the day my life changed

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Nivel Avanzado 1. Ejercicio de comprensión de lectura. Tienes un máximo de 75 minutos para realizar ambas. 1. Vas a leer un artículo sobre un hombre que descubrió que tenia una peligrosa alergia. Se han extraido 7 frases del artículo. Elige de entre las frases A-H la más apropiada para cada hueco (1-6). Hay una frase adicional que no tienes que usar. Al principio del texto hay un ejemplo (0).

THE DAY MY LIFE CHANGED It was a bright and sunny Saturday afternoon when events conspired against me to rearrange the rest of my life, in a manner that I could never have foreseen. My intention on that particular Saturday had in fact been to rearrange my life but I had planned to do it in a very different way. 0_H_ I hoped that this would bring me riches and a new lifestyle.

assumed that the jar I had bought was 'off', but when I checked the sell-by date, it was fixed for nine months ahead. So that wasn't the problem. I decided to go to hospital at once, and find out what was going on. I set off for the hospital casualty department.

4___ There I was told that the diagnosis was made. It seemed that I was one of a growing number of people with an allergy to peanuts. But how serious was it? Was it only a mild allergy? It was impossible to tell, and specialists told me that I had to assume that it was a serious form. They said that for the rest of my life I would have to carry a special syringe with me so that I could inject myself with adrenaline if I came into contact with peanuts by accident.

While I was standing in the queue to buy my chance for a new life, I decided on the spur of the moment to buy a jar of peanut butter as well, so that I could treat myself to some tasty sandwiches later. 1___ That evening, while I was eagerly anticipating the results of the Lottery draw, I made myself the promised peanut butter sandwich and sat down in front of the television to relax. But very soon I realised that all was not well - that very strange things were happening to me. 2___

5___ It's surprising how popular an ingredient nuts actually are in many different types of food, and how careful people like me have to be with whatever they put in their mouths. Sadly, many people who are free of the problem don't take an allergy to peanuts seriously. 6___ I feel embarrassed when I have to ask waiters if the food I am choosing from the menu is nut free, or remind a friend who has invited me to dinner that I am unable to eat nuts. But I have no desire to experience the symptoms of nut allergy again - so I shall have to accept the rearrangement of my everyday life as a permanent feature.

Within minutes the strange feeling had spread to the rest of my face, and my throat felt constricted. Although I tried drinking cold water that didn't help. My hands were itching, and when I touched my face I couldn't feel it. I looked in the mirror, and could see that my face was red and that a rash was spreading over my body.

3___ I had eaten nothing else for hours, and there could be no other explanation for my symptoms. I


EXERCISE 1 A. After waiting there for what seemed like hours, undergoing a complete range of tests, I was called in to the consulting room.

E. It was acting on this impulse that later proved to be my downfall.

B. Although I had no real idea what was actually wrong with me, the link with the peanut butter sandwich was obvious.

F. Even some of my friends see it as a bit of a joke, in spite of the problems it causes me in many different situations, some serious, some less so.

C. The first thing I became aware of was a tingling in my gums, and then my lips.

G. I tried to find information about it on the Internet, but found that most people are diagnosed early in life rather than as adults.

D. It was this information that changed my life, and now I look at everything I eat with great care.

H. This involved walking to my local corner shop that morning and buying a ticket for the Lottery.