Sermon Questions 1 Peter 2:18-25

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Sermon Questions 1 Peter 2:18-25 “Fight, Flight, or Stay” 1. What stood out to you in this week’s message? 2. Read Matthew 26:47-56, which is the story of Jesus’ arrest. At the moment of Jesus’ arrest, Peter takes out a sword and cuts off a soldier’s ear. Instead of commending this, Jesus rebukes Peter for his actions. Discuss this situation. Although Peter is in the wrong, if you were in his position, would you have done the same thing? Why is it hard to resist taking action in situations where Jesus is calling us to remain idle? 3. Read 1 Peter 2:19. What does it mean to be conscious of God in the midst of painful situations? If you currently find yourself in a painful situation, how can being conscious of God’s presence and His control help you endure? 4. Pastor Jim says that in 1 Peter 2:20, Peter is not addressing situations in which suffering is a result of our own foolish or sinful choices. With this in mind, discuss the following question: What would you say to someone who says they are suffering for God, when they are actually suffering as a result of foolish or sinful life choices? How would you advise a person in this situation? 5. Read 1 Peter 2:23 and Hebrews 12:3. How do these verses encourage us to remain steadfast in the midst of hardship at the hands of others? Furthermore, what does it mean to entrust ourselves to God, who is the judge over all? 6. When wondering whether or not you should leave a hard situation, Pastor Jim says that Jesus, the Good Shepherd, will guide you. Read 1 Peter 2:25 and discuss the different ways you have seen Jesus shepherd you in the midst of suffering. How do these instances encourage you to trust Jesus in your current circumstances? 7. Take time to pray for one another. Although this may seem counterintuitive, begin by thanking God. Praise God that He is in the midst of your situation with you. Thank Him for never leaving or forsaking you. Praise God that He is drawing you to Him through difficult situations. Also, ask God to shepherd you and to give you strength in your present circumstances.