10:50 a.m. Children arrive. Oversee activity centers - encourage interaction among children, interact with children, etc. Take attendance in the attendance binder. 10:30 a.m.

Clean up. Gather children and conduct Session Starter.  Clean up toys and activity centers. Make sure the children assist in this effort. 10:50-11:00 a.m.  Gather the children at the tables, or on the carpet, and conduct the Session Starter activity. The activity will be located on the card in your bin, along with any materials you will need.  Leaders may assign jobs (line leader, line sweeper, door holder, thank you person, etc.). Have the children use the bathroom and then line up at the door. Go QUIETLY to 11:00 a.m. Room 432-426 for the large group presentation. Sit on your assigned cicrcle carpet. Worship and Large Group Presentation. 11:05-11:30 a.m.  Worship with your group. Do the motions!  Listen to the large group lesson. Please make sure that your children are listening and not disturbing others. Snack and Small Group Activity 11:35-12:00 p.m.

12:05 p.m.

For snack, please clean hands and give each child a napkin, snack, and cup of water. Snack bins are located in each preschool room.  The activity will be located on the card in your bin, along with any materials you will need. Parent Pick-up  Greet parents and find the corresponding child. Be diligent about matching the number on the child’s nametag with the parent’s tag.  Give take-home items.  Clean up the room using the room exit checklist in the attendance binder.


Leaders may leave when all children have been picked up.

Preschool Saturday Schedule 5:45 p.m. 5:45-6:10 p.m.

6:10-6:20 p.m.

6:20 p.m.

6:25-6:50 p.m.

6:50-7:15 p.m.

7:15-7:30 p.m.


Preschool classroom teachers report to Room 429-428 (all preschool ages 3-5 are combined on Saturday). Display activity centers on the classroom tables. Children arrive. Oversee activity centers - encourage interaction among children, interact with children, etc. Take attendance in the Saturday attendance binder. Clean Up. Gather children and conduct Session Starter.  Clean up the toys and activity centers. Make sure the children assist in this effort.  Gather the children at the tables, or on the carpet, and conduct the Session Starter activity. The activity will be located on the card in your Saturday bin, along with any materials you will need.  Leaders may assign jobs (line leader, line sweeper, door holder, thank you person, etc.). Have the children use the bathroom and then line up at the door. Go QUIETLY to Room 432-426 for the large group presentation and sit on a circle carpet. Worship and Large Group Presentation.  Worship with your group. Do the motions!  Listen to the large group lesson. Please make sure that your children are listening and not disturbing others. Snack and Small Group Activity (can be done in large group teaching room)  The activity will be located on the card in your bin, along with any materials you will need. If you plan to do the small group activity in the Preschool large group room, please take your bin with you to large group.  If the weather is nice, you may take the kids outside to play. You can then bring them inside for a small snack and the activity.  For snack, please clean hands and give each child a napkin, snack, and cup of water. Snack bins are located in each preschool room.  Note: Some teachers set up snack, ahead of time, in Room 430. Feel free to use that room as you see fit! Parent Pick-up  Greet parents and find the corresponding child. Be diligent about matching the number on the child’s nametag with the parent’s tag.  Give take-home items.  Clean up any rooms used.  Leaders may leave when all children have been picked up.