Reception Class

Adult Confirmation/Reception Class -

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Adult Confirmation/Reception Class Class Three | February 21

Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi: We Are Always Being Formed Review from our last class: Signs Symbols Rituals -

LITURGY AND MYSTERY: Because of its deep symbolic connections, “Liturgy not only recalls something that happened [long ago], but re-presents it in a way that makes it a present reality.” (Galli in Beyond Smells and Bells)

LITURGY AND COMMUNTY: Because of the power of symbols and rituals, liturgy is one of the most powerful shaper of persons. Prosper of Aquitaine: Lex orandi, lex credendi --

And so, Liturgy is, by nature, always formational. By growing in our knowledge and understanding of the symbols and ritual actions of the church – their history, meaning, and purpose – we begin to appreciate their mystery, and in so doing, prepare ourselves to encounter the living God in more deeply transformative ways.

A Brief Bit of our History (if we have time)

HOUSEKEEPING Next Class is NEXT WEDNESDAY, February 28! Class Four | Tools of the Trade: The Book of Common Prayer