The Kingdom Family

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The Kingdom Family

“The Kingdom Woman”

A kingdom is the realm of a king’s domain. It is where he rules by his authority and establishes reality of His presence. Review: We read: Proverbs 24:3-5 NIV By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; 4 through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. o Knowledge = information o Understanding = comprehension o Wisdom = application Last Week: I told our Kingdom Men last week that they were called to be House Holders! A house holding kingdom man establishes the environment of the kingdom in his household by: o Thrive in God’s presence. o Work on their headship. o Cultivate everything around them. Ladies in the kingdom, everything the man is, you are and so much more. Explanation: 1) We have all been created as Spirit beings first. (our spiritual identity and purpose trumps everything in life) The bible teaches us in 1Cor 5 that we were all in Adam, just as through redemption we as kingdom people are now all in Christ. This is why in Galatians 3:28 Paul tells us, in Jesus, There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 2) Because of God’s Kingdom Purpose, He created male and female different. a) God is God of Purpose. i) Everything was created with and for a purpose. ii) Where purpose is unknown it leads to abuse. 3) The female was in the male.

a) Adam was created from the dust of the ground but not Eve. b) Eve was taken from the man, and the original language says, God built the woman from a piece of the man. 4) HERE IS MY POINT: Ladies, everything the man is, you are and so much more. a) When God put the male in the garden to thrive is his presence… you were placed their too! b) When God gave the man leadership and dominion over creation… you were given leadership too! c) When God told the man to cultivate the earth, to multiply it and make it better… you were called to cultivate and make everything better too! 5) Because of God’s Purpose God told the man “it is not good for you to be alone” (Gen 2:18) a) Alone? Alone = “Allone” or “all in one” SLIDE its not just that he was lonely… sad… he needed a mate… aw shucks. b) Because of God’s Kingdom Purpose… which was multiplication and dominion. God built something from the man, just like the man, except he gave it a womb. i) From the man, God built a “wombed man” and called her “woman”. Gen 2:23,24 NASV The man said, “This is now bone of my bones, And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.” 24 For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh. ii) For this reason = for this purpose or for this cause. The purpose or the cause was, God had to bring forth HIS PURPOSE from the first man. His purpose required more of what ADAM WAS. God’s plan was to bring mankind forth to establish His rule and his presence on the earth and he chose to do it with the unity… oneness of a Man and A Woman. The Unique Traits of a Kingdom Woman 1) She is a Receiver. Kingdom Application: Thank God for Kingdom Women who have the ability to receive things in the Spirit. But ladies you must learn how to receive truth and reject the lies of the enemy. 2) She is an Incubator. a) To receive something, give it life, make it bigger and give it back. b) This why a Kingdom woman is so power: A female incubates everything.

Kingdom application: be careful with what you give life too! Be careful about what you make bigger! Don’t multiply frustration. 3) She is a Producer. 4) She is a Prophetic Encourager. Kingdom Women: Take time to receive from God, let it incubate, give it life… Make it bigger and then present it God!