rayer Requests

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Prayer Requests

WAKE UP Revelation 3:1–6 | Pastor Matthew St. John | July 1, 2018

We are honored to pray for you. _________________________________________

JULY 1, 2018

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Ministry Leadership Senior Pastor Matthew St. John Executive Assistant Tiffany Miller [email protected] Senior Associate Pastor Paul Schoolmeesters Executive Assistant Jess Giah [email protected] Care Ryan Fair [email protected] Children’s & Family Holly Miller [email protected] Church Planting Jeremy Deck [email protected] Community Outreach Cassie Davison Bair [email protected] Global Herb Janes [email protected] Latinos Pablo Cachon [email protected] Life Groups David Myles [email protected] Men Marshall Posey [email protected] Students Justin Wevers [email protected] Women Andrea Tyson [email protected] Worship Arts Dayton Dodge [email protected] For the full ministry team, visit newhopechurchmn.org/staff

Elder Leadership Team Saado Abboud Cort Cieminski Jim Fultz Steve Grosser Jerry Hoffman Dan Johnson

Armando Mazon Zach O’Neel Tony Ringsmuth Jot Turner Jeff Westman Ken Young

Discussion Questions 1. In your morning routine, how do you wake up? Do you wake up before your alarm or after (or long after, with many snoozes)? 2. What does it mean for a church to be watchful? Satan is always searching for any vulnerability to attack. How do we keep watch against such things? Consider 1 Peter 5:4–11. 3. The church in Sardis had a good reputation with their city, but a bad reputation with Christ. How can we keep watch against this? How can we achieve a good reputation with both Christ and the city? 4. The church in Sardis believed themselves to be alive, but they were dead. There are likely people in our church who believe themselves to be saved, but are not. How do you know that you are not one of these people? If you have never surrendered to Jesus as Lord, will you do so today? 5. Jesus knows the deeds of Sardis and tells them to wake up. Take time to ask Jesus to search your life. Ask Him to reveal any cracks that need to be filled or dead areas where you need to wake up. Then listen. Message notes available at newhopechurchmn.org/messages.

July 8

7 Churches: Hang On, Revelation 3:7–13, Pastor Matthew St. John