Table Talk

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Table Talk

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January 22nd, 2018 1. What was the best part of your day? 2. What are you thankful for today? 3. Who do the King and the servant represent? King = God, Servant = Us 4. Has someone ever forgiven you for something you have done? How did that feel? 5. Have you ever had a hard time forgiving someone? What happened? 6. Does God always forgive us and show grace? Always.

This week we read from Matthew 18:21-35 and discussed the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant. Similar to the story, all who follow Christ have been forgiven a tremendous debt that we could never have paid, but we often hold grudges and refuse to show grace. We have received immeasurable grace through Jesus’ death and resurrection. Through this story, let’s point these kids to a life marked by the same grace and forgiveness of Christ!

7. If God shows us grace, what should we do when others wrong us? What if they don’t say they are sorry? 8. What is something you can do if you are having a hard time forgiving someone? 9. Read Matthew 18:21-22 and discuss what this verse means in light of forgiving others.

These questions are a guide to help get the conversation going. Parents, grandparents, family members - add your input and make it an amazing conversation!