S57 - Sunday Night Live

S57 - Sunday Night Live - Rackcdn.comhttps://f570581712c4a7cdc7af-25e56f94cfcb20c2d6df36c4c7cde80e.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.co...

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My idea for change: As discussed in the Entertainments Zone, the Sunday Night Live event during Freshers' Week was a huge success for not only new students but also second and third year students. Attendees of the Zone have requested that this runs more regularly than just once a year. How should this change? The event should be run once or twice a term. What should the SU do? Senate mandates the President to work with the Events and Venue Co-Ordinator to look into the possibility of holding the event more often than once a year. Submitted by: Izzy Tooke, Vice President Education 2016/17 Passed: November 2016 Lapse: November 2018