Small Group Discussion Guide

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Small Group Discussion Guide

Part 5: You Need Hur

INTRODUCTION: No one who has ever succeeded at anything in life was able to succeed alone. Strength is never singular. Moses was a great leader, but he would eventually learn that some battles can’t be won in solitude. In this 5th and final week we will examine how real success comes from finding others that will help you become strong enough to succeed at what God is calling you to do. DISSCUSION QUESTIONS: A new year is a great time to reflect on positive relationships. Everyone needs positive and encouraging people in their lives that will challenge them to grow stronger. Exodus 17:8-14 The people of Israel were in a battle against the Amalekites at a time when they were tired and vulnerable. The Amalekites were a nomadic tribe whose name comes from a description meaning “valley dwellers”. The OT records that they were brutal and aggressive people who continually tried to destroy the Israelites. In your opinion, what can this story teach us about the need to support in our times of weakness? The story of Moses, Aaron, and Hur provide three key factors in determining how to identify relationship that add to your strength instead of subtract from your strength. Take time to discuss each point from Sunday’s message a. Climbing Hills Moses, Aaron and Hur had to climb a hill in order to help Joshua win the battle. When it comes to healthy relationships, how do you determine who is willing to climb a hill to help you win? Read John 15:13 What does Jesus have to say about friendships/relationships? b. Cooperative Hands Strong relationships require working together. Aaron and Hur were willing to hold up Moses’ hands during the battle. What are some tangible ways that others can “hold you up” while in battle? Read Luke 6:12-16 How did Jesus choose the people that he would spend his time with? c. Creating History After the battle with the Amalekites, God instructs Moses to record how the victory was won for Joshua to read a permanent reminder. Take time to share how you have overcome some obstacles in the past and who helped you to overcome them. What advice would you give to a younger version of yourself about choosing the right people to help you through life’s battles? NEXT STEPS This week spend time praying for your relationships. Take time to give thanks for those who have helped make you stronger. ©2016|New Community Church, Lagrange GA.| All rights reserved