Small Group Discussion Guide

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Small Group Discussion Guide Leaders Have Vision Nehemiah 2:11-18 Things Leaders Do Series

Teaching Summary This past Sunday at Joshua House we continued in our “Things Leaders Do” series. Jonathan continued in the story of Nehemiah and spoke about how Leaders Have Vision.

Introduction As we've gone through this series, we have learned Nehemiah is a “cup bearer” for the king, which means he had to taste all of the king’s drinks before he drank them to check for poisoning. Nehemiah’s job was to protect the king from harm. We also learned the favor Nehemiah had with the King. What we will be doing this week is discussing how Nehemiah responded after being in Jerusalem for 3 days.

Getting into the Text Could someone read Nehemiah 2:11-18? • Why do you think Nehemiah set out with three others without telling them what God has "put in his heart"(v.12)? • What is the significance of Nehemiah going up to the wall to examine it alone?(vs.13-16) • Who does Nehemiah resemble when talking to the people with him about rebuilding Jerusalem's walls? Connection to today: • Has anyone ever had vision for something they cared deeply for, but didn't take action to make something happen? -OR did you take action and what happened? • How can we differ vision from complaining?

Finding Ourselves in the Text • •

Why did Nehemiah wait three days to go out? What trait does Nehemiah possess in waiting to inform the people why he's doing what he's doing? (Patience)

Connection to today: • What does it mean to have patience? • Do you think it's important to be patient for things; and why?

The Challenge from the text •

What emotions do you think Nehemiah was experiencing while leading people to rebuild the walls? Connection to today: • What do you think could happen if we choose to act in spite of our fear and step out in a vision we have? • How can we practically do this? What can we learn from Nehemiah’s example? • Is there something God has given you vision for? What emotions have you at a stand-still?

Ministry Time •

While waiting on the Holy Spirit, invite people to ask God to give them vision. If they feel like God has given them vision but the feel stuck, or afraid; invite them to bring that to God and ask for direction. While praying together, have them pray into with others what God spoke.