The Point The Passage The Bible Meets Life The Setting

The Point The Passage The Bible Meets Life The Setting -

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The Point God has uniquely gifted us to serve Him.

The Passage 1 Corinthians 12:4-11

The Bible Meets Life The world gravitates to people who are talented or highly skilled with unique abilities. The more talented a person, the more popular that person is. But a multi-talented person does not necessary make the world a better place. God has a different focus. His desire is for us to serve and support others, and He equips us for that very purpose. First Corinthians 12 shows us that God gives each of us gifts for ministry.

The Setting Paul wrote First Corinthians to a church troubled by factions and divisions. One divisive issue was spiritual gifts. Apparently some in the church were taking pride in their gifts and belittling those who possessed what they considered to be “lesser” gifts. Paul wrote that all believers served the same Lord and all spiritual gifts were distributed by the same Holy Spirit of God as He deemed fit for the accomplishment of God’s purposes.



What does the Bible say? 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 (HCSB) A demonstration of the Spirit (v. 7)—As believers allow the Holy Spirit to guide and empower them, they reveal the working of the Spirit through their service to God and others. Distinguishing between spirits (v. 10)—The Holy Spirit gives some believers the ability to determine if teachers, leaders, and other individuals are being led by God or by Satan. Satan works through false teachers to lead people away from God and His truth and to disrupt the unity of the church.

4 Now there are different gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 There are different ministries, but the same Lord. 6 And there are different activities, but the same God activates each

gift in each person. 7 A demonstration of the Spirit is given to each person to produce

what is beneficial: 8 to one is given a message of wisdom through the Spirit, to another,

a message of knowledge by the same Spirit, 9 to another, faith by the same Spirit, to another, gifts of healing by

the one Spirit, 10 to another, the performing of miracles, to another, prophecy, to

another, distinguishing between spirits, to another, different kinds of languages, to another, interpretation of languages. 11 But one and the same Spirit is active in all these, distributing to

each person as He wills.


SESSION 5 © 2015 LifeWay


God has uniquely gifted us to serve Him.


10 minutes

DISCUSS: Invite your group members Notes

to turn their attention to the image at the bottom of page 45 of the Personal Study Guide (PSG). Ask: “What’s one

TIP: The article, “Spiritual Gifts Survey” (page 16) offers a concise spiritual gifts inventory and list. Have time? Send the link out to your group members and encourage them to learn more about how God has gifted them.

job or task that you find especially fulfilling?” RECAP THE PSG (PAGE 46): Know any “gifted” people? When I hear the word “gifted,” it takes me back to the third grade. I don’t know how—or why—but I was chosen to go to the school library once a week and work with a “gifted” teacher. The teacher challenged me to write using my imagination, but all I wanted to write about was Jesus. That previous summer I had given my life to Christ, and He was all I could talk about. However, the teacher told me if I did not open up my mind to other subjects, I would have to go back to the not-so-gifted classroom. And so I got kicked out of the “gifted” class because my gift was talking about Jesus. SAY: “The Bible talks about giftedness in a whole different way. God gifts His followers in a way that is far different—and far greater—than any talents or ‘giftedness’ that get recognized in our society.” GUIDE: Call the group’s attention to The Point on page 46 of the PSG: “God has uniquely gifted us to serve Him.” ACTIVITY (OPTIONAL): To illustrate the importance of each person using his or her gift in the body of Christ, cut Pack Item #5 into pieces to create a jigsaw puzzle. Distribute all the pieces among your group members. Invite your group to assemble the puzzle, noting how each person’s piece is needed to complete the task.

Use Pack Item #5 for the optional opening activity.

PRAY: Transition into the Bible study with prayer. Pray for your group members to gain a clearer understanding about how God has gifted each of them for His purposes. BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE © 2015 LifeWay


10 minutes

STUDY THE BIBLE 1 Corinthians 12:4-6



Now there are different gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 There are different

ministries, but the same Lord. 6 And there are different activities, but the same God activates each gift in each person. READ: Ask a group member to read aloud 1 Corinthians 12:4-6. SAY: “We slap labels on folks to make distinctions, and frankly, that’s easy to do. Yankees and Red Sox. Blue collar and white collar. Republican and Democrat. Cat people and dog people. The church in Corinth also found a way to divide itself.” SUMMARIZE: Share with your group a summary of what was happening in Corinth at this time: ]]

The Corinthian believers had created faulty divisions around whom they considered to be their leader (1 Corinthians 1:10-13). This was faulty because every single believer within the church is under the lordship of Christ.


Paul wanted the Corinthian believers to grasp the significance of unity in the life of the church. The same Lord and Christ in your life is the same Lord and Christ in my life.


Every follower of Christ knows Him and experiences Him in a personal and powerful way because the Holy Spirit indwells all believers.


The Holy Spirit has taken up residence to work in and through us. Part of that work is empowering us to serve God using the spiritual gifts we’ve

ALTERNATE QUESTION: What can we learn from these verses about God’s intention for His church?

been given. DISCUSS: Question 2 on page 48 of the PSG: “What have you learned about the definition and importance of spiritual gifts?” RECAP THE PSG (PAGE 48): Even though there is one Spirit, one Lord, and one God in our lives, He works in our lives in different ways. The same Spirit gives “different gifts.” And all of those spiritual gifts can be used in “different ministries.” In other words, even believers who have the same spiritual gift can be used by God in a variety of ministry settings and opportunities. The result is “different activities.”


SESSION 5 © 2015 LifeWay


God has uniquely gifted us to serve Him.

1 Corinthians 12:4-6 Commentary God gives spiritual gifts to believers. Verses 4-6: First-century Corinth, located not far from Athens, was known as an extremely immoral city, even by the standards of ancient Greek society. Located on an important trade route, the city was a major center of commerce and trade, and was the third largest city of the time, after Rome and Alexandria. Paul first went to Corinth on his second missionary journey (Acts 18:1‑18). During that time, Paul apparently established one or more local churches. Later, while preaching in Ephesus, Paul wrote the Corinthian believers to correct the Corinthians’ misunderstandings of his previous letter, to respond to issues raised in a letter the Corinthians had sent to Paul (7:1), and to deal with several issues that were causing division within the Corinthian church. This section in 1 Corinthians has been interpreted in various ways. While some have hesitated to explore the work of the Holy Spirit, others have focused almost exclusively on the Holy Spirit. What we need is a healthy balance in order to understand who the Spirit is and how He wants to work in us and through us to extend God’s kingdom. The study of spiritual gifts has resulted in significantly different views. One view holds that some of the gifts (often referred to as the “sign gifts”) which were present in the early church ceased at the end of that period, while the remaining gifts are still present today. Another view is that all of the gifts mentioned in the New Testament are still being given by the Spirit. Paul started this section of his letter by acknowledging the reality and diversity of spiritual gifts. Paul wrote that there are “different gifts” (1  Corinthians  12:4); “different ministries” (v.  5), and “different activities” (v. 6). By stating that there were different gifts, he was setting the stage for his later emphasis that though there are many different gifts, all are essential for the work of God’s kingdom (vv. 12‑31). By referring to different ministries, he was perhaps indicating that the same gifts could be used in different ways according to the will of the Holy Spirit and in light of what service was most needed at a certain time and place. The different activities might refer to the different results in the way the Holy Spirit worked through different believers with the same gift. To emphasize the commonality of spiritual gifts Paul referred to “the same Spirit” (v. 4), “the same Lord” (v. 5), and “the same God” (v. 6). Here is a strong picture of the divine Trinity, the revelation of God as Father (God), as Jesus Christ the Son (Lord), and as the Holy Spirit (Spirit). Paul did not mean that only the Holy Spirit is responsible for the variety of gifts or that only Jesus is responsible for the different ways they are used or that only the Father is responsible for the different results. God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—are always perfectly united even though Scripture usually speaks of them working in individual ways. Paul stressed the common work of all three Persons in giving, guiding, and empowering of spiritual gifts to each person—in the lives of all of Jesus’ disciples.



10 minutes

STUDY THE BIBLE 1 Corinthians 12:7-10

Notes 7

A demonstration of the Spirit is given to each person to produce what

is beneficial: 8 to one is given a message of wisdom through the Spirit, to another, a message of knowledge by the same Spirit, 9 to another, faith by the same Spirit, to another, gifts of healing by the one Spirit, 10 to another, the performing of miracles, to another, prophecy, to another, distinguishing between spirits, to another, different kinds of languages, to another, interpretation of languages. READ: Ask a group member to read aloud 1 Corinthians 12:7-10. SUMMARIZE: Paul wanted Corinthian believers to grasp several truths about God’s intentions for them. ]]

Paul explained that a spiritual gift is a ”demonstration of the Spirit.” The Holy Spirit works in and through a Christ-follower, empowering him to serve God. This act also reveals the working of the Holy Spirit.


Each Christ-follower has a spiritual gift given to him by the Holy Spirit.


God has given us these gifts so that we might build up, strengthen, and encourage the church; reveal Christ; and glorify God. Properly using your gift accomplishes all three.

DISCUSS: Question 3 on page 49 of the PSG: “What spiritual gift do you ALTERNATE QUESTION: How do we identify our spiritual gifts?

have (or can you identify with)?” SUMMARIZE: Paul’s list of spiritual gifts found in this passage is not an exhaustive list. He listed other spiritual gifts in Romans 12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 12:810,27-30; and Ephesians 4:11. Peter briefly discussed spiritual gifts in 1 Peter 4:9-11. DISCUSS: Question 4 on page 50 of the PSG: “When have you benefited personally from the spiritual gift of another person?” TRANSITION: Since God gifts individuals differently, the combination and use of those gifts together multiplies the ways believers can serve Christ and His church.


SESSION 5 © 2015 LifeWay


God has uniquely gifted us to serve Him.

1 Corinthians 12:7-10 Commentary God gives a variety of spiritual gifts. Verse 7: Here, Paul communicates several truths about spiritual gifts. First, he calls them ”a demonstration of the Spirit.” As each believer allows the Spirit to guide and empower him or her, the believer reveals the working of the Spirit through his or her service to God and others. Next, he said that “each person,” that is, each of Jesus’ followers, has a spiritual gift. Each Christian has received the gift of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:9), and the Holy Spirit gives each disciple one or more spiritual gifts. Finally, Paul explains that the gifts are given “to produce what is beneficial.” Beneficial for whom? Not for the one with the particular gift but for the church, the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:16). Verse 8: At this point, Paul began to list some of the gifts of the Spirit. Besides the gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12, other lists are found in Romans 12:6‑8; Ephesians 4:11; and in 1 Peter 4:11. None of the lists are identical. Apparently, Paul and Peter were not concerned with providing a comprehensive listing of all the gifts bestowed by the Holy Spirit. They wanted to encourage the believers to participate fully in the Spirit’s work and to warn them about misuse of the Spirit’s gifts. In verse 8, Paul mentioned two gifts: “a message of wisdom” and “a message of knowledge.” A person with the gift of wisdom has been given greater insight into God’s truth, particularly in relation to salvation through Jesus Christ. A person with the gift of knowledge has been given the ability to help (teach) other believers see how to apply God’s truth to everyday living. Verses 9-10: Faith is necessary for salvation. When we respond wisely to the good news about Jesus Christ, we are saved. Every true believer has that kind of faith. However, the spiritual gift of faith is something more. This kind of faith enables a person to see what God plans to do and to believe in and proclaim this reality with great passion. “Gifts of healing” refers to the supernatural ability to heal people of physical illnesses. A more literal translation of “the performing of miracles” is “the workings of powers.” Paul may have been indicating a broader type of power than miracles of physical healing. Most of us tend to think of prophecy as the ability to reveal God’s plans for the future. However, the Bible shows that the main use of this gift was to speak God’s truth with a special degree of clarity and boldness. “Distinguishing between spirits” refers to the Holy Spirit giving some believers the ability to determine if the teachers and leaders are being led by God or by Satan. While the exact nature of “different kinds of languages” and “interpretation of languages” is debated, a careful study of 1 Corinthians 14 provides additional insight. Apparently in the Corinthian church, individual members would jump up randomly during worship meetings and begin making sounds that no one could understand. No one was concerned about teaching or encouraging the body of believers. In chapter 14, Paul showed the superiority of prophetic messages and gave clear guidelines for worship that builds up the body. BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE © 2015 LifeWay


10 minutes

STUDY THE BIBLE 1 Corinthians 12:11



But one and the same Spirit is active in all these, distributing to each person

as He wills. READ: Ask a group member to read aloud 1 Corinthians 12:11. SAY: “God has orchestrated His church so that no one has everything he needs without the involvement of others in his life. We were designed to live in relationship; therefore, through God’s distribution of the gifts, we are interdependent on each other even as we depend on Christ.” ALTERNATE QUESTION: Why is it significant that God distributes the spiritual gifts according to His will?

DISCUSS: Question 5 on page 51 of the PSG: “How has God uniquely gifted our group to serve Him and others?” DO: Instruct group members to complete the activity on page 50 of the PSG on their own. If time allows, call on volunteers to share their responses. God Works Through Us: ]]

Which of the following represents how you feel about your own spiritual gift? _____ I don’t know what my gift is. _____ I know my gift, but I’m unaware of opportunities to serve God using my gift. _____ I know my gift, but I don’t want to risk failure or looking foolish. _____ I know my gift, but I don’t have much time to devote to serving God with it. _____ Other: _____________________________


When you see an opportunity, how ready are you to employ your spiritual gift? (Place a mark on the scale below.)


Ready to Go

TRANSITION: Just as every body part is important, your gift is your valuable contribution to the body of Christ.


SESSION 5 © 2015 LifeWay


God has uniquely gifted us to serve Him.

1 Corinthians 12:11 Commentary God gives spiritual gifts as He sees best. Verse 11: Paul concluded this section with a strong statement about the right attitude toward spiritual gifts. He reminded his readers that all the gifts he mentioned come from the Holy Spirit. They are gifts of power to be used according to the Spirit’s direction and for the Spirit’s work of strengthening and extending God’s kingdom. The Spirit gives these special abilities to each believer “as He wills.” While Paul admonished, “desire the greater gifts” (1 Corinthians 12:31), we should beware of falling into the trap of asking for a particular gift for ourselves because of a desire to use it for our own glory instead of for God’s. We should trust the Spirit’s perfect wisdom and His sovereign authority to distribute the gifts as He sees fit. Our response should simply be humility, gratitude, and awe that we have been equipped in these ways to join together in the building of God’s kingdom.

Previous Biblical Illustrator articles “Paul’s Spiritual Gifts Lists, A Comparison” (Summer 2010), “The Gifts of the Holy Spirit” (Fall 1991), and “Symbols of the Church” (Summer 1975) relate to this lesson and can be purchased, along with other articles for this quarter, at Look for Bundles: Bible Studies for Life.



5 minutes

LIVE IT OUT SAY: “If you are a Christ-follower, God has uniquely gifted you to serve Him. What will you do with the gift God has given you? ”


GUIDE: Lead group members to consider the responses to the Bible study listed on page 52 of the PSG. ]]

Discover your gift. If you’ve never taken a spiritual gifts inventory (or it’s been a while), take one this week. This will help you discover your giftedness as well as ways you can exercise it in and through your church. Search online for “LifeWay Spiritual Gifts Survey” to find a description of spiritual gifts as well as a way of identifying yours.


Look around you. Be on the lookout for an opportunity to use one of your spiritual gifts to help someone this week. Pray for opportunities and seize them when they arrive.


Commit to encourage someone else in their spiritual gift this week. Come alongside someone else and help them gain a better understanding of their gift and then exercise it.

Wrap It Up
 SAY: “As a follower of Christ, consider yourself gifted. When you use your gift and join with other believers who are using theirs, you’ll get to join God at work in and through His church.”

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SESSION 5 © 2015 LifeWay