small group questions

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WEEK: 16

GOAL OF TONIGHT Help students see how God’s story intersects with their story and why that matters in their day-to-day life. WELCOME & ICE BREAKER Happy Valentine's Day! We are glad you are here today. What is your favorite kind of Valentine candy?

BIBLE VERSES Jonah chapter 1

QUESTIONS TO DISCUSS THE BIBLE VERSES Over the next 4 weeks we are going to do something completely amazing. We are going to read an entire book of the Bible! Don't worry, it's only 4 chapters long, but it's PACKED with great lessons that will help us grow in our faith. The book is called, "Jonah" and is found in the Old Testament, that's the first half of the Bible, that was written before Jesus was born. To kick this off -we are just going to dive in and read the 1st chapter together. (Leaders - try to have a Bible in front of every student for this) 1. What message did God give to Jonah in vs. 2? 2. What was Jonah's response? (Leaders - God asked Jonah to go 500 miles east to preach to Israels despised enemies, the Ninevites. Instead, Jonah bought a ticket to sail 2000 miles West! Basically as far from where God wanted him to be as possible.) 3. What kinds of things might God ask US to do that we would want to run away from doing? 4. When God sent the storm while Jonah was on the boat - why do you think Jonah admitted it was his fault and asked to be thrown into the sea? 5. When we run from God, or don't do the things we know God wants us to do - how does that feel? 6. Despite his disobedience, something GOOD happened on that ship the day Jonah was thrown overboard. What was it? (see vs. 16) 7. Do you think God can always create something good out of a bad situation? Why or why not? What does that mean for you when you mess up and disobey God? 8. Where did Jonah end up after he was thrown overboard? Next week we'll read what happened to Jonah inside that fish. For this week, let's try to pay attention to the things God might be prompting us to do - and run TOWARDS those things instead of away from them.

LEADER INSIGHT Leaders- there is so much incredible truth in this book of the Bible, we hope you find it very enriching for your group. This week, focus on how God used Jonah anyway -despite his disobedience. Students need to know that God's mercy is ALWAYS available to them, no matter how far they run from him.

APPLICATION SUGGESTIONS See if the students can come up with a list of things that God might prompt them to do in the coming week. It doesn't have to be big, it could be small things like treating others with kindness, sticking up for a friend or sending an encouraging text.