The Light Of The World

The Light Of The World -

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“The Light Of The World” John 8:12-13

B. Jesus shines light in our darkness for our good, and His glory. (John 8:1-11)

March 11, 2018

I. Christ alone takes what is formless and gives it form. III. Christ alone takes what is void, and fills it with life. (v12) (John 10:10) A. Outside of a relationship with Christ, we are without form. A. Outside of a relationship with Christ, we are empty, and void. (Eccl. 3:11) B. When we come into Christ, the light of the world, he begins to form us. B. Christ brings purpose, and life into all areas of my life.

II. Christ alone takes what is dark and brings it to light. (v12)

A. Outside of a relationship with Christ, we are in the domain of darkness.