The Miracles of Jesus

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The Miracles of Jesus: Part 7 “But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”—John 20:31 Death would appear to be the end, and that was certainly what the disciples thought, but death for Jesus was really the beginning. Jesus robbed the grave and arose victoriously bringing redemption, life, and hope. Jesus did resurrect just as He said He would, but more than getting out of the grave Jesus _____ _______________________. John 20:1–9

The resurrection was the great _____________________—from death to life. Jesus as the resurrection makes possible a great reversal in our lives today.

1. What was doesn’t have to define _________ ____. (John 20:1) •

As Mary Magdelene went to the tomb, she expected to find what was (the body of Jesus in a grave). She was surprised by what is (the reality of the resurrection).

The good news of the resurrection is that your was doesn’t have to define what is. You can have your past forgiven and discover a new beginning and a new life through Jesus Christ. (Romans 4:25)

2. What is doesn’t have to limit what _____________ _____. (John 20:8) •

As John saw and believed it opened his life to a whole new reality—a life in Christ.

For those who choose to believe, we have the privilege of doing life with Christ. Every day we get to process life with the presence and power of Jesus. (John 14:12)

3. What will be is better than what ____ ________. (John 20:31) •

Jesus is the resurrection and has opened the way to both abundant life and eternal life. (John 3:16)

“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.”—John 11:25–26

Measured against eternity, our time on earth is just a blink of an eye, but the consequences of it will last forever.

The resurrection is a proven Biblical and historical fact, but it will only change you and your eternity if you choose to believe and receive Jesus. It is your move!

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GOING DEEPER Read John 20:1–9 Pastor Farrell mentioned that Jesus didn’t simply resurrect, but that Jesus is resurrection. What do you think that means? Because of Jesus and His resurrection the way has been opened not only to eternal life, but also to abundant life. (John 3:16, John 10:10) Has there been a time when you have acknowledged the death and resurrection of Jesus and have personally chosen to follow Him? In regards to the abundant life, do you believe that God wants to revive you and breathe new life into areas that have become lethargic or lifeless? What area of your life are you specifically asking God to revive in this season? (examples: prayer life, marriage, dream or calling, a family relationship etc.) Take some time in prayer today to bring that need before God.