Small Group Questions January 21, 2018 Series

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Small Group Questions January 21, 2018 Series: Fixer Upper Message: “Foundation Issues” Introduction This series will walk through the first six chapters of the book of Nehemiah in the Old Testament. It’s the story of a rebuilding project, a “fixer upper.” Along the way, we will draw analogies from the popular TV series with that name but the messages will focus not on home renovations but people renovations. The consistent question through the series will be, “What’s broken in your world that needs fixing?” As we trace the story of Nehemiah, we will learn many steps to help us fix what’s broken in our own lives or how to join God in what He’s doing to fix what’s broken in our world. The hope of this series is that people will take real steps forward to experience more of the life change only God can accomplish. (Questions to get everyone to participate) 1. What is the worst wreckage causing event you’ve ever witnessed (earthquake, hurricane, tornado, house fire, car accident, war, etc.)? What was it like to walk through the wreckage? 2. What is the longest trip you’ve ever taken? Would you ever go there again? Why or why not? (Questions based on the primary text) Read Nehemiah 2:10-20. 3. Nehemiah travels some 1,000 miles to get to Jerusalem. What do you make of his inactivity the first three days he’s there? 4. Why do you think Nehemiah said nothing to those who would be doing the work until he had inspected the walls himself? Why inspect the walls at night? 5. What three points does Nehemiah make publicly to rally the troops to rebuild? Which one do you find most convincing? 6. How does Nehemiah respond to his opponents charges? How does his response help you think about how to respond to critics in your own life? 7. When it comes to fixing what’s broken in your world, what needs the most attention right now? 1) Inspection: “I need to spend time understanding the issue I face and myself too.” 2) “I need to connect with people who are already working on the issue and seeing the bigger picture of why it’s worth taking on a big fixer upper project.” 3) “I need to know how to better handle opposition/critics who try to derail me from fixing what’s broken.”