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Estates of Russell Creek Estates of

Russell Creek September 2009

Volume 3, Issue 9

Official Publication of The Estates of Russell Creek Homeowners Association

Outdoor Water Conservation Tips

Fall Festival Coordinator Needed

We are in need of a coordinator to organize this year’s ERC Fall Festival. Responsibilities would include picking the date, establishing venue events and developing and submitting a budget for approval. Please contact Dave Oldani at President@ with your interest.

Adult Pool Party Thank Yous Thanks to Roger Smith, Chris & Rebecca Milligan, Chris Wilson, Bryce & Lisa Finnerty, Dave & Lisa Oldani, Bob Geibler and Amber Stills for all their hard work on this year’s Adult Pool Party committee. Additional thanks to Roger Smith for volunteering to be the Adult Pool Party coordinator this year. The event would not have taken place without Roger’s willingness to step up and be a community volunteer.

4th of July Decorations Thank You A special thanks to Bob Geibler on Norwich Lane for decorating the entrances and other areas of the ERC in patriotic attire this past 4th of July. We appreciate both Bob’s patriotic sprit and his continuing contributions to the ERC!

ERC EnewsAre You on The List? Want to receive emails regarding community news, events, parties and other updates regarding the ERC? Then sign up to start receiving the ERC Enews in your inbox by going to www. and subscribing today Copyright © 2009 Peel, Inc.

Even though we use water every day, it’s easy to take it for granted. Just imagine how you would function without clean water. It’s everyone’s responsibility to conserve and protect water resources. The decisions and actions you make today truly affect our water resources for the future. The following suggestions will help you get in the habit of saving water in the great outdoors: • Use mulch around landscape plantings. Mulch will help eliminate weeds and hold moisture in the soil. • Select hardy plants that don’t need much water. Native plants that are well adapted to your climate and soils will survive well without supplemental watering. A copy of the Steiner Ranch Approved Plant list is available on the website at www. • Water during the cool part of the day to avoid rapid evaporation. • When watering is necessary, water slowly and thoroughly. If you notice puddles or runoff, turn water off and wait for water to soak in. Also be sure your sprinkler puts water where you need it—not on driveways or sidewalks. • Wash cars efficiently. First give the car a quick rinse, and then turn the water off. Wash one section of the car at a time and rinse that section quickly. Turn the water off each time. Visit www.auduboninternational. org for more conservation tips.

Go Green, Go Paperless Sign up to receive The Estates of Russell Creek Review in your inbox. Visit for details.

Estates of Russell Creek Homeowner's Association Newsletter - September 2009 

Estates of Russell Creek erc board members David Oldani, President....................................972-731-6244 Amy Newell, Vice President..............................972-335-5860 John Dwyer, Secretary.......................................972-377-0246 Jeff Einspahr, Treasurer......................................972-335-5413 Doug Finn, Director.........................................972-712-4655 Sandra Johnson, Director..................................972-712-2337 Robert Simmons, Director................................972-731-9683 Dan Estep (CMA).............................................972-943-2856

newsletter info Editor Geoff Clark....................... [email protected] ..................................................................... 214-924-7168 Publisher Peel, Inc........................, 512-263-9181 [email protected], 512-263-9181 Advertising Information Please support the businesses that advertise in the Estates of Russell Creek Review Community Newsletter. Their advertising dollars make it possible for all Estates of Russell Creek residents to receive the monthly newsletter at no charge. No homeowners association funds are used to produce or mail the newsletters. If you would like to support the newsletter by advertising, please contact our sales office @ 512-263-9181 or advertising@ The advertising deadline is the 20th of each month for the following month's newsletter. Classified Ads Personal classifieds (one time sell items, such as a used bike...) run at no charge to Estates of Russell Creek residents, limit 30 words, please e-mail [email protected] Business classifieds (offering a service or product line for profit) are $50, limit 40 words, please contact Peel, Inc. Sales Office @ 512-263-9181 or [email protected].

ERC Classifieds Have any items that you need to get rid of but think someone else could use? Have a useful service to offer your neighbors? Why not place an ad in The Review? Just send the info and a phone to the newsletter editor, and your ad will be run in the newsletter for two issues. Personal classifieds (one time sell items, such as a used bike...) run at no charge to ERC residents, limit 30 words, please e-mail [email protected]. Business classifieds (offering a service or product line for profit) are $50, limit 40 words, please contact Peel, Inc. Sales Office @ 888-687-6444 or [email protected].

Personal Classifieds FOR SALE: YAMAHA keyboard, Portable Grand PSR248 YAMAHA Education Suite. Price: $125. email: Phone: 972-335-9212 FOR SALE: White Bedroom Furniture for Young Girl colorful knobs. Twin bed platform with drawers, bookcase, endTable. Price: $150. email: [email protected]. Phone: 972-335-9212. DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above.

disclaimer At no time will any source be allowed to use the Estates of Russell Creek Community Newsletter contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from the Estates of Russell Creek Association and Peel, Inc. The information in the newsletter is exclusively for the private use of Estates of Russell Creek residents only.  Estates of Russell Creek Homeowner's Association Newsletter - September 2009

Copyright © 2009 Peel, Inc.

Estates of Russell Get Rid of that Ache in Your Back...Once and For All...


Finally...the Obvious Answer to BACK PAIN! People are sweating up a storm—doing yoga, lifting weights and going to the fitness center. They’re getting acupuncture, taking glucosamine and even miracle herbs. But when they’re still in agony...when even pain killers, shots, muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatories don’t make a dent in their back pain, they abandon hope and wonder, “WHAT’S MISSING?” The solution may be surprisingly simple...

Can the Back Pain “Dream Team” Eliminate Your Suffering— Once and For All? Imagine if you could visit every healer in the world, and you finally found someone who could “fix” your back? Imagine if you took a physical therapist, a trainer, a rehabilitation therapist, a chiropractor and a massage therapist—rolled them into one—and finally got help with problems like: n SCIATICA—burning down the leg n NUMBNESS—with tingling, throbbing and aching that haunts you day and night n PINCHED NERVES—with electric shocks when you bend or lift n SPASM—like being tortured “on the rack”—feels like something’s gotta give Well, at HealthSource®, that’s actually what we’ve done. We’ve combined super-powerful healing techniques from different professions, and this combination approach is called Progressive Rehab™. It works so well, here’s what Melba Walker had to say after being treated at HealthSource®: “I had sciatic nerve and pain down my left leg and across my back. One doctor recommended shots in the spine and I wouldn’t take them. I couldn’t drive, hardly walk, couldn’t get upstairs and couldn’t sit or stand for any period of time. I rested, put ice packs on my hip and back. Also took Voltaren every 6 hours, Valium 2 times daily and Motrin prescribed at the hospital. HealthSource has made me pretty mobile again and the pain has really subsided. I’m sleeping better and back to being independent. They certainly have handled my problem. I like their kindness and willingness to listen and help work on your problem. I also like their professionalism.” —Melba Walker What’s even better is you don’t have to roam the earth to get the “dream team” approach to your pain– it’s right here in your own backyard. In fact, you can even check it out FREE...but more on that in a minute. First, you should know about...

The MAGIC BULLET for Healing Your Back Healers have been searching for a “magic bullet” for decades— looking for the one nerve, muscle or bone that will finally unlock the mystery of back pain. But at HealthSource®, the “secret” is finally out of the bag—there really is no ONE “cure” for back pain. The reason is obvious—our bodies are far too complex, as you can see from this diagram of your spine, pelvis, vertebra, tailbone, hips and a couple muscles. Each one can cause pain, but if they’re all ganging up on you, it can be horrible!

The Hidden Healing Power of a Combination Approach If your car is having a lot of problems, you don’t just ask for an oil change. You want the engine, brakes, coolant, tire pressure— everything checked out! You don’t want to drive a mile and have it towed right back in again. So why should your back be any different? Why would you only get “part” of your back fixed—just a muscle or a bone or a nerve? Why not the whole ball of wax? That’s why we treat your back with several powerful techniques that impact: MUSCLE: release techniques from therapists, chiropractors and trainers BONE: chiropractic adjustments to unlock stiffened up spine, hip and pelvic joints

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#1-bones #2-joints



TENDON: pain-free therapies to soothe and support fast, lasting healing NERVE: advanced nerve release to get you well faster and stay that way REHAB: of spine and muscle to help rebalance, stretch and strengthen So this week we’re offering our famous 19- point, $18900 EXAM, for only $1700—but just until October 15, 2009. Why would we give away an expensive exam like this? Because even when folks are in pain, we know how cautious they can be about something new. And we feel the same way...that if anything is really so great, it should prove itself. And since you don’t know us except from this letter, WE want you to our extraordinarily detailed exam can get to the root of your pain. You see, we go over everything with a fine-toothed comb, including: n spine, joint, body alignment n grinding/clicking/painful turning n joint/vertebra restriction & stiffness n muscle knots, spasm and weakness n tendons/ligaments n orthopedic and neurological tests n imbalances and compensations n chronic aching and tingling n reflexes, muscle strength n adhesions in muscles/ligaments n (even necessary X-RAYS are FREE) It’s important we go deep into why you have pain and problems— so we find out...

Where Is the Pain Really Coming From? Without this attention to detail, it’s easy to go down a lot of rabbit trails—all the while thinking you’re getting at the CAUSE when you’re only dealing with symptoms. That’s what pain relievers, muscle relaxants and cortisone are all about. Unfortunately... the pain almost always comes back and by that time, it’s probably become more serious and difficult to treat—so it takes longer and costs more to get better. That’s why the exclusive HealthSource® approach to eliminating back pain is about as close to a “magic bullet” as you can get, and it also gives us...

An Unfair Advantage If you had Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle and Hank Aaron on the same team, it wouldn’t really be fair. And our ‘dream team’, combination approach isn’t really fair to your pain. These techniques are so powerful, your pain hardly stands a chance! But maybe it’s been so long since you were pain-free that you don’t even remember what it’s like. Well then, just for a moment... IMAGINE: Feeling strong, fluid and flexible— carefree about lifting and bending IMAGINE: Getting down on the floor and wrestling with the kids or grandkids IMAGINE: Greeting the day with energy and enthusiasm—instead of dread! PICTURE Yourself working in the yard or doing chores around the house and actually enjoying it, because for the first time in years, you don’t hurt anymore! PICTURE Yourself getting back on your bike, going back to the golf course or just going out for a hike and having people ask, “Hey, how’s your back doing?” And you realize you forgot about it!

What’s Next for YOU? Since I’ve treated literally thousands of folks with every kind of back pain imaginable, I KNOW how easy it can be to live pain free again—even if you can’t imagine it. And it drives me crazy to see people suffering when they really don’t have to. That’s why it’s become my mission to get the word about our new combination approach to as many people as possible—and to make it so easy and risk free to check it out that folks would be crazy not to. We’re not promising a cure or claiming to be superior, we simply like to believe that our clinic is built on helping people feel better. So your next step is to grab this letter and call us before the offer expires. The details are in the coupon below. In a short time you could be living a completely different life—one without pain!

Community Service Screening “A great way to find out about your pain and donate to your community!” Whether or not you feel pain right now, let our team of doctors find out for sure with a 19-point, detailed service screening (a $189 value) that’ll identify even the smallest of problems. We’ll even throw in the X-Rays if we feel you need them. Just bring in this coupon, and a $17 donation and we’ll take care of the rest. That’s right—a $189 value for only $17.—ALL of which will be donated to City House of Plano Youth Shelter. There’s no other obligation. Just call 912-398-6600 and you’re guaranteed to get in today! Where else can you have your pain tracked down, while making a communityminded donation at the same time? Make your appointment TODAY! P.S. It’s Time to STOP wondering “What If,” and time to START putting the confidence back in your body and your life. There’s ABSOLUTELY nothing to lose. CALL RIGHT NOW!

Plano/ (972) 398-6600 Dr. Lance Groves, D.C.

Estates of Russell Creek Homeowner's Association Newsletter - September 2009 

Estates of Russell Creek It’s Not Too Late to Get Organized for the New School Year Submitted by Kelly Butcher

School has just begun and you probably feel like you are drowning in the sea of papers, activities, and homework. As a professional organizer, I work with a lot of busy families who need help setting up routines for handling the abundance of paper from school, the mail, and for getting homework done. I hope to offer a few suggestions about routines to set-up and implement to help you have smooth sailing through this school year. Some general systems to have in place include: • Calendar • Incoming papers • Homework A large wall calendar with room enough to write each family member’s activities is a must. Display the calendar in a location easily accessed by all family members. If you track your calendar

electronically, have a centrally located computer with easy access for all family members. Assign a color to each family member and color-code activities. Papers consisting of incoming mail, school papers, both school work and items that require a response, and activity-related items (schedules, release forms, etc) are always an issue. Set up an action file system for handling the incoming paperwork such as a desktop hanging file organizer with files for each child or school. Teach your children to get into the habit of putting important papers or papers requiring a signature in a folder marked with “Mom” or “Dad”. After you have signed the paper, either place the paper in a folder to return to school or have your child put directly into their backpack. Also set up an archival system for the treasured school work that you want to save. Fitting homework into our busy schedules is often difficult. Designate an area for your children to complete their work. For

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 Estates of Russell Creek Homeowner's Association Newsletter - September 2009

(Continued on Page 5)


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Estates of Russell Creek It's Not Too Late to Get Organized - (Continued from Page 4) younger students, the kitchen table is probably where most of the homework is completed, so make sure all of the necessary supplies are available, so there is no excuse not to get started. I recommend using lidded plastic shoe-box size containers to hold markers, crayons, scissors, glue sticks, etc. Label the containers for ease in cleaning up. For older students who may complete their homework at a desk in their bedroom, ensure they have the necessary supplies available as well. A well-lit, clutter-free area away from distractions will help them stay focused on their work. Establish a set time for homework to be completed. It may not be the same time every afternoon or evening based on after school activities. Look at the week ahead on Sunday evening and map out with your child the time they should complete their homework for each day based on that day’s activities and mark it on the calendar. Most importantly, help your child get into the habit of packing their backpack before they go to bed. That way during the morning rush, important papers and items needed for school will not be forgotten at home. Remember that developing new habits requires consistency and time. Begin setting up and implementing new systems as soon as possible and this school year will be off to a great start!

More Response to Alleyways not Raceways This is a follow-up from the previous letter about Alleyway not Raceway. I wanted to pass on what CAN happen in the alleyway. This happened back on September 4, 2004. I was backing out of my driveway when a lady was going 20+ mph in the alley, she came around the curve and she was not able to stop before she hit my car on the passenger side. It pushed the car back up into the driveway and I immediately had neck and back pain. Just to tell you how BAD it was there was over $6000.00 worth of damage to my husbands car (thank goodness none of my kids where with me). I lived with chronic back pain for a year before I had artificial disc replacement in August 2005. Now I have been suffering from neck pain, my doctor has told me I need to have surgery for disc replacement in my neck. This has made life very difficult for both me and my family, not to mention costing a lot of money. This all happened due to someone going TO FAST in the alleyway. I still witness several people who drive really fast in our alleyways and it still scares me as I am backing out. PLEASE SLOW DOWN IN THE ALLEYWAYS!!!!!!!! Krystal Cox, Pilot Drive

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Estates of Russell Creek Online Shopping and Doing it Safely Submitted by Laurie Scott

Online shopping is fast and money saving, but it can also be a minefield filled with everything from a disreputable seller to identity theft. However, with basic safeguards you can take advantage of the variety and cost savings the Internet can provide, while saving time and gas. First, ALWAYS make sure before entering your credit card number in any website that you have a secure connection (easily confirmed by the https://… in the address bar rather than the usual http://…) Second, do basic research about the vendor if you’re not familiar with them. A simple Google search on the name of the company will tell you if you’re dealing with a legitimate company - if in doubt, shop elsewhere, it’s not worth saving $2.00 if the company isn’t reliable. An excellent option is available from many credit card companies, this is known as “Virtual” account numbers (one-time use) that if stolen, won’t do the thief any good. This can be either in the form of an online tool you use prior to your purchase, or an applet you download one-time to your computer and use it to generate a new number for you. You

can ask at your bank if they offer this, but you’re probably better off checking with their online support (they may not know in the brick and mortar building.) How it works is the applet generates a credit card number for you including the 3 digit security code and an expiration date (usually the end of the current month). The credit card company knows this number was generated for you, and charges your account normally just as if you had entered your real credit card information. The great thing is that it is good for the one purchase, and after that the number is not valid. If you want to make another purchase, you just have another number generated for you. The next month someone else may get that same number to use, but it will have a different security code and expiration date, so the credit card company won’t be confused and think this is you. Because we all have so many sites that require us to have a username and a password, it is easy to just use the same login for all your sites to keep it simple. The problem with this is of course if (Continued on Page 7)

Spark Power Bank We Challenge What You Pay For Electricity SIGN-UP ONLINE TODAY! WWW.SPARKPOWERBANK.COM Please choose “Newsletter Ad” as your referral I’m Texas Energy Analyst Alan Lammey. Maybe you’ve heard me on the radio talking about the market forces that drive energy prices. I’m here to tell you that you’re not stuck paying those high prices to big electric companies anymore!

Why pay more than you have to?  Estates of Russell Creek Homeowner's Association Newsletter - September 2009

Copyright © 2009 Peel, Inc.

Estates of Russell Creek Online Shopping- (Continued from Page 6) someone should get your username and password to one site, they now have it to all your sites. Roboform is a great tool that I use many times throughout the day. This inexpensive program (available at will store as many user names and passwords as you need, allowing you to create different logins for each site with real hard passwords (because now you don’t have to remember them.) If you have a Mac, 1Password is an excellent solution (available at A great benefit of Roboform is that IF you are infected with a keystroke logger trojan (a virus that sends all your keystroke information back to the author of the virus), nothing is captured by the virus because Roboform doesn’t use the keyboard mode to enter your personal information. All your information is kept securely encrypted using a passphrase only you know. If your computer is ever stolen, no one will be able to see your usernames and passwords because they won’t know your master passphrase. Also, it has a password generator that will create passwords that are almost impossible to figure out (the limiting factor is the site and their password policy.) So don’t fear shopping on the Internet, just take basic precautions and you’ll be fine. Next month, news about the upcoming operating system from Microsoft, Windows 7.

Wyatt Elementary PTA Submitted by Cynthia Farrell

Wyatt Elementar y PTA is selling 2010 Entertainment Passbooks for $20 each. We do not want students going door to door so if you are interested in purchasing one, please let a friend with a child at Wyatt know or contact Cynthia Farrell at 972-712-5010 or [email protected].

Want to see photographs from the recent events of ERC?

Just log on to our neighborhood website, www., and click the events icon to see the latest photos of our community events. Also, if you have photos of any of our events that you would like to have posted on our site, please send them to webmaster@ to have them posted.

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Estates of Russell Creek Homeowner's Association Newsletter - September 2009 

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8300 Weiss AVE













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Sales Price







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8105 Strecker LN






Property #1






3800 Evesham DR






Property #2






3800 Glasgow DR






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Property #4






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Property #6






Property #7






Property #8







Bed/ Bath

Sq. Ft.

List Price

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3608 Adavale DR






3909 Acklin DR





8005 Lynores WAY




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