Series: Now More Than Ever Title: The Cost of Non

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Series: Now More Than Ever Title: The Cost of Non‐Discipleship Passage: Amos 5:18‐27 June 8, 2014 Overview: The Israelites had fallen into a trap that should seem all too familiar to churchgoers of our day. They continued to pursue regular religious practices, but compartmentalized them to the extent that they had little impact on the way they lived their lives. What does this expose about the way we approach our faith? At what cost do we pursue these forms of spirituality and religion that are devoid of Christ and the Spirit? What would true discipleship look like? Engaging with each other 1. Describe the most beautiful church building you have ever seen. What struck you and why? Engaging with the Bible 1. In Amos 5:18‐20, the prophet points out their spiritual blindness. How does he describe this blindness? What is so dangerous about it? 2. In verses 21‐23 he talks about their worship practices in some pretty harsh words. Why is God so angry? 3. In contrast, verse 24 describes the fruit of worship with which God is truly pleased. Identify those characteristics. In this context read and discuss Micah 6:8 and Rom. 12:1‐2. 4. Embedded in some obscure language of verses 25‐26 is the beauty of the gospel contrasted with the impotence of self‐made spirituality. The first question of v. 25 reminds them of an important part of their history. Remember the sequence of the Exodus up to that point. First, came deliverance from Egypt, then the giving of the Law at Sinai. How does this foreshadow the gospel of Christ? 5. Sikkuth was the Assyrian god of war and Kiyyun a star god. How does the Israelite’s worship of these gods contrast to where they started as a nation? 6. There is an ironic justice in the fate that awaits the nation because of their decisions. How would you describe this fate? Engaging with our lives 1. The average worship service includes some if not all of the following elements: Singing, praying, reading the Bible, personal stories, announcements, and preaching. How might each element draw us closer to God? How might they actually become a barrier to knowing God? 2. How is your participation in the life of the church helping you to become a “gospel‐centered disciple for the glory of God?” 3. What could you do to better engage in growing in your faith? What could the church do to help in this?