the Lord blesses his people with peace. Psalm 29:11

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The Lord gives his people strength; the Lord blesses his people with peace. Psalm 29:11 Daily Readings for the Family: (12/16-12/22/2018) Monday – Isaiah 9:6 Tuesday – Isaiah 9:7 Thursday – Luke 2:8 Friday – Luke 2:9

Wednesday – Luke 2:7 Saturday – Luke 2:10

Family Thought and Candlelighting: (light the last three week’s candles and the pink candle) “Peace on Earth” is a phrase we see everywhere at Christmas time. For many of us, we have to wonder where is that peace? We’re so busy just trying to find a little peace in the chaos of our own lives that “peace on earth” seems elusive. So, where can we turn for the hope of peace? We can turn to Jesus! Jesus is the ultimate peacemaker. He says, in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you…” Jesus shares His peace with us, the peace He enjoys being in fellowship with His Father. Through a personal relationship with Jesus, we can find peace with God through the forgiveness of sin. We can also find wholeness and peace within ourselves because our identity is based upon how God sees us and knows us, not on the things we do. Then, we can find wholeness and peace in our relationships with others because, as our relationship with Jesus grows, we begin to change and see people through God’s eyes. This will help us to bring healing and wholeness to those around us, in our community and in our world.

Peace for Today: What do you think of when you hear the word “peace”? Do you think of a quiet calmness, or of ease and rest? Maybe you feel peace when you’re getting along with others, or when you feel safe and free of trouble. These all describe the feeling peace around us, but it’s based on circumstances. God sent Jesus, the Prince of Peace, for us to have and know true peace within. This peace comes in knowing that Jesus holds the future in His hands. In John 16:33, Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” We can have true peace when we trust in Jesus. His peace is everlasting. Let’s share the gift of peace this Christmas.

Family Activity: Create a peaceful environment for your family such as sitting together looking at stars outside, turning off electronics, or being in a quiet room. Explain why you feel peace around you. Ask each family member to brainstorm with you about places they think are peaceful. Some ideas might be sitting on a chair at the beach, taking a walk through the woods, or sitting under a blanket reading a book. Write each of those down on a sheet of paper. Discuss that true peace is not a place or an activity, but it’s trusting God to care for your needs in any situation. Ask them the difference between a peaceful place and the peace that God offers. Explain that being in a peaceful place is only a temporary peace. God’s peace lasts forever.

Connection Questions: Why do you think Jesus is called the Prince of Peace? How can we experience peace by trusting God? What are ways you can tell others how to have peace?