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Parent/Teacher Conferences Preschool Parent Teacher Conferences are this month. All Preschool Classes will continue as normal on your conference day. Classes will be taught by either the Assistant Teacher or a Substitute. We will still carry out our policy of two teachers in each classroom. This is a time for the teachers to share information with you about your child and his/her accomplishments and to be able to answer any of your questions. If your child is not in class during your conference time, please make other arrangements for your child. W e are suggesting that it’s not good practice to have little ears around during this discussion time with your teacher. Each conference time will last 15 to 20 minutes. Please watch for information about these conferences and sign-up sheets from your child’s teacher. Dates for Conferences are on the calendar on this newsletter. Information explaining guidelines for Junior, Senior, and TK classes will be posted on the Parents’ Bulletin Board. Mother’s Day Out parents will receive evaluations for their child in March. If you have any questions or concerns about placement for your child next year, please come talk with either Jane or Diane.

POP DONATION This month is:

All Senior Classes Please place on the cart by the blue bench: 2—16.9 oz. Six packs

Diet Coke Coke

Sprite Mountain Dew

PARKING AND PICK-UP INFORMATION Please do not use the handicap parking spaces for quick parking to pick up or drop off your child. We have people in Bible Studies and volunteers at the Church who need to use these handicap parking spaces.

Please do not leave children in your parked car while you run in to drop-off or pick-up another child. This is not safe at any time or any place! Please ask Jane or Diane for help if you need assistance. Should you have a change in picking up your child during the school day, please let the Preschool/MDO Office know about this change as soon as possible. If no one answers the phone, please leave a message.

REGISTRATION Registration forms for the 2018-2019 school year will be distributed the week of January 8th. Please read it carefully. Forms and your $50.00 nonrefundable registration fee are due by January 29, 2018. Preschool parents please return your forms after your conferences. Diane will not begin placing children into classes until after the deadline date. All currently enrolled students, and their siblings, will be enrolled first, followed by church members and past participants. It’s imperative that you turn your forms in by the deadline date to ensure your child’s placement for next year. After we have all of the above mentioned enrolled, we will have an Open Registration to the public on Wednesday, February 7th. Registration will be online and we will start accepting forms at 9:00 a.m. With Open Registration, we will finish filling the classes. When classes become full, we will then begin a waitlist.

Snowflakes are a reminder of the miracle of creation. Just as God created each snowflake to be different from all the others, so He created each one of us to be uniquely beautiful and useful in His world. “Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us and we are His.” Psalm 100:3

SCHOOL CLOSING/WEATHER DELAYS The Complete Handbook Is On Our Webpage In the event that Fishers UMC school will be closed or delayed, information will be available on our local television stations Ch. 13 & Ch. 8. Our guidelines will follow HSE’s school delays and closings

Preschool Open Registration online Wednesday February 7th Starting at 9:00 a.m. preschool

Senior Classes bring in Pop this Month!

How do you slice your children’s grapes and hot dogs? REMEMBER to slice them lengthwise! Grapes and hot dogs are one of the top choking hazards when cut across!

January 2018 Sun.

Monday 1

Tuesday 2

Wednesday 3

Thursday 4







School Resumes No School

No School

No School


8 Look for Registration forms for 2018 this week.


10 Tuition Due

11Tuition Late add $10.00








24 Conferences

25 Conferences

26 Conferences


No School Martin Luther King Day


22 23 Conferences Conferences Check your Teachers Calendars and sign-up Sheets.


29 Registration “Request” Forms Due