Surrender No Matter What

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Surrender No Matter What Sermon Based Life Group study for the week of January 15 Getting To Know Each Other  What is the worst injury you have ever had? How did it happen?  Have you ever been betrayed by a person you thought you could trust? Into the Bible Read 2 Corinthians 11:23b–33; Acts 19:21, Acts 23:11, Acts 25:25  How would you describe Paul’s life as a Christian?  Why did he have a goal to go to Rome?  How did God answer his prayer?  Application: What struggles have you faced because you chose to follow Jesus?  Application: Has God ever answered your “big dream” prayer in a peculiar way? Read Philippians 1:12-30  In the many trials Paul was facing, how did he decide if an event was good or bad?  Read Acts 28:16, 30. What was Paul’s situation in Rome?  Read Acts 28:31. How did God use his situation?  How were people hurting Paul?  What was Paul’s attitude toward the future in verse 21?  What are Paul’s two options? Why is living hard for him to choose?  In verse 27, when should we act like Jesus?  Application: According to your last week’s schedule, “For me, to live is __________?”  Application: Would your week have changed if the answer was “Christ”?  Application: What difference has your faith made when you think of your future?  Application: Are you afraid of death?  Application: Does your life match verse 27? Or do you only live for Jesus when things are going your way? Praying for Each Other  Encourage your group to all read Philippians in the next three weeks.  Ask each group member to share a pray concern or need.  Pray for each person in the group