The Chimes

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The Chimes A publication of United Presbyterian Church Peoria, IL

Volume.12 Issue.8 August 26, 2015

Please bring a dish to share and we’ll provide tableware, chicken, and drinks. You may also bring a lawn chair, but picnic tables are provided.


2 In this issue: Page 2 Those in Uniform Website Prayer List Page 3 Message from Pastor Stephen Page 4 Message from Pastor Patricia Page 5 Christian Education Page 6 Quest Christian Education Page 7 Connecting Point Children News and Notes Page 8 Worship & the Arts Page 9 Worship & the Arts Cont’d Prayer Corner Page 10 Sharing Our Stories Stephen Ministry News and Notes Page 11 Mission News and Notes Page 12 Health and Wellness Nature Connections Page 13 Church Life News and Notes Page 14 News and Notes Page 15 UPC Discovery Infants Fall 2015 Insert Finance/Stewardship Calendar

The Chimes

Tony Anthony Eunice Andrews Robert Avery Jack Bensing Dorothy Bloom Bryce Brand Leonard Brown Lorraine Bunker Fern Deemie Dan Dickerson Fred Dickinson Delores Fogler Bob & Carolyn Gnepper Margaret Greiner Pam Harrison Midge Hillard Margaret Hochstrasser Loretta Horst Al Hultgren Mary Johnson Dwight & Corda Jones Mike Kelley Maureen Leuba Ray Long Ethel Moore Stephanie Murray Nathan Pennington Dick Schwarz Sherry Shedenhelm Steve Stella Deb Sullivan Dale Warren Dick West

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July 2015

Joseph Scranton IS1 Chris Davis

August 2015

The Chimes

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No More Spending We need to stop spending money. We can’t afford to keep spending money at United Presbyterian Church. We don’t have money to spend. I know I spend too much money. I’ll buy something on a whim, something I don’t really need. It’s spent money. It’s gone, and I usually don’t have much to show for it. Do you find yourself doing that? Are you spending money? We need to stop spending money. We need to start investing money. I’m not talking about in stocks and bonds, though investing in those can be a healthy and pragmatic financial plan. I’m talking about how we think about the choices we make in regards to money. Are we spending or are we investing? I don’t want UPC to spend money on youth ministry anymore. I want us to invest in our youth ministry. I want us to invest in giving youth a place to worship, serve, and belong. I want us to invest in opportunities for youth to serve and lead and grow as followers of Christ. I don’t want UPC to spend money on this building anymore. I want us to invest in our building and grounds as a tool for ministry. I want us to invest in the grounds as a place for learning like our Nature Classroom, a place for peace like our nature trail, and as the first thing people see when they drive past our church. If the outside of the church looks uncared for, then people might easily assume what’s inside the church isn’t cared for either. I don’t want UPC to spend money on missions anymore. I want us to invest in our community. I want us to invest in the work that Common Place and Look! It’s My Book does. I want us to invest in foster families in Peoria. I want us to invest in the children of Northmoor elementary. I want us to invest in Projeto Amar in Brazil because we believe investing in those things will be a good return for the world and for the Kingdom of God. We don’t need to spend any money at UPC. We need to invest in the people, the programs, the resources, and the ministries of UPC so that we may grow and nurture followers of Christ in a welcoming community. When we invest in these things, I believe we will see an amazing return for our investment in people who are able to take hold of that which is truly life, in new hope in Christ, in love received and shared. Are you ready to invest? In common calling, Pastor Stephen


The Chimes

August 2015

Forgiveness: the Heart of the Gospel Forgiveness. It is one of the first things we learn as a child. “Say you’re sorry” even when we didn’t really know what that meant. Then it would go on, “Mary says she is sorry, what do you say?” And words or gestures of forgiveness are expressed; and this is supposed to make things all better. But oftentimes it doesn’t. Just watch children. They often then repeat the very offense they just asked for forgiveness for. The child who receives the apology often still has a very hurt appearance on his/her face, and then after a bit of time hurts the offender. After 10 days with my five granddaughters in July, I came to realize that what I should have given to each of my children when they had their second child was a referee whistle. Oftentimes parents and grandparents and teachers and coaches feel like referees. Because we need to learn forgiveness and grace, the path of love, and it is not easy. Forgiveness. “What shall we say then? If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31). Yet, I never heard this until 2002. Why is that? Somehow I had missed the gospel message all those years. I have come to understand that I am not alone in this. Even though I grew up attending church and received my education in a Christian school. Yet as an adult I struggled with and struggle with forgiveness. Daily I struggle. I am not awake too long and there is already so much to forgive. It is raining when I had plans in the yard, or for a hike. The dog awakens me way too early. John is making noise in the kitchen and it’s my morning to sleep in. And I haven’t even gotten out of bed yet! It will be a day to grow in love and forgiveness, the heart of the gospel. Forgiveness. It is where I still struggle. There is part of me that still wants to be lord of the universe and wake up singing “Oh what a beautiful morning, …everything’s going my way!” But I’m not. The newspaper headlines are filled with news that troubles me and disturbs me. I get word that another person in the congregation is ill, in the hospital, has a cancer and I soon realize that forgiveness is a way of life that I relearn over and over again, moment after moment of every day. So much is not as I would have it. Unforgiveness. Unforgiveness is easy. It is easy to hold resentment for unjust treatment, betrayal, words and actions that hurt us deeply, violent words and actions, carelessness, and outright atrocities. The state of unforgiveness works like a cancer, eroding away love as the resentment grows. Unforgiveness is a cause of many a broken relationship, a broken marriage, a broken and disconnected family, broken friendships, feuds and wars. We don’t have to look far to see the darkness of unforgiveness and its wake of destruction. Forgiveness. On the surface forgiveness appears weak, as if the offender gets off free. It appears to make light of the offense, as if it never happened; yet how can we ever forget…. The truth is the forgiveness takes great strength and character. The truth is that forgiveness sets us free. It is the one holding unforgiveness that is stuck, forever stuck in that moment in the past, forfeiting joy in the present and hope for the future. Forgiveness: God is for us. We come to know this because over and over again in the Bible love is described as love that forgives; love that is grace. Inseparable. And yet as I have indicated, it is difficult to put into practice. If we are honest, we know that we all struggle with unforgiveness. Forgiveness: We are going to take forgiveness to heart this fall. The sermon series for September is Forgiveness: the Heart of the Gospel. And I am leading a book discussion on What’s So Amazing About Grace? by Philip Yancey. I hope many of you will be able to join us Sunday mornings as we grow as followers of Christ; following the heart of Christ and the heart of the gospel: Forgiveness. May the healing blessings of forgiveness abound to you, all of you, Pastor Patricia

August 2015

The Chimes

Christian Education Rally Day Rally Day is Sunday, September 13th. We will gather together to renew our energy and prepare for a new year of Christian Education opportunities. The youth will host a free breakfast at 9:00am, and we’ll have some fun while learning how disciples of all ages can grow in their faith through the educational programs at UPC this year. You’ll get to learn about some of the changes to Connecting Point this year, Rotation Sunday School, and our 9:00am Education Hour classes. Join us as we rally for a new year of growing and nurturing followers of Christ in a welcoming community.


Adul Classes 9AM SUNDAY MORNING ADULT EDUCATION HOUR Our Sunday Morning Education Hour begins on Sunday, September 20th, featuring four classes and discussion groups to help us to live into our mission statement to “Grow As Followers of Christ in a Welcoming Community” You can learn more about our classes by coming to Rally Day on September 13th at 9:00am. Education opportunities for children and youth are also available. All classes welcome newcomers at any time. FOLLOWERS This class is led by Pastor Patricia and held in Room 107. Books can guide us in our growth as Followers of Christ. Followers is a book with DVD discussion group. We are beginning the year with the award winning book What’s So Amazing About Grace? by Philip Yancey. In it he points out how we speak of grace often, but do we understand it? More importantly, do we truly believe in it? Do our lives proclaim it as powerfully as our words? We will be reading and discussing stories from the book and the DVD which will lead us in answering these and other questions. If you would like a copy of the book, please contact the church office; cost is $9.50.




WIRED WORD This class is led by Betty Pugh and John Warning held in Room 105. The Wired Word is a vibrant and conversational class where we discuss current events in the light of the Scriptures; in other words, the newspaper in one hand, the Bible in the other. Headline news give us much to think about and talk about through the lens of Scripture, so it is a class that naturally stirs thought-provoking and stimulating conversations and discussion. Each Thursday leaders receive the week’s headline topic and suggested discussion questions. Participants can receive them via email to prepare, or drop in at any time to join in the Sunday morning discussion.

THE JOURNEY This class is led by Don Baker and Gordon Selling held in Room 100. A Bible Study group dedicated to growing in knowledge of God through what is revealed in the Bible one book at a time. The goal is to grow in critical thinking as we interpret the stories for their relevance then, and their relevance today. Many pearls of wisdom and insight held within the narratives and wisdom literature and we seek to find them. Bring your Bible, or use one of ours. We examine the details of the stories, and seek to understand what the stories meant in that day and time, and interpret the stories for how they apply to us today, in our time and place and culture. LYF CLASS (LIVING YOUR FAITH) This class is led by Pastor Stephen held in Room 106. The LYF (Living Your Faith) class uses video resources from Darkwood Brew, The Work of the People, and NOOMA to spark discussions about how we understand, live, and share our faith. We’ll dig into the complex questions of Scripture and life, and we’ll discuss how our faith shapes how we respond to the world around us and the events in our lives. The videos spark questions and conversation about Scripture, faith, and theology, and feature well known and respected theologians and church leaders. All are welcome to join us for LYF.


The Chimes

QUEST QUEST YOUTH GROUPS We will be back to our normal schedule starting in September on 2nd and 4th Sunday afternoons/evenings. If we have special events or things we need to prepare for at other times, I will notify you in advance. If you would like email updates, please email [email protected] to get all the youth news fast. QUEST MIDDLE SCHOOL Quest Middle School Meetings Sundays, September 13 & 27 3:30 – 5:00 pm We will start the fall off fresh with fun new devotions where the kids can express their feelings, faith and questions in an accepting and creative environment. As always, there will be time for games, hot chocolate, snacks and more. Bring a friend and join us at Quest where everyone is welcome. Middle School Education Hour Sundays at 9:00 am Sunday School Rooms We will have a multi-age class called “Holy Moly” that will help us engage in study and discussion. If we start to have more middle school attendance, we will break off into another class to better serve every child’s needs. QUEST HIGH SCHOOL Quest High School Meetings Sundays, September 13 & 27 5:00 – 6:30 pm After talking with the High School youth, we will be embarking on various devotions that explore polity, current events, our lives today, and more as well as have some fun! The Keurig will be fully stocked as well as snacks in our beautiful new youth room. Bring a friend and join us at Quest where everyone is welcome. High School Education Hour Sundays at 9:00 am See adult Education Hour options for details We encourage high school youth to continue on their faith journey through study with other youth and adults during Education Hour. There are wonderful options where youth are welcome to engage in discussion, study and more. Please check out the options and join a class where you can learn and be heard.

August 2015 Parent’s Night Out Friday, September 4 (and the following first Fridays) 6:00 – 8:30 pm High School youth will babysit so the parents can have a night out. Proceeds will go toward sponsoring our friend, Laurent, in Tanzania. QUEST MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL IMPORTANT UPCOMING EVENTS MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Serving breakfast at Rally Day Sunday, September 13 (Note that the date was wrong in the last Chimes.) 9:00 am We will prepare some easy breakfast to serve before worship as part of service to UPC. More details to come! Sharing our Mission Trip at Connecting Point Wednesday, September 16 in the evening Those that went on the trip are being asked to come and share their experience with the Connecting Point adult class. Please plan to attend if you are able and went on the trip.

Christian Education 11-Minute Lessons We are continuing our study of “What is the Bible” after worship in Room 107 at 11:11am. This month we’ll be looking at some specific texts of Scripture and applying what we’ve learned about reading and interpreting the Bible to them. You’ll never look at these stories and passages in the same way again! At the end of the class you can ask questions about the class or about that morning’s sermon. 10 am Thursday Morning Bible Study With Pastor Patricia We are continuing our study of Marriage, the Bible and the Church. This month we are exploring what the Early Church and Reformation teaches about marriage. We have learned what the Old Testament and New Testament tells us about marriage. It has been enlightening and the discussion has been lively. You are welcome to join the study at any time.

August 2015

The Chimes

Connecting Point Connecting Point begins Wednesday, September 9th. We’ll begin with a meal at 5:30pm. Activities for children begin at 6:15 and the adult class begins at 6:30pm. September Connecting Point Class Pastor Stephen is leading the class called "Oh, The Places We've Been!" We will get to share and hear about meaningful trips we have been on from Mission Trips, Vacations, and visits to the Holy Land. We'll also get to share about the places we still really want to visit. Class Schedule: September 9: "The Places We've Been" Everyone is invited to bring a picture or a memento from a meaningful trip and share with the group. Children are encouraged to come and share about a trip before going to Young Explorers. September 16: "Mission Trips" Some of our UPC youth will share about their most recent mission trip to Kentucky. We will also hear from adults in the church who have been on mission trips. You are encouraged to share any of your mission trip experiences, too. September 23: "The Holy Land" We'll have the opportunity to hear from church members and Pastor Stephen about their trips to Israel and how it affected their faith and understanding of Scripture. You'll get to see pictures, mementos, ask questions, and share about your own visits to the Holy Land. September 30: "The Places We'll Go" We'll share the list of places we really want to visit, and share why those places are so important to us. You may get to talk to someone who has been to the place you really want to go.

Children Children’s Sunday School Ages 3 – 3rd grade Children will be escorted from worship after the Time for Young Disciples upstairs to the Sunday school rooms where they will learn how to live their faith inside out! With a monthly theme, the children will experience the Bible through fun, high-energy learning experiences that will be memorable. The excitement will begin with a fun large group time and then take the lesson deeper with small group time by age. 4th Grade and Up Sunday School We will be beginning a new curriculum called “CONNECT” that uses technology and Bible study to take the middle school youth through the Bible in a fun and memorable way. CHILDREN’S EDUCATION HOUR 9:00am HOLY MOLY! Preschoolers will engage in their own program while K and up will experience the Bible through HOLY MOLY! Holy Moly follows a four-part sequence: Discover, Relate, Connect, and Create. Each week, kids will watch an animated Bible story video, talk about the story, read their Bible, and try a creative activity. We are so excited to begin this new journey in our faith!

News and Notes THANKS The Church Life Committee would like to extend a huge thank you to Charlotte Cronin, Carol Kamrath, and Nancy & Terry Thompson for their outstanding leadership for the annual UPC Rummage Sale. Job well done!

Connecting Point Kids! Children are welcome upstairs for Faith 5, prayer, games, crafts and gym time.

Your contribution of $1000 is much appreciated, as is your interest in our efforts to provide Peoria students with books. Thank you for your recent contribution that helps further our goals. Janet Roth, Look. It’s My Book!

Youth room open for middle school and up! The youth room will be open during Connecting Point for 5th graders and up only. Bring your homework, a book or game and make yourself some hot chocolate. Make sure to clean up after yourself!

A big thank you to all who helped with blanket making on Faith in Action Sunday. We sent home 25 more blankets with Terri Taylor for the “Sugar Plum Project”. Thank you for supporting this awesome ministry. Anna Circle



The Chimes

Worship & Arts Where is the Spirit? Presbyterians are jokingly referred to as “the frozen chosen.” Despite being a jolly little rhyme, the “frozen” part of the joke is often referring to how Presbyterians conduct themselves in worship. Often times congregations such as these, such as ours, will politely move when directed in the service (i.e. sit, stand, laugh during sermon, applause after a performance piece, etc.) but will not participate in much extemporaneous movement (i.e. raising hands in worship, swaying back and forth, dancing, responding vocally during the sermon, etc.). We often give titles to these two types. On one side are the traditional types and on the other are the charismatic types. Both of these sides have their reasoning for justifying their behavior in worship. The charismatic types value freedom in worship as they respond to the Holy Spirit. In their minds, when the Holy Spirit comes into power on a community, the result is not passive. It is a very powerful and embodied experience! Raising hands and dancing are just natural responses to the Spirit’s indwelling presence. The traditional types value the intellect in worship and are often uncomfortable or look on with a suspicious eye overly emotional displays in worship. The Holy Spirit definitely plays a role in worship, but it is more in connection with empowering clarity of thought and understanding instead of affecting being and presence. By all means feeling and emotion play a role in their worship, but these sensations are often filtered through their brain as a way to help in understanding. I have been a part of both traditions, and I think both groups should mutually learn and experience one another’s worshiping practices to better their own participation in worship. What we need in the contemporary church is a bringing together of the head and the heart. When the Holy Spirit acts in Scripture, it is never passive (creation, anointing of David, Pentecost, etc.). When God’s presence is given to a community, it affects the whole body; head and heart. It is emotional and rational; both physically embodied and intellectually processed. The problem begins when we start pitting these two against one another. Instead they ought to mutually inform one another. I invite you to a greater awareness of how you use your body in worship. Where does worshiping God “hit you” the hardest? Do you walk away feeling intellectually inspired or emotionally refueled? Do you feel both? Do you feel you have freedom to respond to God in both a physical and mental way?

August 2015 We all need to embody our faith, but we all are incredibly different. Whether in public or private worship, there are times we need to kneel out of reverence, dance in joy, raise our hands in praise, cry out in pain, or respond with a joyful noise in song. We need to allow ourselves the freedom to respond to the many ways the Holy Spirit is equipping and changing our hearts, our minds, and our affections. Aaron Schultz Regular Music Rehearsals begin: Wednesday, September 9 We will begin our regular music rehearsal schedule on Wednesday, September 9th. If you are a returning member, I look forward to seeing you at rehearsal again! If you are new to the worship ministry, I invite you to attend any of the rehearsals that interest you to see if it is something you would like to commit to. For any questions about the groups, consult the church website under the music section ( worship/music/) or email me ([email protected]). Child care can also be arranged during these rehearsals. Handbell Choir: Wednesdays from 5:30-6:15 (rehearsal is in choir room) Worship Band: Wednesdays from 6:15-7:15 (rehearsal is in sanctuary) Chancel Choir: Wednesdays from 7:15-8:30 (rehearsal is in choir room) Picnic in the Park Join us for a picnic at the Bradley Park shelter on Saturday, September 26th from 11:00am-2:00pm. Bring a picnic dish to share and we'll provide fried chicken and drinks. There will be picnic tables under the shelter, but feel free to bring a comfy outdoor chair, too. We'll have some great music, hear some inspiring stories from church members, and play some fun games like human foosball. A playground for children is right by the shelter and there's lots of green space for frisbee, bags, bocce ball or any other games you'd like to bring.

August 2015

The Chimes

Worship & Arts Cont’d Sermon Series- Forgiveness: The Heart of the Gospel Our sermon series for September is about forgiveness. Forgiveness is one of the most important, hardest, and freeing things we can do. We’ll talk about the need to receive forgiveness and offer it, even to ourselves. Join us throughout September and let’s talk about forgiveness. Worship in August September 6: Mark 2:1-12 “The Authority to Forgive” Pastor Patricia September 13: Luke 7:36-50 “Forgiveness that Gives Way to Love” Rev. Samuel Duren September 20: Matthew 6:19-15, 18:21-22 “The Hardest Thing” Pastor Stephen September 27: II Corinthians 5:14-22 “The Ministry of Forgiveness” Pastor Patricia Unity Worship On Sunday, September 13th, we’ll welcome worshipers from Zion Baptist Church to UPC. Zion’s pastor, Rev. Samuel Duren, will preach for us, and we’ll get to hear music from both church’s musical groups, and a combined musical piece. Join us for worship as we demonstrate our unity in Christ together. MID-MONTH COMMUNION: A SPECIAL SERVICE OF WORSHIP September through May we will offer a communion service in the middle of the month. Why do we call it a Special Service? Each month the liturgy and music will be of a Special Type, or follow a Special Theme, or a Seasonal Theme. It is usually held on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm. Tuesday September 15 at 6:00 pm Come to Me… A service of healing and grace. Jesus said “Come to me all you who are weary and carrying heavy burdens and I will give you rest.” We recognize that many in our midst are carrying the heavy burden of cancer, feel the burden of many friends with cancer, have hurting hearts, are struggling with questions, or struggle with unforgiveness, etc. This Special Service will be a time of worship, and invitation to Christ for the grace and healing that will lighten the weariness, lighten the burden.


Prayer Corner A Prayer For Peace We long for peace, but we do not always live in a peaceful world. Violence has erupted in Israel, terrorists and extremists have targeted and killed Christians in Iraq. There seems to be news of a shooting somewhere every week. There is abuse and violence in communities across the world. This month’s Mission of the Month is focused on peacemaking. There are many things we can do to promote peace, but one of the best places to begin is prayer. A Prayer for the World Let the rain come and wash away the ancient grudges, the bitter hatreds held and nurtured over generations. Let the rain wash away the memory of the hurt, the neglect. Then let the sun come out and fill the sky with rainbows. Let the warmth of the sun heal us wherever we are broken. Let it burn away the fog so that we can see each other clearly. So that we can see beyond labels, beyond accents, gender or skin color. Let the warmth and brightness of the sun melt our selfishness. So that we can share the joys and feel the sorrows of our neighbors. And let the light of the sun be so strong that we will see all people as our neighbors. Let the earth, nourished by rain, bring forth flowers to surround us with beauty. And let the mountains teach our hearts to reach upward to heaven. Amen. Rabbi Harold Kushner We continue to lift in prayer: Dick West, Deb Sullivan, Al Hultgren, Sonja Kerrihard, Lorraine Bunker, Dan Dickerson, Joan Sathoff, Dick Schwarz, Mike Davis, Rudy Higgins, Ethel Moore, and the families of Althea Rauen, Bill Maule, and Wanda Tauber.


The Chimes

Sharing Our Stories Carol Kamrath I was born and raised on a farm in a small town in Wisconsin. My father was a farmer and my mother was a music teacher. I have one brother and one sister both still living in WI. I was baptized and confirmed in the Congregational Church. We had a Methodist minister who served three small churches in the area. My parents were very involved in the church and Sunday was a special day for church and family. My husband Larry and I met in high school. We were married in the Catholic Church. I attended several classes introducing me to the Catholic Faith but I was not able to conform to all of their religious beliefs. We’ve been married for 53 years. We moved to Peoria in 1962. We have 5 children, 16 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. I joined the United Congregational Church shortly after we moved here. After it burned we merged with another church and became Parkview United Church of Christ. I was an active member until it disbanded in 2012 due to lack of membership. I didn’t realize how much I would miss not having a church home. I started thinking about visiting some of the area churches. The United Presbyterian Church was nearby and a friend who knew Pastor Randy thought I would like him. I started attending UPC and never left. The people were friendly and I really enjoyed Pastor Randy and Pastor Stephen’s sermons. They always left me with something to think about and their humor always added to the service. I love the music and it keeps getting better. It really impresses me to see all the children. Karen and Pam do a great job. The children are so important to keep a church growing. I joined UPC in March of 2013 and have gotten involved by joining Mission and Church Life. There are other activities I try to attend when I can. I’ve met a lot of new friends and enjoy seeing others I’ve known for years. I feel blessed to have found a church home at UPC.

August 2015

Stephen Ministry Stephen Ministers: The After People ...after the phone call you hoped you’d never get. ...after the divorce papers are served and the bottom falls out of your life. ...after the funeral, when everyone has left and the emotions you’ve held at bay come crashing in on you. ...after the doctor say, “I’m sorry, but there’s nothing more we can do.” ...after the nursing home director shakes your hand and says, “Welcome to your new home.” ...after the last child honks the horn, waves, and drives away-and the house suddenly seems empty. ...after the gavel goes down, the handcuffs go on, and your loved one is led away. …after the baby arrives, demanding more of you than you ever dreamed possible. ...after you find a pink slip with your final paycheck. ...after your family and friends have heard your story one too many times, but you still need to talk it out. If you would like to meet with a Stephen Minister, contact Pastor Stephen or Pastor Patricia. They will connect you with a Stephen Minister.

News and Notes FREE The following items are free to anyone that could use them: Shower curtain Bed tray on wheels Commode seat for toilet Contact Shannon Maule, 697-3320 Due to Al Hultgren’s illness, Al and Lois will be postponing their 50th Wedding Anniversary Open House that was scheduled for Saturday, September 19th. They will reschedule once Al is feeling better.

August 2015

Mission Youth Group Wall O’ Money On Sundays, August 30 and September 6, the youth group will have a very special “Wall O’ Money” set up in Fellowship Hall. This is a fundraiser for future mission trips. The kids had an amazing time this summer and want to do all they can to go again. It is really simple; take an envelope with a dollar amount, fill that envelope and return to the youth, church office or the offering plate. Take a collection to fill an envelope in your life group or circle, any amount and however it is collected is wonderful. We are grateful for any amount that gets us closer to another mission experience. Food Pantry We collect food in our Food Pantry to give to local pantries in Peoria, who pick up the food once a month. We are not a distribution site, so please do not take any food without talking to one of the pastors. If you see someone taking food, please let a pastor know. Our local pantries depend on our donations, and we try to keep an accurate count of what is donated. Thank you for your continued donations to our food pantry collection site. Goodwill GoodGuides Pastor Stephen has become a GoodGuide through Goodwill, and is looking for others from UPC to be a mentor for youth in Peoria. The GoodGuides youth mentoring initiative focuses on at-risk teens in our community— those in danger of dropping out of school, getting involved with drugs and alcohol, or making other harmful choices. Volunteer mentors serve as positive role models who encourage teens to stay in school, make good decisions, and prepare for productive careers. As a mentor you commit to spend four hours a month with your mentee. If you’re interested in making a positive impact on the life of a youth in our community, please talk to Pastor Stephen.

The Chimes


MISSION OF THE MONTH: Peacemaking Offering and the Center for Prevention of Abuse The Peacemaking Offering was created in 1980 to support the efforts of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to live out a deeper commitment to peacemaking as part of our faithfulness to God. We receive this offering on World Communion Sunday, on October 4th. UPC uses the offering gifts to promote peace in Peoria through The Center for Prevention of Abuse. The Center for Prevention of Abuse is the only agency in the State of Illinois to provide combined services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault/abuse, and elder abuse. The Center also reaches students ages pre-K through college with violence prevention education and reaches abusers with an abuser education program. We will have a guest from the Center for Prevention of Abuse share with us about the Center’s Mission in worship on Sunday, September 27th. Snack Pack We provide 40 students from Northmoor Elementary with Snack Pack bags every week so that they may have nutritious food and snacks over the weekend. We fill a month’s worth of bags every fourth Sunday of the month after worship, and we need help. We also need donations of the following items: Snack Pack Needs: 100% Juice Boxes Fruit Cups Applesauce Granola or Protein Bars Beef Sticks Dehydrated Fruit Snacks Cheese or Peanut Butter Crackers Breakfast Cereal Bars

News and Notes Donate your Old iPad or Kindle! Have your upgraded your iPad or Kindle? Is your old one using up drawer space waiting for a new life? Your old iPad can be a lifeline of communication for people with disabilities. Charlotte Cronin reports a great need to used iPads at Trinity Services. A “used” iPad can do what $10,00o.oo “Touch talker” used to do; provide communication, learning opportunities, and also just be plain fun. Pastor Patricia has a number of home-bound seniors in need of Kindles. Kindles or iPads can dropped off to Trish in the church office. For more info, please contact Pastor Patricia or Charlotte Cronin.

August 2015

The Chimes

Health & Wellness VACCINES- For Adults Too! We have heard in the news lately about measles and whooping cough (pertussis). There have been recent outbreaks of both these infections in the U.S., in part, because adults have not maintained the vaccinations for themselves or for their children. The Centers for Disease and Prevention (CDC) has found that some adults incorrectly assume that the vaccines they received as children will protect them for the rest of their lives. Generally this is true, except that:

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Some adults were never vaccinated as children. Newer vaccines were not available when some adults were children.  Immunity begins to fade over time. Consequently, the infection spreads to susceptible people, usually those who are unable to be vaccinated (babies) or people with poorly working immune systems. Here is some great information from the CDC. I hope this will spur you on to review your vaccinations and take action, if need be. There are many reasons to get vaccinated: You may be at risk for serious diseases that could be prevented by vaccines.  You may be at increased risk for complications from certain diseases if you have a chronic health condition (heart disease, diabetes, or lung disease), possibly leading to long-term illness, hospitalization, and even death.  You can help protect those who can’t get vaccinated, which includes those you love, people with certain medical conditions (like pregnant women or people undergoing cancer treatment), and newborns. In cases where the source is known, 4 out of 5 babies caught the whooping cough from someone in the home. Adults who get a vaccine-preventable disease must pay for subsequently needed medical care. Keep your medical costs down. Get vaccinated. All adults need:  Influenza (flu) vaccine every year.  Tdap vaccine (tetanus, pertussis, diphtheria) every 10 years.




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Adults 60 years old, and older, need:  Pneumococcal vaccines to protect against infections in the lungs and bloodstream .  Zoster vaccine, which protects against shingles .  Other vaccines you may need as an adult are determined by factors such as age, lifestyle, health conditions, job, international travel and any previous vaccines you have received. Vaccinations keep you healthy and protect others around you. Talk with your doctor or other healthcare professional to find out which vaccines are recommended for you. I have vaccine information and schedules available in my office. Lastly, the CDC has very helpful information about all vaccinations at

Nature Connections Connecting with God's Natural World The Nature Connections Committee is back from the July Leadership Institute at Arbor Day Foundation in Nebraska. We are full of new ideas and an even greater commitment to connect the community of United Presbyterian Church with God’s natural world. Since its beginning the committee has expanded the use of the Nature Explore outdoor classroom, toured the property, developed new maps, and maintained the waterfall. We have cleared and mulched the Nature Trail on the east side of the property. (Go see it!! It's a short walk with a great place to view the property.) Plans for this coming year include adding a music area, tall grass path, developing an adopt a garden program, raised bed gardens, and increasing access to nature for all ages of our church family. We are seeking new committee members and also those who are interested in working for a few hours on specific projects. You can be a Nature Ranger and assist in hikes and family nature events or you can volunteer for short-term projects such as gardening, creating brochures, revitalizing our wildflower area, and trail maintenance. Come to Rally Day and pick up a brochure on volunteer opportunities. You can also contact Judy Harris Helm, [email protected] or 309 446 9664 for more information. The Nature Connections Committee meets on the second Wednesday of the month from 6-7 pm. First meeting is September 9 at 6:00 pm. Our Fall Outdoor Workday is Saturday, October 3, 9:00 am-12:00 pm. Come join us and put nature back in your life!

August 2015

The Chimes

Church Life Pet Blessing Our annual Blessing of the Animals is Sunday, October 4th at 4:00pm at the lower Bradley Park Dog Park. We will have a short service with song and scripture, followed by a blessing for each animal. We will have treat bags for dogs and cats to give to each participant. We will also be taking donations to give to Peoria Foster Pet Outreach. Please invite any animal lovers you know to this service that recognizes the important role animals play in our lives. Local Lunch Local Lunch this month will be Monday, September 21st at 12:00pm at One World Cafe. We hope to see you there. Men’s Breakfast Men of all ages are invited to gather together to strengthen community and relationships at Le Peep on the second Thursday of the month (September 10th) at 9:00am. BUS TRIPS Saturday October 3 we are headed to Springfield for tours of the Illinois State Capital Building and Illinois State Museum (7:45 to 4:30). For your dining pleasure we have reservations at Saputo’s. Sign up in the Church office. $10 covers the cost of transportation. Saturday October 17 the bus is traveling north to Starved Rock State Park for a day of hiking, sight-seeing and adventuring. Sign up in the Church office. $10 covers the cost of transportation. BUNCO Bunco is back after a little break for the summer. Meet us in Fellowship Hall for an evening of fun and fellowship. Date: September 11 at 7:00 pm. Bring a snack if you want and a dollar for prizes. Call Betty Pugh at 8228500 or Eunice Andrews at 688-8458 for more information. Everyone welcome. Family Movie Night Friday, September 18, bring yourselves and your kids and your grandkids to our Family Movie Night in the Fellowship Hall featuring: The Lion King. Doors open at 6pm and the show will begin at 6:00pm. Join us to relax, watch the movie and eat popcorn.

13 Anna Circle Thursday, September 10 at 6:00pm Chapter 3 “Really Bad Girls of the Bible” Mission: Sharing the Warmth blanket ministry (See below) Ladies Night Out Place: Golden Corral September 17 at 6:00 pm RSVP: Betty Pugh at 822-8500 or Eunice Andrews at 688-8458. Dining Tour Books New Book—New Price this year! Dining tour books will be available for purchase beginning Sunday, September 13 in Fellowship Hall. ( also available in the church office beginning September 14) Only $20.00 each. Your purchase supports the Sharing the Warmth blanket ministry. Sharing the Warmth Date Change (Due to church picnic) Blanket making on 3rd Saturday, September 19 from 9:30-Noon. Please enter through the backdoor. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall or the sewing room. All are welcome and no sewing experience is needed.

News and Notes Congratulations Congratulations to Charlotte Cronin on recently receiving a 25 Women in Leadership Award. Charlotte works tirelessly advocating for persons with disabilities on the local, state and national levels. She is an inspiration, and role model to many who work in these fields. Everything she has done was for families and individuals with disabilities. Quoted from the nominator of the award, “Charlotte has worked with people with disabilities, their loved ones, service providers, advocacy organizations, policy makers, and legislators so that people with disabilities have the resources necessary to live happy, productive lives in their home communities. She is my hero!”


The Chimes

News and Notes Session Notes The Session met on Tuesday, August 18th for its regular meeting. Bob Carruthers opened the meeting by sharing his faith story. The Session then talked with Alexandra Lysdahl via Skype in order to discern if the Session should endorse her as a candidate for ordination as a Teaching Elder (Pastor). Alex is currently endorsed as an Inquirer for ordination by the Session. The Session asked several questions and was very impressed by Alex’s answers, and therefore voted unanimously to endorse Alex as a candidate. The Session then voted on a slate of omnibus motions that included membership transfers, approval of a marriage of an out of town couple (Dustin Heath and Kelly McCarty), and approval of a youth fundraiser. The Session also passed a motion to reaffirm the church’s commitment to make members’ funerals a priority whenever possible and create a plan of action for situations that could disrupt the sanctuary for a long period of time, so that funerals could be accommodated if needed. The Session also approved some amendments to the Preschool budget, talked about this year’s stewardship campaign, and heard reports from each committee. Fantastic opportunities for worship, education, mission, and fellowship are happening at UPC. Social Media Check-In on Sunday Morning Thank you to all those who have been checking in at UPC on Facebook lately. You are helping raise awareness about our church. Whenever you are at UPC for worship, mission, or fellowship, feel free to share about it on Social Media. If you are on Facebook, write a post about attending worship and either check-in with location services, tag our Facebook page in your post, or even post our website. You can do the same with Twitter (our twitter is @upcpeoria). It’s an easy way to raise awareness about UPC and tell our community about us.

August 2015

Congregational Meeting September 27th There will be a congregational meeting for the purpose of electing new church officers on Sunday, September 27th following worship. The nominees nominated by the church nominating committee are: Elder Class of 2018 Ralph Krall Jenna Hague Cindy Shipley Linda Kelley Mark Hanson Deacon Class of 2017 Dave Nixon Deacon Class of 2018 Marcia Boyer Penny Brower Rose Dickerson Vicki Ghidina Angie Gross Laurie Hartshorn Mike Kelley Ron Kirchgessner Charlene Mousty Eugenia Ofori Trudy Schultz To be announced Foundation Class of 2018 Les Boswell Sean Scranton Nominating 2016 Bill Barrett Evan Hague Rina Krall Pam Madden Nick Nott

August 2015

The Chimes


UPC Discovery Infants Fall 2015! WHAT: Babies are invited to join us with a caregiver for songs, fingerplays, shared reading time, puppet play, and learning centers. All activities are planned to meet the developmental levels of infants from 3 months to 24 months of age. WHEN: Tuesdays, September 15-December 15 (except November 24), 8:45-9:30 a.m. WHO: This class is not just for mommies and babies! Daddies, grandparents, nannies, and other caregivers are encouraged to attend! The class will be lead by Courtney McKinney-Whitaker. Mrs. McKinney-Whitaker is an ALA-accredited children's librarian who is trained in early language and literacy development. WHY: This class will engage baby and caregiver in fun and developmentally appropriate early language activities. Not only will babies love singing and engaging in shared reading, but caregivers will also have an opportunity to fellowship with other caregivers of young children! Cost: Tuition is $130 for a 13-week semester. Tuition and registration are due at the beginning of the semester so we can plan for class size and materials. Contact Pam Scranton for more information!

Return on Investment for 5 Loaves and 2 Fish I have been in the financial industry for quite a few years and when talking to clients about their investment portfolio they are always asking for the Return on Investment. This is the amount of money they expect to receive above and beyond their initial contribution. Most of the time when asked, the client may have a percentage in mind that far exceeds what may be achievable based on the type of investment and the amount of risk they want to take on. The stock market can be unpredictable. We’ve all lived through turbulent times and have seen our own Return on Investment, positive and negative. I share this because many want to see the return on their investment in the church. Why should I give to the church? How much should I contribute? Should I try tithing? These are all great questions to ask yourself and I want everyone to pray about all of those and find out what the Lord has in store for your financial contributions to the Church. For this letter I want to focus on the question, “What is the return on investment I expect the church to achieve with my contribution?” To answer that, let’s talk about the miracle Jesus performed with the 5 loaves and 2 fish. Jesus and his disciples had the overwhelming task of feeding 5000 people. They didn’t have enough money or time to buy the vast amount of food needed to feed all of those hungry people. This was an almost impossible task but, a young boy came to Jesus and he gave him 5 loaves and 2 fish. The boy gave what he could. He gave it to Jesus and witnessed the incredible multiplication of his gift. Even after feeding 5000 people they had 12 baskets of leftovers. The Bible doesn’t say who the leftovers were given to. I picture Jesus giving the 12 baskets to that little boy and him running home arms full and barely able to hold all of the baskets. He comes tripping into the doorway of his home shouting of the awesome miracle that had occurred. The gifts we give to UPC are similar to the loaves and fish the little boy gave. It’s our way of contributing to miracles. It wasn’t about the size of the little boy’s gift and he didn’t expect anything back in return but through Jesus his gift far exceeded any Return on Investment the little boy could ever envision. We can’t fully comprehend the way in which our gifts can multiply. There is no percentage of return we could say that will be high enough because we aren’t relying on the market and risk. We give our gifts and they return a guaranteed profit. They are used by our Church to continue to keep a warm welcoming place where all of our Members and Visitors can be nurtured. We have seen our Youth grow in their relationship with Christ with Quest, Sunday School curriculum, and the incredible growth of our UPC Discovery Preschool. There are countless other activities and missions we can participate in due to the gifts of our Members. Our Stewardship Theme this year is “So That…” taken from 1 Timothy 6:18-19 which says, “They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation, SO THAT they may take hold of that which is truly life.” This fall, I encourage you to consider why you give. Everyone has their own reasons, their own So Thats, so to speak. Our prayer is that you reflect on your own So That, and consider if taking hold of that which is truly life is the Return on Investment you really need. May God continue to bless our church, So that we may continue to grow and nurture followers of Christ in a welcoming community. God Bless, Kris Goergen Co-Chair Stewardship & Finance Committee

Did you Know? Do you know some of these facts about our church, our budget, and our giving?

Do you know…. 

That pledged gifts to the church this year decreased by about $40,000?

That our Human Resources (staff) budget alone is $10,000 more than our pledged income? We are only able to meet our other ministry budgets because of receiving about $150,000 from the UPC Foundation.

That next year, due to decreases in funds and the sustainability of our Foundation, we will receive about $40,000 less from the Foundation between giving and the budget?

That we pay $12,555 a month in a mortgage payment but gifts to our mortgage only covers about 60% of our annual mortgage payments?

That we often are able to cover the mortgage gap and some of the gap between our budget and gifts through bequests of church members in their wills, but the amount and number of bequests, if any, vary from year to year and is not predictable or guaranteed.

That we are growing in attendance, participation, and the number of children and youth active in our church?

That this trend of numerical growth but decreased giving, with our current budget for staff and ministries, is not sustainable?

That if we increased our individual giving by 10% we can continue to maintain our staff and ministries at UPC?

That if everyone amended their will to leave at least 10% of their estate (a tithe) to the church we could may pay off our mortgage significantly sooner?

That no matter how much we may have to cut from our budget, or how much we are able to add because of your faithful and generous giving, we will grow and nurture followers of Christ in a welcoming community because that is what we do. That is who we are. Do you know why you give? Do you know the faith, hope, and love your gifts bring?