reviews - American Chemical Society

reviews - American Chemical W. Clarke. Jour. Am. Chem. SOL., 27, 177 (...

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REVIEWS The object of this department of theJournal is to issue, as promptly as $OSsible, critical digests of alLJournal articles that bear upon any phase Physical Chewistry.

General. Elements and compounds. W. Ostwald. Jouv. Chem. Soc., 85,506 (r904). -The author defines “ a substance or a chemical individual as a body, which can form hylotropic phases within a finite range of temperature and pressure.” Elements are substances which never fohn other than hylotropic phases.” This part of the paper is admirable and should be studied by every chemist. I t seems to the reviewer that the deduction of the law of combining W. D.B. weights is hopelessly bad. Twelfth annual report of the committee on atomic weights. F. W. Clarke. Jour. A m . Chem. SOL.,27, 177 ( r p ~ ) . - T h e more important new determinations are those on nitrogen, iodine, rubidium, beryllium, indium and tungsten. The author feels that I ‘ the atomic weights which need immediate attention are those of silver, sodium, potassium chlorine, bromine, iodine, nitrogen, carbon and sulphur.” Hydrogen might well have been included in this list but was omitted owing to the explicit assumption that the hydrogen-oxygen ratio is fixed. There is no real reason, however, why we should assume that this is any more accurately known than the ratio of silver to chlorine for instance. W. D.3.

A revision of the atomic weight of iodine. G. P.Baxter. Proc. Am. Acad., 4 0 , 4 r 9 ;Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., 26, r577 (1.904); Zeit. anorg. Chem., 43, r4 (1905).--The author draws the following conclusions : I . The atomic weight of iodine is found to be 126.975 (0= 16.000). 2. Richards and Wells’s value for the atomic weight of chlorine, 35.467, is confirmed. 3. The existence of an element of the halogen family of higher atomic weight than iodine is shown to be improbable. 4. The specific gravity of pure fused silver iodide is found to be 5.674 at 2 5 O W . D.B. referred to water at 4O. A revision of the atomic weight of cadmium. G. P. Baxter and M . A. Hines. Jour. Am.. Chem. SOL,27, zzz (~gog).-Frorn a preliminary analysis

of cadmium chloride a value of 112.47 is obtained for cadmium, assuming W. D.B. 107.93 for silver and 35.473 for chlorine. A revision of the atomic weight of rubidium. E. H. Archibald. Jour. Chem. Soc., 85, 776 (~gog).-Rubidium chloride and bromide were analyzed. The atomic weight found for rubidium is 85.48. W. D.B.



The calculation of atomic weights. J. Meyer. Zeit. anorg. Chem., 43, 242 (q05).---The author postulates that the accuracy of an atomic weight determination, other things being equal, is proportional to the amount of substance taken. H e recalculates the values obtained by different experimenters for sulphur and shows that his calculations give more consistent results than do those of Clarke or of Ostwald. W. D.B. The atomic weight of silicon. W. Becker a?td J . Meyer. Zeit. anorg. Chem., 43, 25z (1905).--Weighed amounts of silicon tetrachloride were decomposed by cold water and the silica weighed. This gave a value of 28.21 for silicon. I t seems a pity that the chlorine should not also have been determined. The melting-point of pure silicon tetrachloride was found to be -89O. D.B.


Some remarks on the theory of valence. R.Abegg. Zeil. anorg. Chem., 43, rr6 (1905).-The author considers the problem why we have the mixture Fe FeCl, instead of the compound 2FeCl. H e is rather inclined to think that the subchloride can exist in solution though only to an infinitesimal amount. He cites the existence of BaCl in fused BaCI,. Attention is also drawn to the fact that J. J. Thomson and Drude postulate more valences than W. D.B. the normal.


The conception of valence. I?. Abegg and F. W. Hinrichsen. Zeit. aizoiz. Chem., 43, rzz (z905).-The authors claim that there is nothing known that prevents the assumption of a constant maximum valence. At temperatures and pressures at which phosphorus pentachloride cannot exist, phosphorus pentafluoride is stable. We cannot say, therefore, that phosphorus is trivalent under those conditions. I t is also urged that people should not say valency when they mean affinity. This does not seem unreasonable, W. D.B. The relation of the hypothesis of compressible atoms to electrochemistry. T. W. Richards. Trans. A m . Electrochem. SOL,6 , 11,7 (z9oq).--"L,et 11s imagine, then, that each collision of atomic combination starts or transfers a vortex or some other form of self-perpetuating shock. Then the deposition of a given number of chemical equivalents will result in the transfer of a given number of shocks, or a given quantity of electricity, and Faraday's law is explained. . . , ' ' I For example, the electrical conductivity of solids is in many cases what it would be expected to be, if their atoms were compressible. Atomic distortion would be expected to interfere with the ready transference of the vortices. The simpler the crystalline form, the less distorted would be the individual atoms, and the more easily would the vortices be received and transmitted from one atom to another. On the other hand, with irregular atoms, permanently distorted by chemical affinity, the uneven structure would receive and transmit the vortices less easily, and the potential energy of the mutual repulsion would be converted into heat. As a matter of fact, the two best electrical conductors anlong metals, silver and copper, crystallize in the regular system, and the poorest solid conductors among pure metals, bismuth, antimony and arsenic, are of less symmetrical crystalline structure. The nonmetals which are all poor conductors, are still more noticeably complex ill symmetry ; and such non-conducting



substances as bromine and iodine must be very much distorted i n atomic shape, if their atoms are compressible, because these atoms must be much compressed on one side, by their firm union to form the diatomic molecules, and only slightly compressed on the other sides, by their feeble cohesion, indicated by great volatility, The relatively slight conductivity of alloys and compounds points in the same direction ; for heterogeneity of atomic structure would imply irregular internal pressures, great atomic distortion, and hence poor conductivity. The considerable effect on conductivity of even slight impurity in a metal and the extremely low conductivity of substances like glass and cellulose are well-known, and accord with this interpretation." W. D.B. The composition of beryl. J . H. Pollok. Jour. Chem. S o d . , 85,1630 ( ~ 9 0 4 ) . -The author believes that beryllium chloride can be separated by distillation into two portions, the first distillate containing an unknown element having a n atomic weight well above 35. These conclusions are valid only in case the author was really distilling and analyzing pure, anhydrous beryllium chloride. The author's experiments with beryllium sulphate indicate clearly that he has not mastered all the peculiarities of that charming substance. W. D.B.

On the complexity of beryllium.

C. L . Parsons. Jour. A m . Chem. SOL., (rpog).--A discussion of Pollok's paper (preceding review). I t is believed that the results are due to moisture. D.23. 27, 233


The heat of formation of beryllium chloride. J . H. Pollok. Jour. Chem. Soc., 85, 603 (rpog).-The heat of formation of beryllium chloride is 155000 cal ; the heat of solution i n water is 44500 cal ; the heat of solution in absolute alcohol is 37400 cal. W. D.B. The free energy of formation. E?. v. J&blner. Zeit. anorg. Chem., 42, 235 (1904). -The author has calculated and tabulated the change of the free energy and of the heat of formation with the temperature for a number of re0 = CO is greater actions. At 1500' abs the free energy of the reaction C than the heat of reaction. W. D.B.


One-Component Systems The melting-points and inversion-points of some salts. K.Hiiltner and G. Tammann. Zeit. anovg. C h e m , 43, 215 (1905).--The authors have determined the melting-points of the salts, LiCl 605O, NaCl 810°, NaBr 749O, NaI 664O, KCl 778O, KI 790°, RbCl 7I3', Li,CO, 735', CsSO, 1019' ; also melting-points and inversion points for Na,CO, 8.53' and 450°, K,CO, 894' and 410°, LiSO, 859' and 575', Na,SO, 897' and 235', K,SO, 1074' and 587O, RbSO, 1074' and 657', NaMoO, 692' and 610' and ~ o o ' , K,MoO, 926' and 200°?, Na,WO, 698' and 570°, K,W04 906' and 300'-200'. With lithium sulphate, sodium sulphate, sodium tungstate and the second inversion-point for sodium molybdate, the heat of inversion is greater than the heat of fusion, a phenomenon that had never been noted before. The heat of inversion is practically zero with potassium molybdate and potassium tungstate but the volume change is quite marked. W. D.B. Preparation of absolute nitric acid. F. W. Kiister alzd S. MGlzch. Zeeit. anorg. Chem., 43,350 (1905).-" Absolute nitric acid exists only in the form



of snow-white crystals below -41O C. The nitric acid crystals fuse to a yellowish liquid which is a solution of nitrogen pentoxide and water in nitric acid, I n dry air this solution becomes colorless, losing anhydride until the acid conThis acid is volatile without change." tains 98.6 percent " 0 , .

W. D.B. The use of carbon for the study of temperatures in the electric furnace. F. Soc., 6, I, 31 (rgog).-The density of carbon varies with the temperature to which it has been heated, By placing samples of test carbon in different portions of an electric furnace, the densities of the carbons at the end of the run will give an approximate idea of the distribution of temperature in the furnace. At about Sooo a fifteen-hour run is necessary to bring the carbon to its final equilibrium. The time at higher temperatures would undoubtedly be less. W. D.B.

A.J . Fitz-Gerald. Trans. Am. Electvochem.

The vapor density of hydrazine hydrate. A. Scott. Jour. Chem. Soc., 85, 913 (~gog).--"These experiments prove : I. That at rooo in a vacuum, hydrazine hydrate in vapor is dissociated into hydrazine and water to theextent of 58 percent, and that at 140' this dissociation is complete. 2. That at 183O under ordinary atmospheric pressure a further change takes place, namely, the decomposition of hydrazine into nitrogen and ammonia. 3. That at 46oo-48o0, not only is this further change completed, but the ammonia itself begins to decompose. 4. That at 183O the oxygen of the air attacks the hydrazine, especially when under somewhat increased pressure, although under similar pressures in an atmosphere of nitrogen, hydrazine seems to be stable in presence of water, but not at 300'. The initial temperature and the rate of the decomposition seem to be considerably influenced by the nature of the surfaces to which the hydrazine vapor is exposed, as well as by its dilution with other gases." D.B.


Two-Component Systems Freezing-point curves of dynamic isomerides : ammonium thiocyanate and thiocarbamide. A.Findlay. Jour. Chem. Soc., 85, 403 (rgog).-I. The freezingpoint curve of ammonium thiocyanate (m. p. 149') and thiocarbamide (ni. p. above 1 7 7 O ) is of the simplest form, consisting of two branches meeting at a eutectic point (104.3~). 2. The natural freezing-point is I I ~ O - I I ~ O ,the stable solid form being ammonium thiocyanate. 3. Neither the freezing-point curve, nor the cooling curve, nor the analysis of the solid phase gives any indication of the formation of a compound of ammonium thiocyanate and thiocarbamide stable at temperatures in the neighborhood of the freezing-point curve. 4. The transformation of ammonium thiocyanate into thiocarbamide and vice-versa does not appear to be accompanied by any heat effect. 5. The "stability limits" of dynatnic isomerides (including desmotropic forms) are defined as the natural freezing-point and the eutectic point for the stable and unstable forms respectively. D.B.




Studies on the dynamic isomerism of a- and p-crotonic acids. I. R.S. Morrell and E. K. Hanson. Jour. Chem. SOC.,8 5 , r520 (1904). --The authors determined the freezing-point curves for mixtures of a- and ,&crotonic acids and intend later to determine the natural freezing-point of the system. They give data also for the composition of the melt after six hours’ heating at temperatures varying from 100’ to 170’. As equilibrium was not reached in any oneof these experiments, the figures given mean practically nothing. At the most they illustrate the well-known fact that reaction velocity increases with rise of W. D.B. temperature and they were not undertaken to prove that. Studies on comparative cryoscopy. 11. R. W. Robertson. Jour. Chem. Soc., 85, 1617(rpog).--The author has studied the apparent n~olecularweights of aromatic acids in phenol solutions a s shown by the freezing-point method. He

finds I ( that those acids which are the most difficult to esterify show the smallW. D.B. est ‘rate’ of association.” The vapor pressure of sulphuric acid solutions and the molecular condition of sulphuric acid in concentrated solution. B. C. Bud. Jour. Chem. Soc., 8 5 , 1339 (‘904) .-The author has determined the boiling-points of sulphuric acid solutions under diminished pressures and has constructed pressure-concentration isotherms from these data. For solutions containing more than 25 percent H,S04 the apparent molecular weights are below 32’ and decrease nearly linearly with increasing concentration of sulphuric acid. D.B.


The density and expansion of sulphuric acid in aqueous solution. J. Domke and W. Bein. Zeit. anorg. Chew., 43, r25 (r905).-A very careful and exhaustive study of the change of the density of sulphuric acid solutions with concentration and temperature. The results show that Pickering’s data were very accurate though of course the authors do not accept conclusions based on a second differential. W. D.B. Density determinations with the pipette. F. W. Kiistev and S. Miinch. Zeit. anorg. Chem., 43,373 (r905).-Using an automaticoverflow roo cc pipette of proper construction, the error of a single reading should not exceed one in a hundred thousand. Density determinations with a pipette are therefore quite accurate enough for preparing standard solutions. A table is given for preparing a normal hydrochloric acid solution from an acid having a density between 1.05oo and 1.1400. W. D.B. A microscopical method of determining molecular weights. G. Barger. Jour. Chem. Soc., 8 5 , 286 (1904).-If two solutions are isotonic, there will be no tendency for the solvent to distil from one to the other. The author places drops of two solutions in a capillary tube and examines them under the microscope to see which way distillation takes place. On this he bases a method for molecular weight determinations which requires the use of very small quantities of material. The method presupposes a practically non-volatile solute. When worked with go percent alcohol or aqueous acetic acid, the results mean W. D.B. absolutely nothing. The basic properties of oxygen. E. H. Archibald and D.McIntosh. Jour. Chem. Soc., 85, 9r9 (rpog).--The authors have isolated and analyzed a number



of compounds of the halogen acids with alcohol, acetone, methyl ether and ethyl ether. If we write structural formulas for these substances we must assume that the valency of oxygen increases from 4 to 12 as the temperature falls. This of course may be so ; but there is always the other alternative of W. D. B. confessing one's ignorance and not writing structural formulas. The basic properties and quadrivalence of oxygen. D. McIntosh. Jour. A m . Chern. SOL.,27, 26 (1905).-Methyl ether and methyl alcohol crystallize at low temperatures with hydriodic acid and hydrobromic acid in the molecular ratio of one'to one. From the author's point of view the oxygen in these compounds is quadrivalent. Ry increasing the valence of chlorine from one to three, he is able to reduce the valence of oxygen in some of the hydrochlorides (preceding review) from twelve to six. W. D.B. The formation of ammonia from the elements. F. Haber and G. van Oordt. Zed. aizoyg. Chenz., 43, Irz (~pog).--This is merely a preliminary notice. At IOOOO an equilibrium between ammonia, nitrogen and hydrogen can he reached from both sides in presence of iron as catalytic agent. Nickel is less satisfactory. About two parts in ten thousand of ammonia remain undecomposed W.D. B. when equilibrium is reached. Multi-cornpone fit Systems

The affinity of the alkali oxides for different anhydrides. D. G. Gerassimof. Zeit. Chem., 42,328 (1904).-It is shown that the same equilibrium is reached at a given temperature and a constant partial pressure of SO,, whether one starts from Li,WO, or from Li,S04+W03. Experiments were made at 880° with the tungstates and vanadates of lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium and caesium. Experiments were also made at 880° under a constant partial pressure of CO, with mixtures of the alkali carbonates with WO,, VO,, Nb,05, D. B. Ta,O,, TiO, or A1,03.


Studies of dynamic isomerism. 11. T. M . L0zw.y and W. Robertson. Jour. Chem. Soc., 8 5 , 1541 (1904).-If a substance changes slowly into an isomeric form, it may be possible to get a solution saturated with respect to the first form before practically any change into t h e other form has taken place, Under these circumstances the difference between the final and the initial solubilities represents the amount of the second form in the solution. The method has worked well with the nitro-derivatives of camphor. W. D.B. Studies of dynamic isomerism, 111. T. M. Lowry. Jour. Chem. SOL.,8 5 , 1751 (1904).--"The main result of the experiments now described is to show that in the case of glucose and galactose the proportion of a-sugar in solution decreases as the amount of water in the solvent increases. This result is ascribed to the presence in the aqueous solutions of a third form of the sugar. ' I I n methyl alcoholic solutions, one-half of the sugar is in the a-form. The remainder probably consists almost entirely of the p-sugar, since the third form can be preseut only in very minute quantities. The a- and p-forms are therefore equally stable in the solution, although the a-form, being the less soluble, is the first to crystallize when the solution is evaporated. '' I n the mixture (EtOH t H,O), the proportion of a-sugar falls to 40 per-



cent. This might be due to the presence of 60 percent of the p-sugar. A more probable explanation is that the solution contains equal proportions of the a- and p-forms, namely 40 percent of each, 20 percent of the sugar being present in a third hydrated form. On account of the excessive solubility of glucose and galactose in water, the measurements could not be extended to aqueous solutions, but it is clear that an even smaller ratio of initial to final solubility must be anticipated under these conditions. I t is, therefore, evident that although in anhydrous solvents the mutarotation of glucose and galactose may be almost wholly due toisomeric change, the change of rotatory power in aqueous solutions may be to a large extent due to the formatioii of a third hydrated form of the sugar. “ I t is considered probable that the third form of the sugar is the aldehydro1 and that this forms an intermediate stage in the interconversion of the stereoisomeric a- and P-sugars.” D.B.


The polysulphides. I. F. W. Kuster and E. Heberlein. Zeit. anorg. Chem., 43, 53 (1905).-The solubility of sulphur in sodium sulphide solution varies but little between oo and 50°. The solubility is a maximum for a n/r6 solution of sodium sulphide. Sodium tetrasulphide appears t o exist in solution in equilibrium with a number of other compounds. The hydrolysis is less the more sulphur there is in solution. Polysulphides are salts of the acid H,S.Sx, and are analogous to the polyiodides. W,D . B . The solubility of lithium carbonate in alkali salt solutions. G. Gefcketi. nitrate, chloride and chlorate increase the solubility of lithium carbonate up to a certain point where the solubility passes through a maximum. Sodium chloride acts in the same way. The sulphate of sodium and potassium increase the solubility of lithium car. bonate much more than do the chlorides. No maximum was observed. Ammonium salts increase the solubility of lithium carbonate enormously.

Zeit. anorg. Chem., 43, 197 (1905) .-Potassium

W. D.B. The formation of periodides in organic solvents. H . M . Dawson. Jour. Chem. Soc., 85, 467 (z904).-A number of nitro compounds dissolve mixtures of potassium iodide and iodine more readily than either substance alone. When the solutions are saturated with respect to potassium iodide the ratio I, : K I in the solution is practically unity. When the solution is saturated with respect t o iodine, the ratio I, : K I in the solution is practically 4 : I. If the only solid phases possible are iodine and potassium iodide, this result is in~possiblebecause the two ratios must become identical when the solution is saturated with respect to both substances. If another solid phase is possible, an analysis of it should have been given. D.B.


The formation of periodides in nitrobenzene solution. 11. H. M. Dawson and E. E . Goodson. Jour. Chem. SOC.,85, 796 (zgoq).-This is more work similar to that in the first paper (preceding review) and subject to the same criticisms. The authors did make an admittedly inaccurate analysis of one solid phase, but no one knows whether it was a possible solid phase a t the W. D.B. temperature at which the experiments were carried out.

4 30


Influence of moist alcohol and ethyl chloride on the boiling-point of chloroform. J . Wade and H . Fiitnernove. Jour. Chem. Sac., 85, 938 (r904),--There is a minimum boiling-point at 55.5O for the ternary system, chloroform, alcohol and water. The presence of a trace of ethyl chloride in the chloroform made from alcohol is the reason it is better as an anaesthetic than chloroform made from acetone. D.B.


The hydrolysis of ammonium salts. V. H. Veley. Jour. Chein. Soc., 87, 26 (1905).-The author finds that boiling solutions of ammonium salts lose more ammonia the weaker the acid. H e looks upon this as proof positive that this is the result of hydrolysis and not of a direct dissociation into free base and free acid. I t is not clear to the reviewer how one is to distinguish conclusively between the two sets of equations. I. NH,Cl+ H,O = ",OH H. C1' and ",OH = NH, H,O. 11. NH,Cl= H ' C1' NH,. The two formulations become identical with vanishing concentration of ",OH and under the conditions of the experiments the concentration of the ",OH is apparently negligible. If the author were to make experiments with ammonium acetate in alcohol he would probably modify his conclusious.



+ +


W. D.B. Note on the efficiency of centrifugal purification. T. W. Richards. Jour. A m . Chem. Soc., 27, roq (rgog).-Quantitative measurements of the efficiency of centrifugal purification. With a sodium nitrate containing some free nitric acid, two centrifugal filtrations purified the substance as much as nine gravity filtrations would have done. The most satisfactory method of centrifugal washing is to stir the crystals with a small amount of water and then to filter this off centrifugally. , D.B.


The silicates, IV. E. Jordis a?zd E. H. Kanter. Zeit. anovg. Chew., 42, preliminary study of the action of the alkaline earths on colloidal silicic acid. Since no effort is made to determine whether the authors are analyzing one or more solid phases, it is practically impossible to tell what has been found. The authors do not even analyze their solutions. W . D. B. 428 (r9oq).-A

On silicates, V. E.Jovdis and E . H , Kanter. Zeit. anorg. Chem., 43, 48 (rpog).-Time experiments on the reaction between silicic acid and lime in a one percent calcium chloride solution. W . D. B. On silicates, VI. E.Jordis and E . H. Kanter. Zeit. anorg. Chem., 4 3 , 3 r g (rpog).-Finely-powdered quartz was boiled for four hours with solutions of barium, strontium and calcium hydroxides. Analyses were then made but there is nothing to indicate what these analyses were expected to show. As in the previous papers it is quite impossible to find out what the authors think they are trying to do. This seems a pity when one remembers how easy the problem really is. W. D.B. Historical facts as to the investigation of the silicates of the alkaline earths. E. Jordis. Zeit. anorg. Chem., 43, qro (rgog).-A brief outline of what Le Chatelier did and did not prove in regard to the silicates o f the alkaline earths.



The article is the result of the author having come across an early paper by Le Chatelier which had apparently been overlooked by everybody.

W. D . B . The absorption of water by clay. J. M . van Bemmelen. Zeit. aEorg. Chenz., 4 2 , 3 r 4 (1904).-1t is shown in the case of some Surinam clays that the absorption and loss of water at 1 5 O is a reversible phenomenon but marked by hysteresis. W. D.B.

R.C. Farmer, and F. dissociation and hydrolysis constants of the salts of weak bases with strong acids were determined from the distribution coefficients observed when the solutions were shaken with benzene. The data are given in tabulated form at the end of the aiticle. The affinity constants of aniline and its derivatives.

J. Warth. Jozw. Chem. S a c , 85, z7r3 (rpog).-The

W. D. B. The solubility of barium sulphate. F. W. Kzister and G. Dahmer. Zeif. anorg. Chem., 43, 3 4 8 (~905).--Since barium chloride does not react with chromic sulphuric acid, chromic chloride ought to increase the solubility of barium sulphate. This was found to be the case, though equilibrium is reached W. D. B. very slowly. Complex salts of mercury sulphocyanate. H. Grossman. Zeit. anorg. Chem., 43,356 (1905).-Mercurous sulphocyanate dissolves in potassium sulphocyanate solution, forming K,Hg(SCN), and setting free mercury. I n dilute solutions some trisulphocyanate may be formed. At ordinary temperatures the sulphocyanate has the greater tendency to form complex ions and the bromide at higher temperatures. W. D.B. The constitution of neutral zirconium sulphate. R. Ruer. Zeit. anorg. Chem., 42, 87 (cgoq).-Ammonium oxalate precipitates zirconium oxalate at once from zirconium chloride or nitrate solutions but not from neutral zirconium sulphate solutions. I t seems probable that the so-called neutral zirconium sulphate is really the free dibasic acid, zircon sulphuric acid having a formula W. D. 3. Zr OSO,.S04H2.

On metazirconic acid. R.Ruer. Zeit. anorg. Chem., 43, 282 (1905).-In aqueous solution zirconium chloride hydrolyzes slowly at ordinary temperatures, rapidly at 1 0 0 ~ . The hydrolysis product apparently changes over into another hydroxide standing in the same relation to zirconium hydroxide that metastannic acid does to stannic acid. When dried at IOOO zirconium hydroxide has the formula ZrO,.zH,O while the metazirconic acid appears to have the formula 3Zr02.2H,0. Metazirconic acid and its compounds with acids form colloidal solutions only. I t is believed that zirconium hydroxide and metazirconic acid derive from different oxides, that for the zirconium hydroxide not being known. W. D. B. The chemical reactions of nickel carbonyl. J . Dewar and H. 0. Jones. 203, 212 (zgoq).-Chlorine, bromine and iodine change nickel carbonyl to the corresponding halide. In chloroform solution the reaction with iodine is of the second order. Cyanogen gas does not react with nickel carbonyl but an alcoholic solution does. Iodine monochloride, trichloride

Joztr. Chem. SOL.,85,



and cyanide behave like mixtures. Sulphur, hydrogen sulphide and sulphuric acid react very slowly. Nickel carbonyl does not react with aluminum chloride or with aroniatic hydrocarbons. Hydrochloric acid is evolved however if the three are brought together. At low temperatures an aldehyde is formed and practically no nickel chloride. At roo" an anthracene derivative is formed and much nickel chloride. W. D.B. The decomposition of chloral hydrate by sodium hydroxide and by certain salts. E . A. Werner. Jour. Chenz. Soc., 85, 1376 (rgo4).-Chloral hydrate is decomposed very rapidly by caustic soda but is very stable in neutral or acid solutions. At higher temperatures sodium formate and some other sodium salts decompose chloral hydrate. Though the author does not so state, thisis undoubtedly due to the hydrolysis of the sodium salts. When chloral hydrate is heated to 1go0 in a sealed tube, two liquid layers are formed which disappear on cooling. [Butyl chloral hydrate behaves similarly in open vessels.]

W. D.B . Reduction of perchlorate by the wet way. B. Sjollema. Zed. anovg. Chew., 42, r27 (r9og).-If potassium perchlorate be boiled with excess of a ferrous sulphate solution and caustic soda be added in amount insufficient to precipitate all the iron, the perchlorate will be reduced quantitatively to chloride. Before determining the chloride, the ferric hydroxide should be dissolved by nitric acid. W. D.B. Estimation of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of potassium persulphate by means of potassium permanganate. J. A . N . Friend. Jour. Chew. SOC.,85, 597, r533 (r904).-To obtain approximately accurate results in the titration of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of potassium persulphate, the rapidity with which the titration is effected should be as great as possible, the volutne of the solution titrated should be reduced to a niinimuni, and great excess of sulphuric acid should be employed. The error appears to be due to a reaction between the potassium persulphate and hydrogen peroxide which is accelerated by the D.B. manganous sulphate formed during the titration.


On weathered silicates in clay, volcanic and lateritic soils. J. M. valz Bemmelen. Zeil. unorg. Chew., 42,265 (r904).-A very complete statement of what we now know about the way in which silicates weather and a plea for a careful study of the process. I t is made clearthat nothing can be accomplished W . D.B. merely by theorizing on the subject.

On yellow and red arsenic trisulphide. H . Winter. Zed. anorg. Chem., 43, 228 (1905).--When a yellow colloidal solution of arsenic trisulphide is frozen the trisulphide precipitates as a red modification which does not redissolve in water. Boiling the solution gives the same red modification. On passing hydrogen sulphide into an arsenic solution, small amounts of a goldenyellow amorphous precipitate are sometimes obtained. W. D.B. Solubility of metal hydroxides in glycerol. A . Muller. Zeit. anorg. Chem., 43,320 (1905).--No precipitation is observed when glycerol and ammonia are added to solutions of aluminum nitrate, chrome alum, ammoniuni ferrous sulphate, ferric chloride, ammonium cerous nitrate and magnesium neodymium nitrate. O n .diluting these solutions with water the hydroxide precipitates



more or less rapidly. When the solutions are heated, precipitation occurs with aluminuni hydroxide, ferrous hydroxide and ferric hydroxide, but not in the chromium, cerium and neodymium solutions. The failure to precipitate appears to be due to the formation of a colloidal solution. W. D. B. Colloidal tellurium. IV. A. Gutbier. Zeit. anorg. Chem., 42, 177 (rpoq). phenyl hydrazine hydrochloride is added gradually to a solution of tellurium dioxide in dilute hydrochloric acid heated to 70°, a moderately stable gray-blue hydrosol is formed. When g u m m i arabicum is dissolved in a solution of tellurium dioxide in dilute hydrochloric acid heated to 9 5 O and hydrazine hydrate is then added, a brown hydrosol is obtained. If the preceding solution be neutralized at 70° with ammonia and then hypophosphorous acid be added, we get a brown hydrosol changing into a deep-blue one, the interW. D.B. mediate color being violet. - When

Action of hydrogen sulphide on selenous acid, I. A. Gutbier and 1. Zeit. anorg. Chem., 42,325 (rqog).-When the yellow hydrosol of selenium sulphide is boiled with hydrochloric acid a brilliantly red gel is precipitated. This change of color has been supposed to be due to the rise of temperature. The authors find that the change takes place slowly at ordinary temperatures and that it is accelerated by ultra-violet light and by increased partial pressure of hydrogen sulphide. W. D.B.


Action of hydrogen sulphide on selenous acid. 11. A. Gutbier and J. Lohmann. Zed. anorg. Chem., 43,384 (Ig05).-It is shown that the deposit of selenium and sulphur obtained by the action of hydrogen sulphide and selenous acid contains no conlpound of the two elements. Treatment of the yellow hydrosol with carbon bisulphide dissolves the sulphur, leaving the pink hydrosol of selenium. W. D. B.

On chlorine in colloidal solutions of metal hydroxides. R. h e r . Zeit. anorg. Chem., 43, 85 (rpog).-Dialyzed colloidal ferric hydroxide is apt to contain chloride which is not precipitated by silver nitrate until after the solution has been heated with nitric acid. I t was believed that the chloride must be present as part of a complex acid, but the author shows that it is merely a case of the action of a colloid causing the silver chloride to remain in solution as a colloid. W. D.B. The preparation and properties of colloidal mixtures. A. A. Noyes. Jour. Am. Chem. SOL.,27, 85 (rpog).-An experimental lecture constituting the address of the retiring president of the American Chemical Society. W. D.B.

YeZociZies Chemical dynamics of the alkyl iodides. K . A . Burke and F. G. Donnan. Jour. Chem. SOL,8 5 , 555(rpo1).-The reaction between an alkyl iodide and silver nitrate in absolute alcohol is apparently of the second order but with marked disturbing influences due chiefly to the silver nitrate. In n/4o solutions the reaction velocity decreases in the following order with changing alkyl iodide : isopropyl, ethyl, propyl, methyl, butyl, isoamyl, isobutyl. The



authors consider that their results are not in harmony with the views of Nef hut they make the unfortunate mistake of discussing Nef’s first paper only. W. D. R. The chemical dynamics of the reactions between sodium thiosulphate and organic halogen compounds. I. A.,%tor. Jour. Chenz. Soc., 85, r286 (?904).The author has studied the reaction between sodium thiosulphate and alkyl halides. This reaction is bimolecular with methyl and ethyl iodides, bromides and chlorides ; with ethylene iodide and bromide ; and with ethylene bromoiodide. With ethylene chloro-iodide the reaction is of the first order when thiosulphate is present in excess and approximates the second order when the halide is in excess. With ethylene chlorobromide the reaction is of the first order. The active mass of the sodium thiosulphate appears to be proportional to the concentration of thiosulphate as ion, W. D. B. The decomposition of ethylene iodide_under the influence of the iodide ion, A . Slater. Jour. Chem. Soc., 85, ‘697 (r904).-1. Ethylene iodide in aqueous alcoholic solution decomposes quantitatively in the presence of potassium iodide, yielding ethylene and iodine. 2. The velocity of reaction is proportional to the concentration of ethylene iodide and that Of the 1’-ion, showing that the potassium iodide takes some direct (or catalytic) part in the reaction. The temperature quotient for IOO is 2.5. 3. This reaction is quite distinct from that between ethylene iodide and sodium thiosulphate, for on carrying out the two reactions in the same solution the rate of disappearance of the thiosulpha,te is approximately equal to that calculated from the velocity of the two single reactions, 4. The rate of liberation of iodine from solutions ofmethyl iodide, isopropyl iodide, and ethyl iodoacetate is accelerated by the addition of potassium iodide, 5 . Ethylene bromoiodide in presence of potassium iodide liberates iodine according to the equation : C,H,IBr -l- KI = CZH, f 1, f KBr. 6 . The velocity of the preceding reaction is proportional to the concentration of the bromoiodide and to that of the potassium iodide, and the temperature quotient for IOO is 2.45. Ethylene iodide is probably not an intermediate product it1 this reaction. The iodide decomposes about three times as fast as the bromoiodide. W. D. B.


The acid esters offmethy1:substituted Succinic acids. A . Bone, J . J. Sudbolrough and C. H. G. Sprankling. Jour. Chew. SOC., 85,534 (19041.The authors have, determined the electrical conductivity and the rates of saponification for the acid ester of a number of methyl substituted succinic ” W. D.B. acids. The decomposition of methylcarbamide. c. E . Famitt. Jouv. Chem. SOL., I n its decomposition on treatment with acids, alkalis, and water alone, methylcarbamide behaves very similarly to carbamide. 2 . The decomposition of methylcarbamide by acids is due to its transformation into methylamine cyanate, this salt being then decomposed by the acid. This transformation isTaIreaction of the first order. 3. The method of destroying the reaction products i n a case of dynamic g 5 , 1581 (Ipod).-I.



isomerism may be used with advantage in certain reactions to obtain the velocity-coefficient of the transformation in one direction. 4. The equilibrium ~c0PI’2H3‘CHs CHC’ K is established by the experiCCON~H,.CH,,HCI periments on the velocity of decomposition, as it is only the free niethylcarbamide which gives the active concentration of substances decomposing a t any instant. 5 . A direct hydrolysis of methylcarbaniide is brought about only very slightly even by very concentrated alkali. W. D.B.

The kinetics of the permanganate, oxalic acid reaction. A . Skrabnl. Zeit. ano9.g. Chem., 42, z ( / 9 0 4 ) . - h acid solution permanganate oxidizes a manganous salt to a manganic salt. On addition of oxalic acid there is decomposition, carbon dioxide being set free and a manganous salt formed. To account for this reaction being monomolecular, the author assumes that it takes place in two stages : [Mn(OH),.C,O,H,] Mn.” Mn’.. C,O,H, -+ Mn(OH), CO,, the second reaction taking place immeasurably fast while the first is the one that is really measured. While the author makes out a strong case for his point of view, it seems hardly possible that it can be right. The problem is left entirely unsolved how it is possible to form Mn(OH),.C,O,H, in the manner described since the manganic salt and the oxalic acid should react instantaneously according to the second equation. Even though one may reject the conclusions, one must recognize that this is a very creditable piece of work and that the author tests every postulate but one with admirable thoroughness.




W. D.B. Rate of self-heating. G. Byedig and F.Epstein. Zeit. anorg. Chem., 42, 34’ (zgq).-The authors deduce an approximate relation between temperature and time for a reaction taking place in an adiabatic shell. W. D.B. The contact sulphuric acid process. F. W. Kzisler. Zeil. anorg. Chem., 42, 453 (zpoq).-Platinum, vanadium pentoxide and iron oxide a t the same temperatures bring about the same equilibria between sulphur dioxide, oxygen and sulphur trioxide. The platinum is the most effective catalytic agent of the three and the only one with which equilibrium is reached under technical conditions. The best amount of moisture is that which is given by ordinary concentrated pure sulphuric acid. With either more or less moisture the yield falls off, especially with vanadium pentoxide and with iron oxide. Vanadium pentoxide does not seem to deteriorate a t all while iron oxide is a very sensitive and uncertain catalytic agent. The usefulness of iron oxide decreases rapidly as arsenic is added. W. D. B. The decomposition of ammonia a t high temperatures. A . H. While and W. Melville. Jour. A m . Chem. SOL, 27, 373 (rgog).-Ammonia, either pure or mixed with other gases, was passed at definite rates of speed through glass tubes heated to different temperatures. The apparent result is that the nitrogen and hydrogen behave like inert gases as far as the decomposition of ammonia is concerned. The authors conclude that there is therefore no re-



action between nitrogen and hydrogen. They made no determinations to find out ,whether ammonia would be completely decomposed if time had been given to reach equilibrium. Some experiments by Ramsay and Young are cited however, in which 100 percent decomposition was obtained. The rate of decomposition is largely a matter of the extent and nature of the solid surfaces. These factors were kept as nearly constant in this work as could be done under D. B. the circumstances.


The intermediate oxide theory of the oxidation process. A. Skrabal. Zeil. anorg. Chem., 42, 60 (zgo4).-The author discusses the behavior of iron, manganese and chromium on the basis that there is always formed an intermediate oxide which then decomposes spontaneously into two products, one of a higher and the other of a lower valency. D.B.


The effect of colloidal platinum on mixtures of Caro’s persulphuric acid and hydrogen peroxide. T. S. Price and]. A. Friend. Jour. Chem. SOC.,85, 1526 (zgop).-When colloidal platinum is added to mixtures of Caro’s acid and hydrogen peroxide, there is a rapid evolution of oxygen. I t was hoped that a study of the reaction velocity would throw some light on the formula of Caro’s acid. No satisfactory constant could be calculated and it was impossible even to make a guess at the order of the reaction. D.B.


The slow combustion of ethane. W. A. Bone and W.E . Stockings. Jour. Chem. SOC., 85, 693 (~904].-In twe slow combustion of ethane, acetaldehyde and water are the first intermediate products to be recognized readily. The next stage is the formation of formaldehyde, carboti monoxide and water, while the oxidation of the formaldehyde is the last stage. Hydrogen and methane may be formed by the heating of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde respectively, but they are not true combustion products of ethane. Alcohol is not found as an intermediate product because it reacts with oxygen much more readily than does ethane. Its combustion products are the same as those of ethane. W. D.B. The combustion of ethylene. W . A . Bone and I?. V. Wheeler. Jour. Chem. SOL., 85) r637 (rgog).-The experiments confirm the hypothesis ‘I that the conlbustion of a hydrocarbon is essentially a process of hydroxylation.” Formaldehyde is easily obtained as one of the intermediate products in the combustion of ethylene. While it was not possible to show the existence of vinyl alcohol as an intermediate product, traces of the isomeric acetaldehyde could be detected. W. D. 3. Electrolysis and Electvolytic Dissociation. Electrostenolysis and Faraday’s law. T. W . Richards and B. S. Lacy. ]our. Am. Chem. Soc., 27, 232 (rgog\.-A cracked glass tube is placed between the anode and the cathode in a silver nitrate solution. When the current passes, metallic silver and silver peroxide are deposited in the cracks, The authors find that the electrostenolysis has no effect on the amount of silver deposited at the cathode. If this conclusion is not wrong, it should be possible to dispense with the diaphragm in the silver voltameter, using a silver peroxide anode. I t seems quite as probable that the experiments were not carried on long enough to show the disturbing effect. W . D. B.



Material and form of the rotating cathode. H. E . Medway. Am. Jour. Sci. (4),18 1.80; Zeit. anorg. Chem., 42, zzo (zgog).-For the precipitation of copper a silver crucible may be substituted for a platinum crucible, but a nickel crucible is distinctly less satisfactory. The author has obtained bad results with an aluminum cathode. H e finds a rotating crucible much better than a rotating disc, part of the difference being due to an injudicious arraiigement of the anode in the latter case. D.B.


Further work with the rotating cathode. H. E. Medway. A m . Jour. Sci., ( 4 ) 18, 5 6 ; Zeit. anorg. Chent., 42, zz4 (zgoq).-Data are given for the electrolytic precipitation of cadmium, tin, zinc and gold, using a rotating cathode. When one reflects that the rotating cathode is certainly better than the rotating anode, it is a little depressing to read the following statement : “No attempt was made to find the minimum time required for these deposiD.B. lions. ”


Electrolytic determination and separation of antimony and tin. A. Fischer. Zeit. anorg. Chem., 42,363 (z904).-A study of the conditions for quantitative electrolytic precipitation of antimony and tin from sulphide solutions. The electrodes were not rotated. Through the paper there runs the characteristic assumption that no electrolytic method is of any value or has ever existed as a method until it has been tested in the Aachen laboratory. This is rather amusing when one reflects that many of the real advances in this subject conie W. D.B. from the laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania. The electrolytic estimation of minute quantities of arsenic. H. 1. S. Sand and J . E. Hackford. Jour. Chem. Soc., 85, zoz8 (zgog).-Arsenates and arsenites are reduced completely to arsine by electrolytic methods only when a cathode of lead or zinc is used. The authors recommend the use of lead electrodes. W. D.B. Studies on the electrolytic oxidation of the phenols, I. A. G. Perkin and F. M. Perkin. Jour. C h e w SOC.,85, 243 (zgo4).-An aqueous solution of pyrogallol and sodium sulphate was electrolyzed in a cell without a diaphragm using a rotating platinum anode. When the temperature is kept down, a 40 percent yield of purpurogallin is obtained. The yield is much less if a lead anode be substituted for the platinum one. or when sodium acetate is used instead of sodium sulphate. I t is not clear from the text whether the authors use the term current density in the ordinary sense or in some other. Some experiments were also made on the electrolytic oxidation of gallic acid. W. D.B.

An analytical study on the deposition of aluminum from ethyl bromide solution. H . E’. Patkn. Trans. A m . Electrochem. Soc., 6, I , 9 (zgog).-Abstract of a paper published 8, 548. Electrolytic purification of cobalt and nickel. A m . Electrochem. SOC.,6 , I , 39 (zgog).-Abstract lished 9, I.

W. D. Bancrof.


of a paper by Root, pub-

The aluminum rectifier. W. D. BancrofL. Trans. A m . Electrochem. Soc., of a paper by Charters, published 9, 110.

6, I, 13 (zpog).-Abstract



Blue aluminum compounds a t the aluminum anode. F. Fischer. Z e d . anorg. Chem., 43, ggr (~gog).-When a well-cooled aluminum tube is made anode in a sulphate solution, the portion of the film next the tube is found to be a bright blue. The author did not succeed in finding out much of anything about this blue substarice. 1Ie notes that Winkler obtained traces of a blue substance by the action of magnesium on alumina. The author inclines to the view that the blue substance is a suboxide. W. D. B. Ionization and chemical combination. J. W . Walker. Jour. Chew. SOL., is believed that, in some cases at least, chemical combination due to potential valencies is the cause of ionization. When aluminum chloride and benzoyl chloride are added to anisol, the mixture conducts pretty well after the reaction. Aluminum chloride was also found to make ethyl iodide and carbon tetrachloride react with formation of iodoform. On adding alumiuum chloride to a solution of benzene in ethyl bromide, the conductivity passed through a maximum value followed by a niinimuni value. 85, ro8z (1904).-It

W. D. B. Ionization and chemical combination in liquefied halogen hydrides. J. W . Walker, D. A f c I d o s h and E. H. Archibald. Jour. Clzem. SOL.,85, ro98 (1904).--Experiments were made on the conductivity of a number of substances when dissolved in liquid hydrogen sulphide or in the liquefied halide acids. Four substances which conduct well in hydrogen sulphide are pyridine, piperidine, nicotine and quinoline-all basic substances. All substances containing oxygen, nitrogen or sulphur are fairly good conductors in one or more of the halide acids. So also are thiophene and pyrrol. ‘‘ The conclusion that we feel justified in drawing from these observations is that in at least a great number of cases, if not in all, combination with the solvent is the necessary precursor of ionization, although such combination does not necessitate ionization.” D. B.


The electrical conductivity of liquid ammonia solutions, 11. E. C. Franklin and C. A . Kraus. Jour. A m . Chem. Soc., 27, 192 (1905).--(‘The specific conductivity of liquid ammonia at its boiling-point, -33O, is below 0.01x 10-6 Kohlrausch units.” The acid amides are conductors of electricity in ammonia solutions, some conducting very well and others only slightly, Many nitro compounds conduct well and some form highly-colored solutions. With the cyanides of the heavy metals the molecular conductivity first decreases with increasing dilution and then begins to increase after the dilution has passed a certain value. Data are given in the paper for thirty-seven substances not included in the previous paper. W. D. B. The nature of a solution of iodine in aqueous potassium iodide. C. H. 8 5 , r305 (19Og).-h an aqueous solution of potassium iodide and iodine we believe that we have a reversible equilibrium between KI, KI,, I,, K., 1’ and I/,. The authors show that the ratio of the dissociation constants of KI, and I/, must be equal to the ratio of the electrolytic dissociation constants or ionization constants of KI, and KI. Combining this result with the formula of Jakowkin they find that the dissociation constants of KI, and I/, must be the same and be equal to

Burgess and D. L . Chapman. Jour. Chem. Soc.,



Jakowkin’s k . The ionization constants of KI, and XI are consequently also equal. By transference experiments the authors find 0.556 for the ratio of the velocities of I/, and I’ as ions while a value of 0.553 was obtained from conductivity determinations. W. D. B. The determination of the neutralization point by means of conductivity measurements. F. W. Kuster, RZ. Gmters a n d W. Geibel. Zeit. anorg. Chem., 42, 225 (1504).-It is shown that by the conductivity method it is possible to titrate sulphuric acid in presence of potassium bichromate or permanganate. The organic acids can also be titrated if they are added to caustic soda instead of adding the soda to them. Magnesia and the alkaloids can also be determined with accuracy. W. D. B. The constitution of phenolphthaleine. A. G. Green and A . G. Perkin. Jour. Ckem. Soc , 8 5 , 3 9 8 (1904).-If enoughalkali be added to a phenolphthaleine solution to decolorize it, the color does not come back at once on neutralizing the excess of alkali but does come back if the solution be heated. Further quantitative experiments confirmed the aitthors in the belief that the color changes are best explained on the basis of the quinonoid theory. It w a s shown that quinol-phthaleine behaves like phenolphthaleine and the authors therefore suggest the ortho-quinonoid structure for the colored salts of quinolphthaleine. W. D. B. Dielectricity and Optics The action of radium rays on the halides of the alkali metals and analogous heat effects. W. Ackroyd. Jour. Chem. SOL,85, 8r2 (1504).-1. The color changes produced by radium rays in chlorides of the alkali metals divide these elements into their two sub-groups : I. LiC1, NaCl ; 11. KC1, RbC1, CsCl ; and the changed chlorides coiiform to the constitutive-color law. 2. The division into these sub-groups is also indicated by their difference of molecular aggregation as expressed by the coefficient :/mol. vol. 3. There is relative stability of the colors produced while they remain i n darkness and their rate of disappearance or decay in daylight varies with the intensity of the light. 4. The amount of energy expended by the radium rays in effecting the color changes decreases as the molecular weight increases, or, in other words, the sensibility to the action of the radium rays increases with the molecular weight. 5 . When the induced phosphorescence has decayed so as to be no longer visible, it can be revived by invisible heat. 6. I n many respects, these phenomena are analogous to the thermal effects produced in other substances, and the whole of the evidence points to the conW. D. B. clusion that they are physical changes. The comparison of the rotation-values of methyl, ethyl, and n-propyl tartrates

at different temperatures. T. S.Patferson. Jour. Ckent. Soc.,85,765 (z904).I. I t is shown that methyl tartrate is capable of existence in a solid form melting a t 6 1 . 5 ~ . 2. Data for the variation of rotation with change of temperature of methyl, ethyl, and n-propyl tartrates are given.



3 . I t is shown that cotnparisons of these data at identical temperatures are of little value, especially at low temperatures. 4. Since the rotations of methyl, ethyl, and n-propyl tartrates vanish at o o , -34O, atid -60° respectively, it may be assumed that these substances are in corresponding optical conditions at these temperatures, and in general that at T O , ( T - 34O), and ( T - 60°) the methyl, ethyl, and n-propyl esters will also be in corresponding conditions as regards rotation. 5. I t is shown that comparisons effected at corresponding temperatures are much more satisfactory than those obtained at identical temperatures. 6. If the rotations are taken at corresponding temperatures, the increment of 2CHz, in passing from methyl to ethyl tartrate rather more than doubles the rotation, while the next increment of zCH, in passing to n-propyl tartrate increases the rotation 1.41 times. The rotation of n-propyl tartrate is therefore almost three times that of methyl tartrate. 7. These regularities persist within wide limits of temperature.

W. D.B. The influence of solvents on the rotation of optically active compounds, V. T. S.Patterson. Jour. Chem SOC.,85, zzrd (z904).-On raising the temperature the values for the molecular rotation in aqueous solution pass through maxima with sodium tartrate, potassium tartrate, potassium methyl tartrate, potassium ethyl tartrate and potassium propyl tartrate, the maxima being only slightly marked in the case of the first two substances. With methyl, ethyl aiid propyl tartrates the molecular rotation of concentrated solutions increase with rising temperature while the reverse is the case for dilute solutions.

W. D.B. The influence of solvents on the rotation of optically active substances. VI. T. S.Patterson. Jour. Chem. SOC.,85, zz53 (zyo4) .-The author has determined the densities at 20° of the solutions studied in the preceding paper. With methyl, ethyl and propyl tartrates, the contraction appears to pass through a maximum with increasing dilution ; but no such phenomenon could be detected with potassium methyl tartrate, potassium ethyl tartrate, or potassium propyl tartrate. W. D.B.

Crystallography, Capillarity and Viscosi(y The viscosity of liquid mixtures. A . E . Dunstan. Jour. Chem. SOC.,85, 817 (ryog); 87, zz (iyo5).-All mixtures of hydroxyl compounds have viscosities differing markedly from those to be expected from the viscosities of the pure components : Both maxima and minima occur in the curves and the author makes assumptions in regard to compounds, which he does not check in any way. W. D.B.