The King in Question - DG3

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Discussion Guide - Session 3 CHECK IN ON ONE ANOTHER Share something encouraging and challenging you’ve experienced recently. Follow this with sharing a personal prayer need.

Pray: Before diving into deeper discussion, allow one individual to commit to one other individual’s prayer need. As a group, be sure to share the load of prayer needs.

————————— Before we begin, let’s have some fun with Would You Rather questions:

- Would you rather be covered in fur or covered in scales?

- Would you rather know the history of every object you touch or be able to talk to animals?

- Would you rather have all traffic lights you approach be green or never have to stand in line?


Message: Shall I Crucify Your King? // Scripture: John 18:38-19:16a // Series: The King in Question Q: From Matthew 27:16-17, Pastor Daniel explained how many believe Barabbas' name was actually Jesus Barabbas. However, Jesus and Barabbas not only shared a common name. They were also both considered “rebels”. How was Christ Jesus a different kind of rebel?

Q: Following the question and interrogation of Jesus, Pilate admitted that he could find no fault in him. However, Jesus was sent to the cross. Now consider the popular question: "why do bad things happen to good people?" How does the story of the cross impact your answer? 

Q: We choose other things over Jesus all the time. Who or what have you chosen “over” or instead of Jesus? When has something else been more important to you, or more desirable than following Jesus?

Q: Be prepared, this is a hard question to answer. Would you rather be crucified for your sins or allow Jesus to be crucified for you?

“The cross is Jesus’ proactive answer to our question. The cross is where He says, ‘I would rather die for you - offering you forgiveness for all of your sins - than to spend eternity separated from you.’” Takeaway Question: If Jesus had not been crucified, Barabbas would have never gone free and escaped the judgment of the cross. The same can be said for us. Personally consider if there is anything that you would like to be set free from. For instance, what shame does Jesus need to take?  What sin do you need to hand to Him? What are you holding on to that only Jesus can set you free from?