some of the reason there's a struggle

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SOME OF THE REASON THERE’S A STRUGGLE Ephesians 6:10-17 Pew Bible, page 801 Dr. Dale Wicker

When your devil is too small: Your decisions have no ______________________ _____________________ and may not even matter very much. When your devil is too big:

Everything I do or that

happens is the __________________ _____________________ and out of my influence or control. When the Devil is understood biblically: You and others are ____________________ to a spiritual enemy who will attack at the ____________________ ________________. In every attack, _____________ ______________________.

A biblical battle plan 1. Get stronger (vs. 10) The ________________ to Jesus, the ______________. 2. Make a stand (vs. 11) The war is not in question, it’s the _______________. 3. Face the struggle (vss. 12-17)

Belt of Truth: ________________________________________ Breastplate of righteousness: ________________________ Shoes of preparation: _______________________________ Shield of faith: ______________________________________ Helmet of salvation: ________________________________ Sword of the Spirit: __________________________________ January 28, 2018 CFBC