Series: Now More Than Ever Title: What Can I Do? Passage: Amos

Series: Now More Than Ever Title: What Can I Do? Passage: Amos...

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Series: Now More Than Ever Title: What Can I Do? Passage: Amos 7:1‐17 June 15, 2014 Overview: As we move closer to the end of Amos, this week we will focus more on the man Amos than his message. The message itself reflects themes we have been looking at throughout this series. However, this passage also gives us a glimpse at the heart and character of Amos. What kind of man was he? What can we learn about his heart, his sense of calling, and how he went about fulfilling his mission? From this profile of God’s spokesperson we can be challenged to faithfully embrace and live out our own calling and mission. Engaging with each other 1. It has been said that the most common fear people face is the fear of public speaking? Can you give an example of a time you experienced this kind of fear? Engaging with the Bible 1. In Amos 7:1‐6 there is an interchange between Amos and the Lord. What do we learn about Amos from this interchange? 2. In verse 7 God gives Amos a picture of a plumb line. What do you think the significance of this is? 3. In verses 10‐17 there is an interaction between Amos and a priest named Amaziah. What is Amaziah’s complaint? How does this reflect the spiritual state of Israel? 4. How does Amos respond to this challenge? Engaging with our lives 1. What do you think the average unchurched person thinks about Christians? Why? 2. When you see people living in rebellion toward God, even openly flaunting their defiance, how do you feel? What do you wish for them? 3. How do you react when others resist your attempts to live out or talk about your faith? 4. How do you think your representation of Christ has helped or hindered others from seeing Jesus? What would you need to change in your life to be a better representative?