Series: Now More Than Ever Title: Where Do We Go

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Series: Now More Than Ever Title: Where Do We Go From Here? Passage: Amos June 29, 2014 Overview: As we look one last time at the message of Amos, there are several themes that are good to remember:  We live in a broken world that has been ruined and continues to be ruined by sinful people pursuing a life without God.  Our only hope rests in the promises of God to restore all things. This restoration is assured because of the person and work of Jesus Christ.  Even as God’s people we are always in danger of drifting away from our calling.  We live in a world that provides us with a never‐ending supply of opportunities to live for God’s glory and the good of others. Engaging with each other 1. Share about a time when you got lost. What led to that? How did you find your way back? Engaging with the Bible 1. Read Amos 2:6‐12. What are some of the things Israel is guilty of? How do these sins compare to those of the nations around them? Why is God so angry with them? 2. What do the following verses say about the character of God? Amos 5:4‐6, 5:14‐15 3. If Amos 5:8‐9 is the center of the whole book, why do you think Amos chooses these words as the high point of his message? 4. Read Amos 9:11‐15. What promises do we have to cling to in light of the message of Amos? Engaging with our lives 1. What are some of the key ways that the brokenness of this world is seen in the world? In our immediate society? 2. How is the gospel of Jesus our hope in the middle of this brokenness? 3. What are some of the challenges we face as followers of Jesus in living out kingdom values? 4. What is the most important lesson God has taught you through this study of Amos?