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THE ADVANTAGE Part 2: The Grace Advantage

LIVING FOR GOD HAS ADVANTAGES Two realms impacted ✦ Improves the quality of your life ✦ Improves you as a person

The amazing grace factor ✦ Grace; God’s unearned and undeserved favor and power towards you ✦ The more you know about God’s grace the greater the impact on your life

A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE OF GRACE (2 Samuel 9:3-10 NIV) The kindness was initiated by David ✦ He went looking for someone - because of his love for Jonathan ✦ Mephibosheth had done nothing to earn this kindness

Mephibosheth did not believe he deserved David’s kindness ✦ Painfully aware of his weaknesses and inability ✦ Actually referred to himself as a dead dog

David’s kindness (grace) elevated Mephibosheth ✦ From living in someone else’s house to having assets and land ✦ From a place of reliance on others to having people working for him ✦ From a place of insignificance to a place of royalty (seat at the table)

YOUR AMAZING GRACE ADVANTAGE It was God’s love and mercy that came after you (Ephesians 2:4-8 NKJV) ✦ You did not talk Him into loving you - that is His nature ✦ You did not do anything to deserve His amazing grace and kindness ✦ We receive from God based on what Jesus has done for us

Grace means you qualify for God’s goodness to be in your life ✦ Don’t disqualify yourself ✦ Don’t allow a wrong belief about God and His goodness hold you out

Grace has elevated you to a better place ✦ His grace toward you is more than a ticket to heaven when you die ✦ Seated at the King’s table - seated with Him in heavenly places ✦ Raised to have an abundant life
