sermon video- accountability question

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THE 10 COMMANDMENTS W E E K 3 - F E B R U A RY 1 2 & 1 5


*Leader Info: • If you are not receiving new member notifications or any emails from Connect22 please contact Ed & Caitlin at [email protected] • If you have not been assigned a Coach please contact Ed & Caitlin at [email protected]. • Record weekly attendance of your group on Connect22 (see video • Follow up with new members!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Join us at Elder Led Prayer - Feb 18 at 6pm (childcare is available). Start preparing your heart now for this Lent season.

TEXTS: Exodus 20:12, 1 Peter 2:17, Romans 12:10, Ephesians 6:1-2, Philippians 2:3-5, Matthew 15:18, Ephesians 6:4 and Matthew 26:39

BIG IDEA: The #1 reason that we don’t give honor is because we are honor hogs. Why give credit when you can take credit? Honor is the willful decision to lift others and lower self.

ACTION STEP FOLLOW UP (5 minutes) • Incorporate the 731 Prayer Challenge in your life and try praying first thing in the morning. (pray daily 7 times a week, pray out loud with one person three times a week, and pray out loud as a family or disciple group once a week.) • Schedule your Sabbath right now. Put it on the calendar. • Answer the invitation to rest in Jesus. (Matthew 11:28-30)

ACCOUNTABILITY QUESTION 1. How was your prayer life this week? 2. Did you schedule a Sabbath? 3. How are you answering the invitation to rest in Jesus?



VIDEO SEGMENT 1: POINT: The #1 reason that we don’t give honor is because we are honor hogs. Why give credit when you can take credit? Honor is the willful decision to lift others and lower self. (PAUSE VIDEO AND DISCUSS QUESTIONS) Have someone read Exodus 20:12, 1 Peter 2:17 and Romans 12:10 out loud. 1. What stands out to you in these verses? 2. How would you define honor and what do you think it means to show honor to someone? 3. Where do you see honor in our culture and where do you see a lack of it? (PLAY VIDEO)

VIDEO SEGMENT 2: POINT: The #1 reason that we don’t give honor is because we are honor hogs. Why give credit when you can take credit? Honor is the willful decision to lift others and lower self. (PAUSE VIDEO AND DISCUSS QUESTIONS) Have someone read Ephesians 6:1-2, Philippians 2:3-5 and Matthew 15:18 out loud. 4.What do you find difficult about these verses? 5. As an adult or as a child, how have you struggled in giving honor to your parents? (PLAY VIDEO)

VIDEO SEGMENT 3: POINT: The #1 reason that we don’t give honor is because we are honor hogs. Why give credit when you can take credit? Honor is the willful decision to lift others and lower self. (PAUSE VIDEO AND DISCUSS QUESTIONS) Have someone read Ephesians 6:4 out loud. 6.

What stands out to you in this verse?


How do you find it difficult to be honorable as a parent?


a. b. c. d.

…as …as …as …as

spouse? a boss? a co-worker? a friend?

8. How do you find it difficult to be honorable as someone surrendered to Jesus? (PLAY VIDEO)

VIDEO SEGMENT 4: POINT: The #1 reason that we don’t give honor is because we are honor hogs. Why give credit when you can take credit? Honor is the willful decision to lift others and lower self. (PAUSE VIDEO AND DISCUSS QUESTIONS) Have someone read Matthew 26:39 out loud. 8. Have you asked God to forgive you for past dishonorable deeds? 9. Have you surrendered to Him your future deeds and committed to honor Him? (PLAY VIDEO) ACTION STEPS: • This week call and connect with your parents or someone who raised you. Extend forgiveness and honor them with your words and actions. • If you have children carve out time with them this week to focus on the relationship instead of rules and restraints. • If you have Students from 6th-12th grade send them on the MISFIT 2015 SPRING RETREAT. It is March 6-8 at Epworth on St. Simon’s Island. Sign up now at or on the app! • Sign up to serve in NewGen to help disciple the younger generation. Go to and click on serve under the Connect tab.