Swamp Stew

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This stew is not for the faint of heart! The ingredients must be measured perfectly or strange things might happen!!

Ingredients 2 Tbsp tarantula venom 1 cup Frankenstein’s Boogers 2/3 cup mummified toenails 1 1/2 cup ogre ear wax 1 1/2 tsp ground toads eyes 8 cups partially desalinated werwolf sweat 1/2 tsp ground beetle shells

Evil and mischief

1/4 tsp crushed spiderwebs

With a magic wand, The cry of the spirits

3/4 cup fish eggs

and the scum of a pond.

2 cups whole monkey brains

Boil and bubble

2 cups ground up trolls toes

A slimy meal If you eat this stew

1/2 sack fresh swamp weed

Your voice may squeal.

White wood worms to taste

Instructions (Follow Carefully..OR ELSE!!) • Heat the tarantula venom in a large cauldron over medium heat. Add Frankenstein’s boogers, mummified toenails and ogre ear wax and sauté for about 5 minutes. Add in the ground toads eyes and stir for 1 more minute. • Add the werewolf sweat, ground beetle shells and crushed spider webs and bring the cauldron to a spooky boil. • Stir in the fish eggs and simmer for 10 minutes. • Carefully add the monkey brains, trolls toes and swamp weed and cook for 2 minutes until swamp weed is extra slimy and gross. • Serve immediately adding white wood worms to taste.

Bakers Buzzin'


(803) 548-7979