sermon video- accountability question

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THE 10 COMMANDMENTS W E E K 4 - F E B R U A RY 1 9 & 2 2


*Leader Info: • If you are not receiving new member notifications or any emails from Connect22 please contact Ed & Caitlin at [email protected] • If you have not been assigned a Coach please contact Ed & Caitlin at [email protected]. • Record weekly attendance of your group on Connect22 (see video • Follow up with new members!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: -Prepare your heart for Easter by walking through the

CoE22 Lent Guide available at every service and join us in fasting from sun up to sundown on Tuesdays. -Also on Tuesdays, from 12-1pm the Worship Center will be open for an hour of prayer.

TEXTS: Exodus 20:13, Matthew 5:21-26, 2 Corinthians 5:16-21, Ephesians 4:25-32 BIG IDEA: Jesus forgave his murderers from His heart (we are his murderers) that our murderous hearts could be forgiven.

ACTION STEP FOLLOW UP (5 minutes) • Last Week: This week call and connect with your parents or the people who raised you. Extend forgiveness and honor them with your words and actions. • If you have children carve out time with them this week to focus on the relationship instead of rules and restraints. • Sign up to serve in NewGen to help disciple the younger generation. Go to and click on serve under the Connect tab.

ACCOUNTABILITY QUESTION 1. How did you honor your mother and father this past week? 2. How were you an honorable parent or mentor this week?



VIDEO SEGMENT 1: POINT: Jesus forgave his murderers from His heart (we are his murderers) that our murderous hearts could be forgiven. (PAUSE VIDEO AND DISCUSS QUESTIONS) Have someone read Exodus 20:13 and Matthew 5:17-24 out loud. 1. What sticks out to you in these verses? 2. How do these verses emphasize the similarity murder and anger according to Jesus? 3. What is the problem with having a broken relationship with your brother in Christ? 4. How are we to resolve this? (PLAY VIDEO)

VIDEO SEGMENT 2: POINT: Jesus forgave his murderers from His heart (we are his murderers) that our murderous hearts could be forgiven. (PAUSE VIDEO AND DISCUSS QUESTIONS) Have someone read 18:23-27and Romans 13:8-10 out loud. 5. How does Romans 13:8-10 relate directly back to Matthew 5:21-26? 6. When you forgive someone who is the primary beneficiary? 7. What makes it hard to forge someone when they sin against you? What can this show you about your relationship with God?


VIDEO SEGMENT 3: POINT: Jesus forgave his murderers from His heart (we are his murderers) that our murderous hearts could be forgiven. (PAUSE VIDEO AND DISCUSS QUESTIONS)


Have someone read Matthew 18:28-35 out loud. 8.

How has unforgivenness most impacted your life?


How has forgiveness impacted your life?


Is there any relationship you need to experience forgiveness in now?

(PLAY VIDEO) ACTION STEPS: The only tool we have to combat anger is forgiveness. Forgiveness is a decision, not a feeling. This week, do the following: 1. Identify who owes you. 2. Identify what that person took from you. Create a debt ledger by formally writing it down. 3. Focus on the grace God has bestowed upon you and choose to cancel the debt.